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Dr. Vaidya's Ayurveda Experts Consultation

Consult our trusted & experienced Ayurvedic doctors for better health and wellbeing. 100% private & free online consultation for Indian Residents.

Ayurvedic doctor online

Our Team Of Ayurvedic Doctors

Dr.Surya Bhagwati - Best Ayurvedic Doctor in India

Dr. Surya Bhagwati

BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine, and Surgery)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic doctor with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

Dr. Vaidya's Provide Holistic Ayurvedic Treatments

Dr. Vaidya’s team of in-house doctors have treated thousands of patients with:

Get the Right Treatment with Dr Vaidya’s

Dr. Vaidya’s Ayurvedic doctors provide personalized treatment to their patients with a holistic approach supported by a comprehensive skillset.


Years of Ayurvedic formulation


Successful online consultations

Customer Testimonials On Dr. Vaidya's Ayurvedic Doctor Consultation

The doctor quickly understood the underlying problem I was suffering from that caused my migraines. She gave me an ayurvedic prescription along with a diet and lifestyle plan which helped remedy the root cause of my migraines.

Chitra Pandey, 22

Law Student

Staying home every day, plus the stress of the pandemic ended up with me gaining over 25 kgs in 10 months. I came to Dr Vaidya’s for a safe and natural weight loss solution as I had seen in their ads.

Raju Chanda, 37

IT Executive

I sought Dr Vaidyas because I struggle with insomnia. Now, I’ve been taking the prescription for a few weeks and I can feel myself being able to get better and longer sleep.

Geetanjali Lata, 53


My eczema had gotten so bad that simply going outside caused me to break into hives. I was popping antihistamines almost every day but was told by my doctor to seek an alternative solution instead. Thanks to Dr. Devrukhkar at Dr Vaidyas, I can now enjoy the outdoors without worrying about my eczema flaring up!

Kalpana Sami, 25

MBA Student

My ongoing problem with piles was causing problems for me regularly. I was recommended to seek an Ayurvedic doctor for a long-term solution which led me to Dr. Vaidya’s Ayurvedic clinic. Within a month of being on their herbal medicine, I started to notice the effects.

Radheshyam Chandra, 31

Electrical Engineer

Diabetes had almost forced me to be reliant on insulin injections but the doctor at Dr. Vaidyas clinic helped me chart out a diet and exercise routine that would support the Ayurvedic medicines in stabilizing my blood sugar levels.

Devendra Kumar Rai, 49

Bank Manager

Reserve your 15-minute FREE Online Ayurvedic consultation with our trusted and experienced Ayurvedic doctors today.

Online Ayurvedic Consultation FAQs

Do you have questions about our online Ayurvedic doctor consultation services?

Here are the frequently asked questions on Dr. Vaidya’s online Ayurvedic doctor consultations:
What are the online Ayurvedic doctor consultation charges?

The first online doctor consultation is FREE for Indian residents. To book your free 15-minute consultation,click here. Your next FREE online consultation can be booked after 30 days.

Will I need to have to turn on my video during the Ayurvedic doctor consultation?

Yes, you will need to turn your video on during the online consultation. Observing your skin, eyes, nails, and the overall physical constitution is required to successfully provide you with a tailor-made Ayurvedic treatment.

What should I expect from the online Ayurvedic doctor consultation?

The Ayurvedic specialist will start by conducting a detailed examination of your health.Our consultations follow the Ayurvedic principles of questions (Prashna), observation (Darshan), and treatment (Chikitsha). This includes your current diet, lifestyle choices, and your environment.

Are Ayurvedic treatments safe for everyone?

Ayurveda makes use of natural herbs and minerals to address the root cause of your illness.These Ayurvedic treatments have been formulated over centuries to be safe.

Does Ayurveda work?

Ayurveda is a time-tested science that is founded on the principles of balancing your Doshas while addressing the root cause of your health problems. Since it works from the inside out, it takes longer to see visible results as compared to allopathic medicine but provides long-term significant benefits.

Will the Ayurvedic doctor online be able to help treat my chronic disease?

Ayurveda is known to be effective at treating several chronic diseases and ailments. That said, several factors affect the efficacy of Ayurvedic treatments. These include your age, gender, health status, as well as how well you adhere to your doctor’s advice.

Do I need to be a vegetarian to benefit from the Ayurvedic doctor’s advice?

You don’t have to be vegetarian to benefit from Ayurveda. However, your Ayurvedic specialist may advise you to switch to a plant-based diet as part of your treatment, based on your current health condition.

Can I continue taking my existing Allopathic medicines along with my new Ayurvedic medicines?

Most Ayurvedic medicines are safe to be taken along with Allopathic medicines. However, consult your Ayurvedic doctor about this to be sure.

How do I sign up for another free online Ayurvedic consultation?

You can sign up for another Ayurvedic doctor consultation after 30 days from your previous consult by clicking here. You can also email our Ayurvedic doctor or call our customer service representatives to book your slot.

What are the charges for international residents?

International customers looking for an online Ayurvedic consultation will be charged Rs. 500. Click here to sign up today.

How fast is the medicine shipped to me?

Our Ayurvedic doctors in Mumbai will dispatch your Ayurvedic medicine with 24 hours of your online consultation. It can take up to 7 days to reach your location and may vary depending on the delivery address.

Who should I contact about any questions I have regarding the medicines I’ve received?

Emailorcallyour Ayurvedic Specialist if you have any questions regarding your Ayurvedic medicine.

Is the Ayurvedic doctor consultation online payment system safe?

Yes, our website uses VeriSign 256-bit SSL data encryption to protect your data. This means that you can make online payments for your Ayurvedic consultation without worry.

Who is the best ayurvedic doctor near me?

A quick check online can help you find the best ayurvedic doctors near you. However, most doctors prefer you to opt for their online consultations when possible. Dr. Vaidya’s online ayurvedic doctor consultations provide you with the best ayurvedic doctor counsel from the comfort and safety of your home.

India's New Age Ayurveda Platform



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