Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturing Company | Dr.Vaidya’s Contract Manufacturing

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Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturing with Dr.Vaidya’s

Dr. Vaidya’s (Herbolab India Pvt. Ltd.)offers product development, conceptualization and manufacturing facilities for Ayurveda products. The company owns 100+ FDA approved formulations for Ayurvedic proprietary medicines along with an in-house research and development team ready to explore specific requirements of our clients.

Our Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturing Services

We offer an end to end experience to develop and launch/manufacture Ayurvedic products. Our services include:

  • In-house Product development and prototyping facilities with our 6-person in house R & D team.
  • Contract manufacturing/Third party manufacturing for all Ayurvedic and herbal products.
  • An in-house design team that can assist in labelling and packaging requirements too.
  • Ayurvedic experts to help with labeling and product description/content.

Our In-house Ayurvedic Products Manufacturing Facilities

Ayurvedic Products Manufacturing Facility

Standard Shipping Worldwide

Herbolab houses a 20,000 sq.ft. factory and is situated in Silvassa, Dadra Nagar Haveli (Union Territory)- about 180 km from Mumbai.

Research based ayurvedic manufacturing company

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In-house laboratory, product testing, new product development and prototyping facilities with ateam of 6 experts.

ISO certified Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturing

24/7 online support

Herbolab is an ISO 9001:2015, GMP certified entity, which functions as the manufacturing arm of Dr. Vaidya’s that has recently been registered with the US FDA.

Standardized ingredients for ayurvedic medicine manufacturing

100% Safe & Secure Checkout

Herbolab specializes in standardizing the synergy of the active ingredients of multi-herb extracts. With our stringent quality controls, rigorous trials and unique synergized approach we ensure that each product reaches its maximum potential.

GMP certified ayurvedic manufacturing company
ISO certified Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturing

Third Party Ayurvedic Manufacturing Capabilities

Ayurvedic balms manufacturing
Ayurvedic capsule manufacturing
Ayurvedic Syrups Manufacturing
Ayurvedic Oil Manufacturing
Ayurvedic Powders Manufacturing
Ayurvedic Pills Manufacturing

Contact Us

Testimonials about our Ayurvedic Manufacturing Company

Dhyanesh Shah

Mosaic Wellness

"We are associated with Herbolab India Pvt Ltd for over 1 year now for our manufacturing requirements and looking forward to a valued long-term partnership."

Gaurav Gupta


"Dr. Vaidya’s has helped us in R&D for our products and their expertise has helped us work with better formulations."

Our Expertise

World Wide Presence

Standard Shipping Worldwide

Worldwide presence including in the USA and UK

FDA Approved Ayurvedic Formulas

100% Safe & Secure Checkout

100+ FDA Approved Formulations

State of the Art Ayurvedic Manufacturing Facility

24/7 online support

State of the art in-house manufacturing facility

Team of qualified ayurvedic experts

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Team of 6 Qualified and Experienced Experts

 500,000 Ayurvedic Medicine Manufactured till date

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More than 10,00,000 units successfully delivered.

You can download our product catalog and presentation here:

India's New Age Ayurveda Platform



5 Lakh+

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