Gain Weight Naturally with Ayurved

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Gain Weight Naturally with Ayurved

Published on Jan 07, 2019


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Gain Weight Naturally with Ayurved

In a world where Instagram pictures and looking fit is very important, people often tend to use extreme measures to look good. Strict diet, skipping meals, heavy exercise, etc. become so very important to people that they forget to take care of their health. Where many people run after losing those extra kilos, there are also people who suffer from malnourishment and dream for a weight gain. Being too fat or too thin is a crime and people take extensive measure to ‘fit in’ to the criteria of beauty.

While taking care of oneself and looking fit is a good thing, one must also take care of what one is eating and what one should not eat in order to look just the perfect size. There have been many meeatingdical schemes and chemical supplements on how to lose or gain weight but most of them are not even worth trying. That is where people start to think about natural alternatives.

When you think of how to gain weight naturally, it is relatively easy with the help of an Ayurvedic mass gainer and the right kind of tips for weight gain. Ayurved determines your optimal weight by your body constitution i.e., vata, pitta and kapha. Ayurved has proven itself as a holistic approach to weight problems because of the years of research and heritage. You can gain weight in the safest manner with the use of herbal supplements for weight gaining. 

A few tips for ‘Weight Gain’ in natural way

For gaining weight in completely healthy and natural way, you can follow these tips:

Do Yoga, Meditation and Exercise regularly

Ayurved always suggests that there should be a perfect balance in your mind & body. Stress can aggravate eating disorders, poor eating which can lead to a drastic change in weight as a side effect. Practising yoga and meditation on a regular basis is an effective weight gain tip that most people ignore. Besides practicing  yoga and meditation, you can follow these exercises that help you gain weight fast.

Include fruits and vegetables into your diet

Weight loss is a very obvious reaction when a person is suffering from an illness. One must keep in mind that while recovering from an illness, he or she should gain weight to get the body back in fighting shape. This process should occur gradually and naturally with the help of weight gain supplements and the right kind of food. Adding healthy foods like fruits and vegetables that contain natural sugar will not only help to increase energy and immunity but also help with a healthy weight increasing process.

Eat healthy foods

It is a reality that people with a Vata dominant physiology are typically thin. But, right kind of weight gain tips and supplements can balance this. You must eat right to build up immunity and boost your digestive system. It is recommended to include food items like nuts, seeds, whole and unrefined grains, starchy veggies, root vegetables and oils in your diet.

Build your ojas

Another weight gain tip is to build your ojas. Ojas means vitality, vigour and stamina. Herbs and superfoods like ashwagandha, shatavari, ghee, raw honey, coconut, dates, saffron, milk and almonds can help in building the ojas which in return will help you to gain weight.

Quit Smoking 

Another tip on how to gain weight naturally that is also is very effective but less known is to avoid stimulants. ‘Addictions’ like coffee, smoking, drinking caffeine-rich drinks, energy drinks and even dark chocolate disturb the regular function of the digestive system which in return helps in weight loss rather than weight gain.

While keeping these tips in mind, one must know that there is another healthy way to gain weight, naturally. Dr Vaidya’s who work continuously on making medicines that free you from any ailment have come up with a pack of three very amazing weight gain medicines for effective results. The combination of these products is Dr.Vaidya's Weight Gain Pack. In the pack, you get weight gaining supplements called Herbofit, Chakaash and Pachak that ensure that you have a proper digestive system and a building immunity system that will help you in gaining weight.

Let’s have a brief look at these products.

Herbofit is a weight gain supplement that has a concentrated extract of 21 active ingredients like Amla, Elaichi, Lavang, Kesar, Jayfal, etc. infused in the form of a capsule. These are some convention Chyawanprash ingredients in the form of a capsule that has all the benefits of the best chyawanprash for immunity. The herbs in this supplement prevent illnesses and ailments and increase the appetite. This in return helps in gaining weight naturally.

Another great weight gain supplement is Pachak by Dr Vaidya’s. If you ask us how to gain weight naturally, this Ayurvedic medicine works to improve absorption of the good elements in one’s diet. Pachak is a mass gain supplement which stimulates the ‘digestive fire’. It allows better absorption of nutrients that leads to natural weight increase. It has ingredients like Sindhalun or Sendha Namak which helps to soften stool, improves digestion and helps in removing intestinal and abdominal gases, pipper in this weight increasing supplement strengthens the immune system. Shahjira, Taj, Amla, Sunth also help in gaining weight by balancing the proper function of the digestive system.

Chakaash becomes the third important medicine for weight gaining. With an infusion of herbs like Javantri, Elcha, Tejpatra, Dhania, Gulab, etc. this Ayurvedic chyawanprash toffee helps in boosting the immunity and gain weight. This weight gain supplement gives you the nourishment and energy boost traditionally present in Chyawanprash and is very easy to consume because of it being a toffee.

Gaining weight has never been easier. Get your pack of weight gain supplements by Dr. Vaidya’s now and see the difference in your weight gradually. Take one capsule of Herbofit after your healthy breakfast, one teaspoon of Pachak daily after lunch and dinner and 2-3 toffees a day for effective results. With the use of these tips and this amazing pack of supplements for weight increase, you will get the desired results without any side effects. So be ready for a better, healthier version of you with Dr Vaidya’s Weight Gain Pack.

Dr. Vaidya’s  has more than 150 years of knowledge, and research on Ayurvedic Health Products. We strictly follow the principles of Ayurvedic philosophy and have helped thousands of customers who are looking for traditional Ayurvedic medicines for ailments and treatments. We are providing ayurvedic medicines for these symptoms –

  acidityhair growth, allergyPCOS careperiod wellnessbody paincoughdry coughjoint pain kidney stoneweight gainweight lossdiabetespilessleep disorderssexual wellness & more ”.

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Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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