Ayurvedic Remedies for Natural Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

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Stress and Anxiety

Ayurvedic Treatment for Anxiety

Published on Nov 27, 2018


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Ayurvedic Treatment for Anxiety

People have a vague idea of anxiety and only people who suffer from anxiety really know what happen when an anxiety attacks occurs. For those of you who don’t know, anxiety is a feeling where a person feels uneasy, and has a sense of worry or fear in them. Anxiety can be mild or severe. Anxiety can be referred as your body’s natural response to stress. You start feeling scared or apprehensive about what’s to come. We all feel anxious at some point of time, be it a first day at the new job, a difficult exam, a job interview and it is considered really healthy to be anxious at such times.

But if you start feeling fearful and nervous and your anxiety reached an extreme level then that is something that unbearable them it is something that you should be really concerned about. If your condition lasts for longer than six months or interferes with your life then you might have an anxiety disorder. Ayurvedic medicines for anxiety and stress are the best options that you can take in such conditions to get relief. But before we talk about that, let’s talk about its types and causes.

Anxiety treatment

Anxiety can come in the form of panic disorder, panic attacks, phobias and post-traumatic stress disorder. Talking about panic disorders and panic attacks, they are a condition when a person starts feeling apprehensive, stressful and gets fear about everything and anything. They are not able to control their emotions and get worried about even the smallest of this. People also develop certain phobias. It may prevent you from entering an elevator, crossing the street, talking to people or even leaving your home. PTSD is also a very common condition in which the feeling of fear and stress may be with you all the time. It is intense and sometimes debilitating and if not treated, the anxiety will keep getting worse. People don’t know how to deal with a person with anxiety but thanks to ayurvedic medicines for anxiety, you calm these symptoms that cause anxiety.

Symptoms of Anxiety

Talking about symptoms, let’s discuss the signs of anxiety so that you can point out in a person who is suffering from anxiety. Anxiety attacks can vary greatly, and its symptoms may differ from person to person. These symptoms may also change over time and people may be difficult to deal with. But some of the common symptoms of an anxiety attack include:

Dizziness - Anxiety Symptom
  • Dizziness: A person when suffering from a anxiety attack may suffer from dizziness and fainting at times. It makes you feel weak and you don’t feel like doing anything at all. It drains you out of your energy and a feeling of tiredness remains with you all the time.
Shortness of breath - Anxiety Disorder Symptom
  • Shortness of breath: This is one of the most common symptoms that you can see in a person suffering from anxiety. It gets really hard for a person to breathe and they may feel like there is shortness of breath. This may further make them feel uneasy and uncomfortable.
Sweating - Anxiety Disorder Symptom
  • Sweating: You sweat a lot when you are suffering from a anxiety attack as well. A person feels suffocated and starts sweating when they suffer from an anxiety attack. They might even feel their mouth drying and it often leads to dehydration in the body. Chills and hot flashes at times also occur and controlling these symptoms becomes really difficult.
Worry or fear - Anxiety Symptom
  • Worry or fear: A person starts worrying about little things and they always feel like they are “on edge” and feel like giving up. A lot of crying, distress, fear and restlessness come with these attacks and you don’t really understand why it happening. This is also one of the most common and biggest symptom of anxiety disorder. A person may also have a hard time sleeping and feel that his/ her heart is beating at a very fast speed.

How To Treat Anxiety Disorder?

Now that we know what the anxiety symptoms are, let’s finally talk about about how to cure anxiety disorder. Following are some home remedies for anxiety that a person can inculcate in their routine to get relief from this disorder.

Meditating - Best way to keep anxiety away
  • Meditating: This is one of the most relaxing and effective way to calm yourself. Indulge into meditation and relaxing whenever you feel anxious and it will surely help you stay calm, giving you the strength for dealing with anxiety.
Staying active and exercise - Keeps anxiety away
  • Staying active and exercise: Lazy lifestyle and bad habits can increase your chances of anxiety attacks. Indulge into different kind of workouts and make sure that you are not letting yourself be idle.
Have a healthy diet - beat anxiety
  • Have a healthy diet: A healthy diet will help you more than anything and indulging into food rich in proteins, carbohydrates that will give you energy. Foods like Salmon, Chamomile, Turmeric, Dark Chocolate, Yogurt and Green tea are power foods that you should involve in your diet.
Quitting smoking cigarette - Get Rid Of Anxiety
  • Quitting smoking cigarettes: People get into a habit of smoking cigarettes when they feel anxious or stressed. Let us tell you that it promotes anxiety even more so one must quit smoking cigarettes as it might help in reducing your anxiety levels.
stress relief
  • Stress Relief: From the collection of Ayurvedic Medicines for Stress & Sleep Disorder by Dr.Vaidya’s, this medicine is the perfect solution to your anxiety disorder. It helps in relieving a person from stress and insomnia and keeps the chances of anxiety attacks away. Stress Relief is an ayurvedic medicine for stress that has ingredients like Ashwagandha, Tagar, Brahmi, and Jatamansi that help in dealing with anxiety and stress.

One pill of this ayurvedic medicine daily after dinner can help you cure anxiety. So go ahead and try out this medicine by Dr Vaidya’s and feel a change in your life. Order your pack of Stress Relief now to experience a stress free life.

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Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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