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Piles Care

Ayurvedic Medicine For Piles

Published on Sep 24, 2018


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Ayurvedic Medicine For Piles

Pile is a painful ailment that causes a lot of trouble to a person. Also known as Haemorrhoids, it is a process of collections of inflamed tissue in the anal canal that may contain blood vessels, support tissue, muscle, and elastic fibers. The ailment generally gets better on its own, within two-three weeks, without any medication but gets painful with time. Piles Medicine is available that make the process quicker and also help you get some relief from the pain and what can be any better than home remedies and Ayurvedic medicines for piles!  Here is a list of some useful home remedies and medicines for piles that you can involve in your lifestyle to deal with or avoid hemorrhoids completely.

Home Remedies to Cure from Piles problem

Comfortable long warm baths:

Comfortable long warm baths


Who doesn’t love a nice and relaxing warm bath? But did you know that this acts as a very good medicine for curing piles as well! Try a warm bath and add Epsom salts to the water. These natural salts help to ease the symptoms of piles and gets you some relief. Just sitting in a tub of warm water will help to ease the swelling and reduce the pique caused by piles. You can also use apple cider vinegar to your bath water as it can also be helpful is letting the swelling go away.


Asafoetida for Piles

Commonly known as Heeng, asafoetida has many medicinal uses. It is also a really good Ayurvedic medicine for piles and one must try to include it in their diet. People often used asafoetida in daily curries, dal as it helps in curing various ailments. Heeng mixed in a glass of water, if consumed once or twice, can also help with curing piles. This Indian spice improves digestion and hence cures piles.

Witch hazel:

Witch hazel for Piles

Another useful Piles medicine that is natural and effective is Witch Hazel. Not very widely used, but it is an astringent that can cause tissues to shrink. You can apply hazel directly to the external areas that are affected, to get some relief. Let us also tell you that witch hazel has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties as well and hence can help in reducing the swelling that piles cause. You can dab a cotton ball onto the area after pouring a small amount of pure hazel on it. Apply directly if not effective.

Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera for Piles

The miracle plant of Aloe Vera is a life savior when it comes to piles. This ayurvedic medicine for piles has an anti-inflammatory effect on the areas where it is applied anywhere on the body. It also heals swelling and cuts as it has healing properties. Aloe if applied directly onto the anus area, can provide relief from the burning, itching, and swelling caused by piles.

White juicy radishes:

White juice radish vegetable for Piles

Who doesn’t love eating fresh juicy radishes but this tiny vegetable is a colossal anecdote when it comes to piles. Radishes are considered to be one of the best medicines for piles as it has healing properties that make the pain and swelling go away instantly. This is one medicine that you can find easily as well. Just drink half a cup of radish juice and it will surely help you with curing piles. Drink it twice in a day for more effective and quicker relief. You can also apply a mixture of radish paste and honey as it can also ease the reoccurring pain that is caused due to piles.


Figs for piles

Figs are also a very good ayurvedic medicine for piles. Apart from its sweet-tangy taste, figs have been used to treat many diseases, including piles. Soak dried figs in water overnight and then later, next day you can then consume it for relief. The water that you soaked the figs in can also be beneficial so, so don’t forget to chug that as well.

Ayurvedic Medicine to Cure from Piles

Dr. Vaidya’s Piles Care - Ayurvedic Medicine For Piles

Piles Care: This Ayurvedic medicine is the ultimate anecdote for all your hemorrhoid related problems. Dr. Vaidya’s Piles Care is the best medicine that is available in the market and is safe as well. Where, getting particular herbs and minerals becomes difficult, Dr. Vaidya’s uses the purest forms of herbs and minerals in their medicine for piles. The herbs and other ingredients are obtained from places worldwide that have the purest forms of it and hence is an exclusive bottle of magic that will put you piles away.

With ingredients like Lembodi which has a high soluble fibre content, helps in the body produce softened stools, Harda Chal offers relief from indigestion and constipation, etc. these Ayurvedic products are something you should definitely try. Just one pill thrice a day after meals will cure piles and keep it from occurring again. Piles Care is easily available online, so get your pack now and live a piles-free life.

Dr. Vaidya’s  has more than 150 years of knowledge, and research on Ayurvedic Health Products. We strictly follow the principles of Ayurvedic philosophy and have helped thousands of customers who are looking for traditional Ayurvedic medicines for ailments and treatments. We are providing ayurvedic medicines for these symptoms –

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Get assured discount on a few of our selected Ayurvedic products and medicines. Call us on – +91 2248931761 or submit an enquiry today at care@drvaidyas.com

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Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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