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Piles Care

The Ayurvedic Way to Cure Piles and Fissure

Published on Jun 06, 2018


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

The Ayurvedic Way to Cure Piles and Fissure

Also known as Haemorrhoids, Piles are a condition where the anal canal becomes inflamed or swollen. This happens when the blood vessels present within the lining of the back passage become very wide and inflamed with excess blood.

Anal Fissures are the cuts, tears, or the cracks in the anus and the anal passage. It can be acute or chronic. Before you know about best ayurvedic medicine for piles and fissure, let’s discuss its causes and symptoms.


Piles Ayurvedic Medicine by Dr. Vaidya's

Causes Of Piles

When too much pressure is applied to the veins around the anus, they stretch, which leads to inflammation or swelling. And, this happens when;

  • There is excess pressure exerted during the bowel movements
  • Sitting on the toilet for a long duration
  • Experiencing severe constipation or diarrhea
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Anal intercourse
  • Consuming a low-fiber diet

Symptoms Of Piles

  • Feeling a hard or a painful lump around the anus can be an indication of the piles. This lump may contain clotted blood and then they are known as Thrombosed external hemorrhoids.
  • Feeling bowels are full even after passing the stools.
  • Spotting blood in the bowels.
  • The area around the anus is sore, red or itchy.
  • Experiencing pain during the bowel movement.
Difference Between Piles And Fistula

Causes of Anal Fissure

The most common causes of an anal fissure are;

  • Passing very hard and big stools
  • Constipation or too much pressure during the bowel movements
  • Severe diarrhea
  • Childbirth
  • Crohn’s disease or inflammatory bowel disease can also cause Anal Fissure.

The less common causes of an anal fissure are;

  • Anal cancer
  • HIV
  • Tuberculosis
  • Syphilis
  • Herpes

Symptoms of an anal fissure

  • A tear in the anus
  • Feeling a lump next to the tear in the anus
  • Experiencing piercing pain during a bowel movement
  • Spotting blood during the stools
  • A burning or itching sensation in the anus.

Best Way To Cure Piles And Fissure

1. Water

Drinking water

Apart from Ayurvedic products, water indubitably helps in getting rid of piles. Water transports the necessary nutrients to the cells present in your body and it gets rid of all the toxins from your vital organs. But, what is the correct quantity of water, which one must consume? 8 tall glasses or ounces minimum. So, to make it easier, just consume one glass per hour and you are all set. This remedy will not just prevent piles and fissure, but it will also improve your overall health and add a glow to your skin.

2. Cleanliness


A simple step, but an extremely important one nonetheless. Just like, if you are suffering from an injury, you keep the area clean to avoid infection. Hence, it is mandatory to prevent infection in the anus as it might lead to surgery. Therefore, take a shower at least once every day and clean your anus properly. You can use wet wipes or clean water.

3. Type of tissue

medicated wet tissues

If you are someone who uses tissues, then it is better to switch to medicated wet wipes. Instead of being harsh like the regular dry tissue papers, they can soothe the skin of the anus and become less abrasive. Also, dab some baby powder on your anus, to keep the area clean.

4. A proper diet

Eat A Balanced Diet

As mentioned earlier, piles and fissure are mostly a result of incorrect bowel movement. Hence, consuming a well-balanced meal is the key to correcting this condition. Therefore, every day, consume fruits, veggies, beans, and whole grains. You can also search for ayurvedic products online.

5. Exercise

exercise regularly

Are you wondering how exercise can work? First of all, regular exercise will benefit your overall health, immensely. It will also provide a way to reduce stress and anxiety. And, when you exercise, your heart pumps more blood and when the anus receives a proper quotient of blood, it can heal faster. However, anal fissure makes your exercise options limited. You can; Walk, do yoga, do stretching exercises, kayaking, canoeing, light housework, and gardening. However, avoid riding a bike, lifting heavy weights, sports that require running, other exercises that put a strain.

6. Ayurvedic Medicine for Piles and Fissure

Dr. Vaidya's Piles Care

Ayurved offers the best remedy for almost every disease. Piles Care is an Ayurvedic medicine for piles and fissure, developed by Dr. Vaidya’s. Dr. Vaidya’s is an online Ayurvedic store and clinic, where you encounter genuine Ayurvedic medicines for various ailments. From skincare to regular vitamins, they have it all. You can also consult their in-house practitioner for a quick diagnosis. This Ayurvedic medicine must be taken 3 times a day and is suitable for ages 15-70. For children younger than 15, half a tablet is prescribed.

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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