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Sexual Wellness

Which is the best Ayurvedic medicine for sexual power?

Published on Nov 20, 2020


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

The term sexual power or sex power medicine may seem strange to many of us, especially to Ayurvedic physicians who practice outside of India. However, as any Ayurvedic physician here will tell you - when it comes to sexual wellness, ‘sex power capsules’ are among the most sought after medications. So what do we mean by medicine for sexual power? To put it simply, this is the lay man’s term for performance enhancers to remedy sexual dysfunction and problems that affect endurance, sex drive, and pleasure. 

Sex power medicines would therefore include a range of products that boost libido levels, increase virility and vitality, raise testosterone levels, improve cardiovascular circulation, and lower stress levels. By achieving these goals, sexual performance can be enhanced to a significant degree.

ayurvedic medicine for male sex power
Most pharmaceutical drugs that can be described as sex power medicines, from Viagra to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, pose their own risk of side effects. This is why natural sex power medicines are regarded as a safer choice. Of course, when it comes to any kind of natural medicine, nothing beats Ayurveda.

The Best Ayurvedic Medicines for Sexual Power

With literature spanning over 2,000 years, Ayurved gives us plenty of information on a wide range of sexual disorders and medicinal herbs to treat these conditions. This knowledge is contained in the branch of Ayurvedic medicine called Vajikarana or Vrishya chikitsa. This makes it impossible to describe any single Ayurvedic medicine as the best choice because there are plenty of choices and many that offer exceptional benefits. The best choice can also vary depending on the underlying cause and type of sexual dysfunction. However, we’ve tried to narrow it down as far as possible, only focusing on the best Ayurvedic herbs and medicine for sexual power, depending on gender.

Top Ayurvedic Medicinal Herbs for Men:

1. Ashwagandha


Regarded as one of the most potent rasayana or rejuvenative herbs in Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha is probably the first herb that comes to your mind. This makes sense as ashwagandha is a known testosterone booster and a prominent ingredient in almost every Ayurvedic medicine for male sex power. In addition to boosting testosterone levels, ashwagandha capsule has been found to improve sperm count and motility. As an adaptogenic herb, it can also enhance performance by lowering stress levels. Additionally, ashwagandha is known to improve cardiovascular endurance, which can also help men to last longer in bed.

2. Shilajit

Benefits of shilajit for men’s sexual health


Shilajit is not a herb, but is a natural organic substance that is used as an important ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine. Known to boost vitality and vigor, shilajit is actually an organic exudate from rocks in the Himalayan foothills. It has a long history of use in Ayurved as a sex power medicine to boost libido and endurance. These benefits of shilajit for men’s sexual health have also been confirmed with modern research showing that regular supplementation can even increase sperm count and motility.

3. Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola - Herb increase sex power

A familiar herb in any Ayurvedic physician’s arsenal, gotu kola isn’t the first herb to come to mind when it comes to sexual power medicines. However, the herb is packed with therapeutic properties that can address many of the root causes of male sexual dysfunction. The herb increase sex power through its effects on the circulatory system. To be more specific, it strengthens the blood vessels and lowers venous pressure – this in turn leads to better blood flow to the genitals, which increases not just pleasure, but more importantly the strength and duration of erections.

Top Ayurvedic Medicinal Herbs for Women:

1. Gokshura

Gokshura - Ayurvedic herb for women’s sexual health

Gokshura or gokhru is one of Ayurved’s most valued medicinal herbs. The herb is widely recognized for its therapeutic value and is even popular in the west under its botanical name - tribulus terrestris. Supplements of the herb are commonly used to promote muscle growth and to relieve uro-genital diseases. It is also regarded as an aphrodisiac, with some studies showing that it can help boost libido in women, enhancing both sex drive and levels of arousal. Researchers still don’t understand how exactly gokhru works, but it is remains one of the best choices for women’s sexual health.

2. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha - Herb to improve sexual performance of women

The efficacy of ashwagandha as a sex power medicine for women will come as a surprise to many. However, ancient Ayurvedic sages recognized the multi-faceted potential of ashwagandha and it has also been used in a range of remedies to treat female arousal disorders. This recommendation is also backed by research, as studies suggest that libido boosting benefits may be linked to the neuroprotective and antidepressant effects of ashwagandha. This is significant as female libido and arousal levels are significantly impacted by stress and depression (just as in men). One study also links the improved sexual performance of women taking ashwagandha to the herb’s testosterone boosting effect.

3. Shatavari

Shatavari - Ayurvedic female wellness supplement

This is one of the most important herbs when it comes to relieving almost any form of sexual illness in women, from low libido to infertility. It has a long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine and is an important ingredient in almost every Ayurvedic female wellness supplement. There are various theories today on how the herb works to improve female sexual wellness. The most plausible explanation is that it works through anti-inflammatory action on the uro-genital organs. This could then facilitate healthy ovulation and folliculogenesis, improving fertility levels. On the other hand, improvements in sex power and pleasure are most likely a result of the herb’s testosterone and nitric oxide boost. 

The main benefit of using Ayurvedic medicine is that it is completely natural and allows you to get the benefits of medication without those side effects. However, you should keep in mind that Ayurved emphasizes a holistic approach. In addition to using herbal remedies and medicines to boost sex power, you should also follow an Ayurvedic lifestyle and diet that is suited for your dosha balance.


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Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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