Effective Ways to Manage Piles During Pregnancy | Dr. Vaidya's

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Piles During Pregnancy

Published on Oct 08, 2024


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Piles During Pregnancy

How To Manage Piles During Pregnancy Safely And Effectively

Pregnancy is an exciting thing, but it does come with its fair share of challenges. Many pregnant women experience piles or haemorrhoids, which become uncomfortable. It causes itching, pain, or even bleeding during pregnancy. For many pregnant women piles are bothersome because hormones and the strain of the rising uterus lead to discomfort. If you wonder how to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy, read ahead!

Is It Common To Experience Piles During Pregnancy?

Yes, it’s common for women to suffer from piles during pregnancy. Piles are usually found during the second and third trimesters. Certain factors have been identified that contribute to the risk of developing piles during pregnancy, like:

  1. Increased Pressure on the Blood Vessels: As the baby grows, there is expansion of the uterus leading to tremendous pressure on the pelvic veins that include rectal veins. Such pressure can cause veins to swell up, producing piles.
  1. Changes in Hormones: The level of progesterone hormone is increased in the course of pregnancy, resulting in the relaxation of the blood vessel walls. In addition, digestion is slower, with a tendency to cause constipation, which can be regarded as one of the major causes of piles.
  1. Constipation: Progesterone hormone, changes in diet, or supplementary iron will generally cause constipation in pregnant women. The result of this is pain or piles in the course of attempting to force them out.
  1. Higher Blood Volume: Pregnancy increases blood volume, which can stretch veins and cause hemorrhoid development.

Symptoms Of Piles During Pregnancy?

The symptoms of hemorrhoids during pregnancy are similar to those experienced by non-pregnant individuals but can be more painful due to the pressure associated with pregnancy. The most common symptoms of hemorrhoids during pregnancy are:

  1. Itching: Burning and itching around the anus as a result of vein dilation.
  2. Pain: Pain while and after the passage of stool.
  3. Bleeding: There may be trace quantities of blood seen on the toilet tissue or in the stool.
  4. Swelling: Visible swelling or lumps due to the presence of swollen veins around the anus.
  5. Discomfort: Uncomfortable pressure which is felt in the rectum, especially after sitting or standing for hours.

These symptoms of piles during pregnancy differ from mild to severe and may increase as pregnancy advances, especially in the last few months of pregnancy when the added weight causes tension in the pelvic area.

Treatment For Piles During Pregnancy

The best thing is that piles can often be managed and treated during pregnancy with several home remedies, lifestyle changes, and some natural treatments. Here are effective ways to manage piles during pregnancy:

  1. Increase your fibre content: High fibre will help the stool reduce in size gradually so that it will be easy to pass and not too painful. Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Avoid constipation.
  1. Stay hydrated: Drink water throughout the day. In most cases, constipation and piles are caused by dehydration because stool hardens with dehydration.
  1. Application of Cold Compress: This compress can help relieve the swelling and pain caused by piles. Use an ice pack covered in cloth.
  1. Good Habits of Bathroom: Avoid straining on passing, as this will push piles downward. Time yourself in the bathroom or place a small stool to elevate your feet to make bowel movements easier.
  1. Move Around: Gentle movements like walking or prenatal yoga can be beneficial for healthy blood flow and a minimal chance of constipation. Besides, physical movement does not put much pressure on your pelvic veins.
  1. Warm Bath: Soaking in a warm bath often relieves irritation and pain in the rectal area. You can add Epsom salts to reduce the pressure.
  1. Over-the-Counter Creams: Pile creams and ointments abound exclusively for pregnant women. The creams will minimize the burning, swelling, and aching, though all creams and ointments for use during pregnancy should be consulted with your physician first.
  1. Topical Treatment: Witch hazel pads or medicated wipes can also help ease irritation and inflammation in the area near the rectum.
  1. Avoid Sitting for Long Hours: Sitting for a long time can cause pressure to the veins in your pelvis. Take breaks to walk up or lie down and release the pressure.
  1. See Your Doctor: If piles become painful or unbearable, consult your doctor. In extreme cases, medical care or minor procedures are necessary to remove or reduce the piles.


Managing piles during pregnancy can be tough, but lifestyle modifications and treatments help reduce discomfort and prevent the condition from deteriorating. One can prevent the occurrence of constipation by just maintaining a high-fiber diet, staying hydrated, and practising good bathroom habits. Medicines and treatments: you can also consult your doctor about the safe medicines or treatments that will be considered in the case of pregnancy. Most cases of piles resolve after pregnancy, especially if you take care during this time.


Do piles get worse when pregnant?

Yes, piles can worsen during pregnancy, especially during the second and third trimesters. This is because of increased pressure from the growing uterus, hormonal changes, as well as predisposition to become constipated during pregnancy. However, if managed properly, you can prevent piles from worsening.

Can you get piles removed when pregnant?

Piles during pregnancy is a very rare condition that requires surgical intervention in cases where a lot of pain and complications are involved. Most obstetricians advise non-invasive treatments during pregnancy, while surgery may be indicated post-delivery if required.

Can piles affect delivery or postpartum recovery?

In the majority of cases, piles do not pose any complications at the time of delivery. They usually are uncomfortable at the time of delivery through the vagina only due to increased pressure. Hemorrhoids may exacerbate during the postpartum period if one has to strain during labour. Piles can be taken care of after delivery in most cases by proper management.

Can I use piles cream when pregnant?

Yes, some piles creams are safe to use in pregnancy though always consult with your doctor before using any creams or drugs. They will best prescribe a safe, pregnancy-approved option to reduce the symptoms of piles.

Piles are an unpleasant experience during pregnancy, but they need not interfere with your motherhood journey. Keep being proactive, manage your symptoms with natural remedies, and always put your and your baby’s health above all. If you’re searching for natural, safe products that might alleviate the annoyance of hemorrhoid discomfort during pregnancy, check out Dr Vaidya’s Ayurvedic solutions. The Piles Care products help treat piles naturally, thanks to its powerful formulation containing herbs like Haritaki, Nageskar and Aloe Vera. Beyond that, if you are on your postpartum journey, get fit again or are just trying to burn the stubborn fat. Start your health journey today!

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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