By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Can Stress Cause Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids or commonly known as piles, are swollen veins in the lower rectum and may appear near the anus. Generally, this condition creates discomfort, itching, pain, and sometimes bleeding. Some of the common physical symptoms of hemorrhoids are straining during bowel movements or long sitting periods, but the relationship between stress and hemorrhoids is not easily understood. Can stress trigger hemorrhoids? Let’s dive into how stress and hemorrhoids are related and what you can do to help improve the situation!
Connection Between Stress And Hemorrhoids
Stress affects many parts of our health, one of which is how it changes the digestive system. Of course, when we are stressed, everything in the body becomes thrown off, even digestion. But in which ways does stress cause hemorrhoids? Here:
- Constipation: The leading cause of hemorrhoids is due to constipation. Stress slows down the digestion process, leads to more constipation, and hence harder stools that are passed with greater straining forces which serve to enhance or cause hemorrhoids.
- Tightened Muscles: Once you’re stressed, your muscles tighten up. Among those are the muscles covering your rectal region. The constant tightening can make bowel movements painful and deteriorate hemorrhoids.
- Inflammation: Stress causes inflammation in the body. Hemorrhoids are, if you will, inflamed veins, and stress can exacerbate that inflammation and make hemorrhoids even more painful and harder to heal.
- Poor Dieting: Stress normally causes low-fiber dieting or bingeing and consuming mostly processed foods, leading to constipation. This causes the more forceful action usually required in moving the bowels and thus heightens the propensity to inflamed hemorrhoids.
Main Causes Of Hemorrhoids
The question still remains unanswered, can stress affect hemorrhoids? Well, stress is one of the causes that leads to a hemorrhoid, but there are physiological factors that also cause piles. Such as:
- Straining during Bowel Movements: The most common reason for hemorrhoids is straining on bowel movements. Straining puts pressure on the veins in the lower rectum, making them swell.
- Prolonged Sitting: There is a notion that prolonged sitting, especially at the toilet, is one of the causes of hemorrhoids or aggravates the ones which exist.
- Prolonged constipation or diarrhoea: Both can irritate the veins in the rectum and lead to hemorrhoids. Constipation causes strain while diarrhoea makes one go to the toilet very frequently and irritates the rectal cavity.
- Pregnancy: Increased pressure from the growing uterus affects the lower body and poses an increased risk for hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
- Obesity: Obesity results in strain to the pelvic region and rectal veins as the pressure to the areas contributes to hemorrhoid formation.
- Low Fiber Diet: Diet with low fiber content produces harder stools that make bowel movements laborious in turn increasing the risks of occurrence of hemorrhoids.
How To Manage Stress To Reduce The Risk Of Hemorrhoids
Stress management for piles will also help and minimize your chances of getting hemorrhoids. Here are some ways to manage stress and reduce your chances of hemorrhoids:
- Practice Relaxation Techniques: Inculcate some relaxation methods like deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga into your daily routine for stress relieving, so that muscles in the body are kept relaxed, even those around the rectum.
- Engage in a Lot of Physical Activities: Exercise can reduce stress and even make digestion easy. Regular physical exercises will also help avoid constipation, which is one of the primary causes of hemorrhoids.
- High Fiber Diet: The high fiber diet cannot cause constipation as it softens the stool which can easily be evacuated. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes can ensure regularity and reduce the chances of suffering from hemorrhoids.
- Hydration is the key: "Water, of course, is required for digestion and for the relaxation of the large intestine to permit ordinary bowel movements," Marty states. Thus, resulting in less constipation and, by implication, less straining.
- Establish a Healthy Routine: A regular schedule for meals, exercise, and sleep reduces stress. Once the body falls into a routine, it functions more smoothly and the stress level also decreases.
- Take Breaks: If you sit for long hours, take short breaks, walk around to stretch. This reduces pressure on the rectal veins, and thereby lowers the chances of getting hemorrhoids.
- Limit Time on the Toilet: Longer periods spent sitting on the toilet can stretch veins in the rectum. Avoid using the toilet for other activities or for sitting for long periods; try to keep your bathroom time as short as possible and as efficient as possible.
Blend these stress management techniques with your daily routine, you will lower risks of having hemorrhoids and enjoy a better quality of life
Hemorrhoids are indeed an ordinary condition that a lot of people feel embarrassed or ashamed about, but stress plays a sneaky role in making it worse. Though stress itself cannot directly cause hemorrhoids, it might trigger certain behaviours and physical conditions that might promote the risk. Three sources of stress that may make hemorrhoids more likely or worse are constipation, bad diet, and muscle tension. But administration of stress through relaxing exercises, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and effective bathroom habits will notably help prevent hemorrhoids. Prevention of hemorrhoids requires keeping an eye and working on digestive health in such a way that one can avoid unbearable discomforts.
What can trigger hemorrhoids?
The causes of hemorrhoids include straining during bowel movements, long hours spent sitting, chronic constipation or diarrhoea, pregnancy, obesity, and low-fiber diets. Stress-related factors are constipation and tension in muscles.
Can anxiety cause hemorrhoids?
Yes, through behaviours such as poor eating habits, constipation, and muscle tension, all of which can lead to or exacerbate hemorrhoids.
When should you worry about hemorrhoids?
You should seek medical attention if you are experiencing severe pain, excessive bleeding, or if the piles persist even after being treated with home remedies. This can be a sign of other serious conditions.
Can emotional stress cause piles?
Yes, emotional stress can indirectly contribute to the formation of piles as it might trigger constipation, muscle tension, among others, due to poor dietary habits. The reduction of emotional tension is also part and parcel of getting rid of piles.
If you’re looking for herbal supplements that help with digestive health, then consider Dr. Vaidya’s Piles Care Combo or Piles Severe Combo to help with painful hemorrhoid symptoms. These combos include Piles Care Capsule, Pilocare Cream and Pilocare Juice, which are designed for effective relief from piles. Or you can try home remedies for piles like eating fiber-rich food and taking a sitz bath. For a speedy recovery, add these solutions into your routine!

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)
Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.