By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Well, you should know that the liver is one of the most important organs in the human body for cleansing, metabolism and digestion. Ayurveda states that the liver is the seat of Pitta dosha, where all the detoxification and energy-generating processes are managed in the body. That’s why take care of your liver, the Ayurvedic way!
Tips For Healthy Liver
Make Water Your Best Friend
One of the most effective and best way to keep liver healthy is by staying hydrated as it flushes out toxins and helps in daily liver detox, naturally. Ayurveda suggests warm water throughout the day helps with digestion and maintains perfect functionality of your liver.
Lemon Water To Start Your Day
If you’re looking for the simplest liver health tips, then start your day with warm lemon water and drink it on an empty stomach. Lemons as a source of vitamin C and antioxidants, which is required to dissolve bile in the liver. Bile helps to break down fats and remove any other waste matter in the body. This is one of the simple ayurvedic tips for a healthy liver, so try it today!
Eating Healthy Carbohydrates, Fats, And Proteins
A good diet with the right proportions of carbs, fats, and proteins will be sufficient for the liver. It is one of the tips to improve liver health because it is said in Ayurveda that good nourishments for the liver should include whole grains, legumes, ghee, and olive oil. They help with digestion and do not let toxins pile up inside the body, which is later reduced by the liver.
Regularize Your Sleep Cycle
Another one of the Ayurvedic tips to keep the liver healthy is to get a goodnight’s sleep. Proper sleep in an undisturbed cycle is a measure of good health of the body, including the liver, which performs most of its cleansing processes at night time. Get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, so that your liver can perform its cleansing action well. The liver will align with your wake and sleep cycle, keeping you happy and healthy!
Yoga & Pranayama As A Routine
Many asanas, including twists, forward bends, and some of the inversion postures, stimulate the liver and facilitate its detoxification capability. Techniques like Kapalbhati and Anulom Vilom of Pranayama enhance the supply of oxygen, reduce stress levels, and provide the right ambience for the liver.
Self-Massage With Oil Daily
One of the tips to keep your liver healthy is an Ayurvedic self-massage, called as Abhyanga. This helps revive and rejuvenate the liver. Massage warm sesame oil or any other Ayurvedic oils on your body to stimulate lymphatic flow and blood circulation. This stimulates detoxification and promotes wellness of the liver. Do it daily for healthy living!
Follow A Pitta-Balancing Lifestyle
Ayurveda states that the liver is very similar to Pitta dosha. So, in order to maintain a healthy liver, one needs to balance Pitta. You can easily do it with a cooling diet of cucumber, coconut water, leafy greens, and sweet fruits. Avoid those spicy, oily or fried foods. This may make your Pitta rise up and create pressure upon your liver. Keep your Pitta balanced to keep your liver fit and proper!
Control Chronic Conditions
Proper management of chronic conditions like obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol is important for the healthy liver. According to Ayurveda, excess body weight and imbalance of blood sugar increases Ama in the system, which puts pressure on the liver. Try herbal teas, turmeric and engage in exercise to ease the Pitta dosha. Keep your liver health in check by following ayurvedic tips for healthy liver!
Avoid Overuse Of Medications And Supplements
Continuous consumption of drugs, over-the-counter painkillers and supplements causes great damage to the liver, over time. One of the liver health tips is that natural remedies and herbal supplements should be consumed under medical supervision and in a controlled amount to reduce the load of toxins on the liver. Always get a doctor’s prescription prior to new medication or supplement intake to ensure your liver’s protection.
Limit Alcohol Consumption
One of the leading causes of injury to the liver is overconsumption of alcohol. Limit or avoid alcohol and include liver-enhancing foods like green tea or turmeric milk, which check the detrimental after-effects of alcohol. Eat well and feel the difference!
Importance Of Healthy Liver Function
Liver functions are important for general health. It detoxifies harmful substances, metabolizes fats and carbohydrates, stores vitamins and minerals, and produces bile for digestion. The liver will support weight management, improves immunity, aids digestion, and gives energy boosts if it works at a high level. Medical conditions like fatty liver, cirrhosis, and hepatitis cause severe health issues if left untreated. So, use Ayurvedic practices to enhance liver activity and maintain long term health.
Balancing a healthy liver is the key to well-being, so follow the natural and holistic methods of Ayurveda for support of the liver. From staying hydrated and putting foods into our diet that the liver loves to practicing yoga and pranayama - these ayurvedic tips for a healthy liver will help it function at its best. Manage chronic conditions and avoid excessive use of medicine or/and alcohol to reduce liver health. An Ayurvedic Pitta-balancing lifestyle is aimed at improving the functionality of the liver. Start today!
FAQs On Ayurvedic Tips For Maintaining A Healthy Liver
How to keep the liver healthy as per Ayurveda?
Healthy diet with turmeric and green veggies, staying hydrated, yoga, pranayama and oil massage are necessary for the well-being of your liver.
Can Ayurveda reverse liver damage?
Ayurveda can take care of the liver and help manage certain conditions, like through herbs, detox therapy and diet changes. It can be brought together with modern treatments to assist in improving liver function.
How can I keep my liver strong?
The Ayurvedic tips for a healthy liver is a well-balanced diet, good hydration, and yoga. Stress management and avoidance of alcohol are also keys for keeping your liver health in check.
What is the best home remedy for the liver?
Warm lemon water is one of the best home remedies that keep the health of the liver in good shape. Lemon contains helpful antioxidants that cleanse the body of bad toxins from the liver. Warm water digests food and detoxifies the body.
It’s time to take care of your liver! Incorporate tips suggested by Ayurveda like diet for fatty liver and pranayama into your daily routine. Or get your hands on Liver Care Tablets and Fatty Liver Capsules by Dr Vaidya’s. These natural solutions contain Ayurvedic herbs like Kutki, Giloy, Kalmegh and Bhringraj for natural daily detox and reverse fat deposits in the liver. These products also make your digestion better and you’ll feel more energetic. Order your road to a healthier liver today!

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)
Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.