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Liver Care

Diet For Fatty Liver

Published on Aug 20, 2024


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Diet For Fatty Liver

The right diet makes managing fatty liver convenient. It is a condition where extra fat builds up and, if it’s not well-managed, it can lead to inflammation and damage. However, don’t worry; dietary modification significantly reduces liver fat and restabilizes health. This is a blog that is going to offer you the food groups that you should add to and avoid in your diet, thus helping in coping with fatty liver, hence improving your health. Dive in to find out just how easy changes to your fatty liver disease diet can make all the difference!


Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines are useful for fatty liver disease diet plans. They are full of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been found to decrease the level of fat and inflammation in the liver. These omega-3s facilitate the shape and function of the liver and even support heart health in general. It is, therefore, important to add fish to the diet at least twice a week for optimum health benefits.


Nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pistachios are good sources of fats and fibres meant to be good for the body. This type will become helpful in cutting down liver fats and making functionality better within the organ. Nuts are high in antioxidants and among the best sources of the other vitamins your liver needs. However, one must remember to count how many one eats as nuts are very dense in calories.


Turmeric is a bright yellow spice used in Indian curries and contains an active ingredient called curcumin. Curcumin reduces inflammation in the liver and can carry out restoration of the hepatic function. Add turmeric in your fatty liver meal plan or take supplements to improve liver function.

Sunflower Seeds

These seeds are also power-packed with vitamin E, one of the major antioxidants that help safeguard liver cells from getting damaged. Besides, it contains healthful fats along with a high content of fibre, hence forming a nice option as a snack in the diet plan for fatty liver.


Garlic is a very healthy ingredient on its own; it benefits the functioning of the liver by providing compounds that help reduce inflammation and improve liver function. Flavour up your diet for fatty liver with garlic for excellent taste and boosted nutrient intake for the organ.

Beans And Soy

Beans and soy foods like tofu and edamame rank as the best plant protein sources and foods high in fibre content. They are good at trimming off extra liver fat and enhancing liver functionality to optimal levels. This will also deliver essential nutrients that keep the liver healthy and could be an excellent supplement to your diet for fatty liver.


Good news for coffee lovers, research indicates coffee also has a protective effect on the liver. Major contents of coffee have antioxidants that reduce inflammation. Consume coffee moderately to help keep the liver healthy and avoid liver-associated diseases.


Walnuts are another nut that does a great deal for the health of your liver. Walnuts contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants that almost completely eliminate inflammation and support the general health of the liver. One can include walnuts as part of a healthy and tasty snack in the diet for fatty liver.

Whey Protein

Whey protein, being a high-biological-value protein extracted from milk, has been known to improve liver function and even lower the fat content that accumulates in it. In this context, having natural simple sugars as opposed to maltodextrins will make it much easier for the liver to be able to feed more proteins into the body.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Other than the fatty fish, flaxseeds, chia seeds and hemp seeds are some other sources. Omega-3s lower liver fat and inflammation; hence they form a significant part of the diet in fatty liver conditions. These sources of omega-3 inclusions in the diet for fatty liver will promote your overall health and liver wellness.

Food And Drinks To Avoid

Sugar And Added Sugars

This would most likely also promote fat deposition into the liver, which would exacerbate fatty liver disease. Such exceedingly sweet food products as soft drinks, candies, and some types of pastries are not good for the well-being of the liver.

Refined Grains

Refined grains such as white bread, white rice, and regular pasta—are another food that may make your liver tissue accumulate excess fat. Grains by themselves happen to be pretty low on fibre and other nutrients that are helpful to your liver. Instead, opt for whole grains like brown rice and whole wheat bread.


High intake of liquor will exacerbate the fatty liver and further impair the organ. Therefore, avoidance or curtailment of drinking liquor prevents additional damage to the organ tissue from occurring. Should you opt to do so, drink moderately and consult with your health provider to seek individualized advice.

Fatty, Fried, Or Salty Foods

Some of these foods, which are rich in bad fats, include fried foods, processed foods, salty foods, etc. They can promote the accumulation of fat in the liver and can also be pro-inflammatory. They have a resounding destructive effect on your general health. Think of healthier ways of cooking your food, for instance, baking, steaming, and grilling. Go for fresh and unprocessed foods.


High intake of meat, especially processed or red, causes fatty liver. Therefore, go for lean protein sources like chicken or fish while consuming little red and processed meat.

Red Meat

Red meat like beef and pork has a high amount of saturated fats and cholesterol. These are not very good for the liver. Limit the consumption of red meat and replace it with lean sources of protein to ensure your liver remains healthy.

White Bread, Rice, And Pasta

These foods include white bread, white rice, and regular pasta, all of which are made with refined grains. These continue to feed the growth of fat in the liver. Opt for whole-grain versions to provide more fiber, other nutrients, and support overall wellness in liver function.

The ways to control fatty liver are through careful dietary choices and embracing a healthier lifestyle. Browse through Dr Vaidya’s Ayurvedic medicine for fatty liver that keeps your liver in check. Take Fatty Liver capsules to give your liver the nurture it deserves. Encapsulated with Kutki, Giloy and Kalmegh, it’s time to take care of your liver and feel healthier!

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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