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Daily Wellness

8 Post-Holi Skin And Hair Care Tips You Must Follow This Season

Published on Mar 29, 2021


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

8 Post-Holi Skin And Hair Care Tips You Must Follow This Season

The festival of colours is an occasion that allows everyone around to join in on the fun. But Holi and the various colours bring with them bad skin reactions, skin allergies, acne as well as dry and damaged hair. After all, even if you used Eco-friendly colours, there’s no guarantee that your friends or neighbours did the same.

But if you followed my previous post on the top 10 pre-Holi tips for skin and hair care, your skin and hair are probably thanking you right about now. This is also going to make getting the remaining bits of colour out a much easier job.

This post will note the best way to naturally get rid of the Holi colour from your skin and hair.

8 Post Holi Natural Skincare And Hair Care Tips:

1. Remove Holi Colours From Facial Skin

Use foaming face wash to cleanse your face

The skin on your face is delicate and is easily damaged if it's rubbed too vigorously. So, start with gently remove the colours by using a foaming face wash to cleanse your face.

Follow this up by applying coconut oil to your skin and let it stay for 5 minutes. Wash your face again with the foaming face wash and dry it with a soft towel. Apply a moisturizer to rehydrate your dry skin in the end.

2. Try Ayurvedic Face Masks

Ayurvedic Face Masks

Ayurvedic face masks can also help soak up the colours for clear skin. Avoid chemical peels and face masks as they cause more harm than good. Dr. Vaidya’s Herbocharm is a 100% natural face mask with 12 Ayurvedic herbs and no chemicals.

Do note that natural, herbal, or Ayurvedic face masks will probably take a little longer to show results than chemical face masks. But the long-term skin health benefits of soft and supple skin are worth the patience of using a natural face mask to remove colours from the skin.

3. Cleanse, Tone, And Moisturise

Cleanse, Tone, And Moisturise

The CTM (Cleanse, Tone, and Moisturise) ritual can help get rid of the colours faster but is only recommended to be done 1-2 days after Holi. Pairing this with your natural face mask also does wonders for your skin.

At this time, you shouldn’t change your skincare products as they may cause unexpected reactions to the Holi colours. You should also avoid going to the beauty parlour/salon for the next few days to give your skin time to heal first.

4. Ice Your Skin

Rub Ice On Your Skin

Post-Holi skincare is all about repairing the damage done by the colours as safely and quickly as possible. One way to repair the skin is to soothe it by rubbing it with ice.

Rub your skin with a few cubes of ice wrapped around a thin cloth. This will help your skin cool down while helping to shrink your pores and making your skin look smoother.

5. Apply Sunscreen When Going Out

Apply Sunscreen When Going Out

Playing around during Holi may have made your skin more sensitive and tender. So, using sunscreen to protect the skin cells from free radical damage is a good idea. You should be doing this every time you leave the house but it’s doubly more important after Holi.

Don’t forget your hands, feet, and any other part of your body that’s exposed to the sun. Also, remember to reapply the 30+ SPF sunscreen every two hours to maintain its effectiveness.

6. Give Your Skin A Break From Makeup

No Makeup

While Holi is a fun time of the year for you, your skin ends up taking a lot of damage due to the colours. Your makeup can also have a bad reaction to the colours. So, give your skin a break and go makeup-free for a few days.

Not wearing makeup can also allow the skin to breathe freely and help with its recovery. You can use light makeup if required, like compact powder or BB cream. But avoid heavy foundations and using too many products at a time.

7. After Holi Hair Care

Wash Your Hair - Post Holi Skin And Hair Care

If you ended up with dry colours in your hair, brushing it off can get most of the colours out. But for wet colours, start with rinsing your hair with cold water. You can also use Herbaal Ayurvedic hair cleanser to take off the colour. Using chemical-rich shampoos can further degrade your hair health to give you dry and fizzy hair.

Using a hair conditioner to rehydrate the hair is also a great idea. Following this up with an Ayurvedic hair oil can further nourish your hair.

8. Talk To Your Skin Specialist

Talk To Your Skin Specialist

Those with very sensitive skin or those who ended up covered with harsh chemical-laden colours may experience negative reactions this Holi. If this is you, I recommend you talk to your skin specialist.

While it may seem like rushing to the skin specialist may be overkill, you should always err on the side of caution. If you can’t visit a skin specialist soon, you can book an appointment with Dr. Vaidya’s online Ayurvedic doctor consultations.

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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