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Daily Wellness

Top 10 Pre-Holi Tips For Skin And Hair Care

Published on Mar 26, 2021


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Top 10 Pre-Holi Tips For Skin And Hair Care

Holi is the festival of colour celebrated across India and the world. Playing Holi with family and friends is as fun as planning your Holi event and colours. Unfortunately, Holi colours can be quite harsh on your skin and hair. So, being proactive by following these Holi tips for skin and hair care can help lessen the damage caused by the Holi colours.

Top 10 Holi Tips For Skin And Hair Care:

1. Protective Layer For The Skin

Moisturizing Lotion Protects Skin From Holi Colours

Adding a protective layer to your skin is a good way to help limit your exposure to harmful Holi colours. After washing your face, you should apply a moisturizing lotion with a good SPF rating. Follow this up with massaging the skin with a few drops of olive oil and removing any excess oil using a tissue.

2. Ayurvedic Hair Oil For Protection

Ayurvedic Hair Oil For Hair Protection

Just like the skin, you can add an extra layer of protection to your hair with Ayurvedic hair products. You can choose Ayurvedic hair oil or regular coconut castor oil to massage your hair and scalp before Holi. Leave-on conditioners and hair serums also do wonders at protecting the hair from damage. They can also make it easier to clean the colours from your hair.

3. Pick Breathable Fabric Clothes

Use Cotton Clothes For Holi - Holi Tips For Skin And Hair Care

When you are picking out your Holi clothes, you should opt for loose-fitting clothes with a breathable fabric like cotton that is comfortable. Tight and synthetic clothes can lead to rashes as well as allergic reactions when exposed to colours, even if they are quick to dry.

4. Nothing Beats Covering Up

Cover Up For Holi Wardrobe

You won’t have to worry about damaging your skin with Holi colours if they can get to your skin. Consider full-sleeved t-shirts/tops or kurtas as well as full-length joggers, trousers, or salwar for your Holi wardrobe. Additionally, covering up won’t just protect you from the colours but also sun exposer that can cause free radical damage to the skin cells.

5. Cover Up Your Hair

Wear A Cap For Holi

Holi colours, even those made with eco-friendly ingredients are harmful to your hair. If you are someone with long hair, consider tying it up in a ponytail or bun before playing Holi. After all, your hair is more likely to soak in more colours if you leave it open. For those with shorter hair, consider wearing a cap or bandana over a plastic shower cap to protect your hair from the colours.

6. Ready Your Nails For Holi

Apply Nail Polish To Protect Your Nails From Holi Colours

Colours can settle and enter your body through your nails, making it essential that you prep your nails for Holi. Its recommended that you keep your nails short and paint them with a dark shade of nail polish. You should also rub a little olive oil on your nails before you play with the colours, limiting the chance of them being stained.

7. Protect Your Lips, Eyes And Ears

Apply Petroleum Jelly To Eyelids, Lips, And Ears

Your lips, eyes and ears are easy to access points for Holi colours to get into your body. Colours lodged in these cracks can also be difficult to clean. It's recommended to apply a little petroleum jelly to these parts to prevent the colours from being lodged. Be careful when applying the petroleum jelly on your eyelids and under the eyes as getting it inside your eyes can cause some discomfort.

8. Don’t Forget About SPF For UV Protection

Apply Sunscreen - Holi Tips For Skin And Hair Care

If you are planning to safely enjoy Holi games outside, be sure to apply sunscreen before heading outside. It’s recommended that you opt for an SPF30+ or stronger sunscreen which is either waterproof or water-resistant. You should also reapply the sunscreen every 2-3 hours to best protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

9. Stay Hydrated

Stay Hydrated By Drinking Water

Holi with its coloured waters and excitement can cause us to forget the importance of staying hydrated. Dry and dehydrated skin can more easily become sunburnt and result in a dull and lacklustre look. This combined with the harsh Holi colours can result in damaged skin that looks lifeless. So, just make sure you stay hydrated by drinking sufficient water during the Holi festivities. If you are planning to drink alcohol, be sure to drink plenty of water since alcohol causes dehydration.

10. Talk To Your Skin Specialist

Talk To Your Skin Specialist

Holi colours can cause reactions to some skin conditions. So, if you are being treated for a skin condition, talk to your skin specialist about how to safely play Holi without worsening your skin condition. Dr. Vaidya's online doctor consultations are also an easy way to connect to an Ayurvedic practitioner via video call. In addition, Ayurvedic skin care products that combat skin ailments using herbal ingredients should also be considered this festive season. Also, please share these Holi tips for skin and hair care with your friends and family this Holi.

Related post: Post-Holi Skin And Hair Care Tips And Tricks.

COVID-19 Notice: In line with the recent spikes in COVID-19 cases, several cities have banned public gatherings for Holi celebrations. So, let us follow the COVID guidelines of our local government body this Holi to do our part in stopping the spread of this virus.

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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