Summer Skin Care Tips: 8 Essential Skin Care Tips to Follow This Summer

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Summer Skin Care Tips: 8 Essential Skin Care Tips to Follow This Summer

Published on Apr 05, 2021


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Summer Skin Care Tips: 8 Essential Skin Care Tips to Follow This Summer

Summer is almost here, and it brings with it plenty of sunshine, heat, and the inevitable sunburn. This season, while going on trips and vacations is not an option for most people (due to the ongoing pandemic), taking care of your skin should still be a priority. In this post, we will go through the top 8 summer skin care tips to maintain healthy, glowing skin this summer.

8 Essential Summer Skin Care Tips

What Happens To Your Skin During Summer?

Summer makes the weather a lot warmer while increasing the humidity in the air.

This combination of environmental factors means that your skin’s sebaceous glands produce more sebum (natural oil). The natural oils end up sticking to the surface of the skin, resulting in blocked pores and greasy skin. The blocked pores also increase the risk of acne breakouts.

Harmful UV rays from the harsher sunlight also increase the risk of skin cell damage due to free radicals. Staying in the sun for longer can also result in more melanin being produced, resulting in a darker, more tanned skin tone.

In addition to these issues, summer also brings about prickly heat, itchy skin, rashes, and sunburn for you to deal with.

8 Essential Summer Skin Care Tips:

1. Use Face Wash To Remove Excess Oil

Use Face Wash - Face Care Tips

The hot weather can cause your skin to produce excess natural oils, making your skin greasy. To get rid of the excess oil (along with the dirt and grime), use a pH-balanced face wash. A quality ayurvedic face wash comes with several skin-friendly ingredients like Neem, Feverfew, and Lavender.

2. Ditch The Heavy Makeup For A Breathable Skin

Ditch The Heavy Makeup - Healthy Skin Tips

Wearing heavy makeup can prevent your skin from breathing. This, combined with the summer heat and humidity, makes it an even more difficult task for the skin to breathe. That said, a light toner can be a big help for those who want to wear a little makeup. Simply put, opting for a light toner over wearing heavy makeup are great summer skincare tips.

3. Always Moisturize Your Skin

Moisturize Your Skin With Glowing Skin Products

While some moisturizers can leave you feeling greasy, you can get a non-greasy moisturizer to hydrate your skin. There are also some glowing skin products out there that have an SPF rating for better skin protection. The best time to apply moisturizer is right after your bath.

4. Wear Sunscreen When Going Out

Get Best Moisturizer With SPDF 30+

While COVID-19 has forced us indoors, we still need to go outside for getting essentials. So, while wearing a face mask is important, wearing sunscreen is also one of the top summer skin care tips to follow this summer. Ensure that the sunscreen you are using has at least an SPF 30+ rating.

5. Take Care Of Your Lips And Eyes

Best Skin Care Products

It is not just your face and hands that get the brunt of the UV rays. So, do not forget to take care of your lips and eyes. You can get an SPF lip balm for your lips. Eye gels with moisturizing properties are also great to avoid dark circles.

6. Free Up Your Pores By Exfoliating Regularly

Best Product to Tighten Pores

It is important to exfoliate your skin at least twice a week to get rid of the excess oil and dirt plugging up your pores. You can use a mild chemical-free scrub or make one at home. Also do not forget to exfoliate your neck and lips as well.

7. Hydrate Your Skin For Radiant Skin

Hydrate Your Skin - Best natural skin care tips

The summer temperatures can cause your skin to dry out. So, rehydrating your skin is one of the best natural skin care tips you can follow. You can use Ayurvedic skin care products like Dr. Vaidya’s Herbocharm to revitalize your skin with 100% natural ingredients. This Ayurvedic skin treatment contains natural ingredients that can expel toxins for healthy, glowing skin.

8. Follow A Good Summer Skin Care Routine

A good skin care routine can help maintain healthy skin while reducing the risk of acne, rashes, and sunburn. This skincare routine should include natural products for glowing skin like a lightweight cleanser, toner, and moisturizer.

If you follow these 8 healthy skin tips, your summer skin care should be ready for getting healthy, glowing skin this summer.

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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