By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Since the symptoms of a hangover are very uncomfortable many hangover prevention pills have been introduced. But, anti hangover pill only helps with the symptoms. Most prescription anti-hangover pills don’t take care of damage that the liver has to endure. So in the following article, we discuss the characteristics of a hangover, hangover prevention, and a special Ayurvedic dual purpose anti-hangover pill.

Characteristics of Hangover
Feeling of nausea, vomiting, headache, heightened senses, lethargy, dehydration and a sense of heaviness are some of the general characteristics of a hangover. Certain symptoms might vary from person to person. If people have a very low tolerance for alcohol they might also experience diarrheas, fevers and joint pains.
The alcohol consumed is generally ethyl alcohol. It is a colorless liquid in its purest form. It tends to dissolve in the bloodstream as soon as it is consumed. It quickly affects the nervous impulses leading to the intoxicated feeling. It is metabolized into Ethan aldehyde which is the actual toxin. Ethanaldehyd not only causes a hangover but also liver damage.
Hangover causes severe dehydration. This drains the body of its mineral wealth and its energy source. This causes all the symptoms. So, when a hangover cure is created all these factors have to be considered. The hangover cure should replenish the mineral and energy sources and also take care of the liver.
Hangover Treatments
Several effective therapies were developed by Ayurvedic medicine a long time ago. The main objective of Ayurved based hangover cures was to: -
• Cope with the symptoms.
• Curb the damage done to the liver.
• Promote de-addiction.
• And if it is a hangover prevention pill it should act quickly.
Some easy steps can act as effective hangover cures
Eat before you drink: -
Drinking on an empty stomach might cause a quick assimilation of alcohol by the stomach. This could cause a very bad hangover as large amounts of alcohol would be assimilated quickly. Eating something very substantial would prevent this from happening.
Re-Hydrate: -
Water is one of the best and most accessible hangover cure. Most symptoms of a hangover are caused because of dehydration. So, consumption of water deals with dehydration. It also helps in cleansing the body of toxins.
Fruits (the natural anti-hangover pill): -
Consumption of citrus fruits can effectively combat the symptoms of a hangover. Consuming a glass of orange or lemon juice replenishes the nutrients that were lost. Bananas are both great electrolyte supplement and incredible energy supplements. Eating a couple of bananas might serve as the perfect hangover cure. Other fruits you could consume include Kiwi.
Hearty Breakfast: -
A wholesome breakfast consisting of Eggs predominantly with a side of bread could help cure a hangover. Eggs have essential amino acids that help eliminate toxins from the body. Meanwhile, the bread provides the required carbohydrates
Shirodhara as a hangover cure: -
Shirodhara is an Ayurvedic therapy that involves applying cold packs to the head and the body. This has proven to be a very effective hangover cure.
LIVitup- Best Hangover Cure Medicine

It is an Ayurvedic hangover medicine for hangover cure which not only helps you in dealing with hangover symptoms but also takes care of the health of your liver by preventing the alcohol from metabolizing into acetaldehyde (which is responsible for the scaring of the liver). It is made using an age-old recipe used to deal with alcohol and Ghutka addiction. Excessive alcohol consumption chiefly hinders the functioning of your liver by scaring and damaging its tissue ultimately causing Liver cirrhosis.
LIVitup consists of Lactose, Aroghyavavardhini Ras, and Kalmegh Ghan, which help, in neutralizing the effects of alcohol, regenerating liver cells and preventing inflammation respectively. It is one of the perfect very few Hangover cures which help with the immediate effects will also take care of any long-term effects.
The product is retailed on Dr. Vaidya’s website. This product is might just be the hangover remedy you were searching for all along.
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Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)
Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.