Fruits for Weight Loss: Best Low-Calorie Choices | Dr. Vaidya's

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Top 22 Fruits For Weight Loss: Fruits That Promote Natural Fat Burn

Published on Jul 30, 2021


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Top 22 Fruits For Weight Loss: Fruits That Promote Natural Fat Burn

Take your pick of the 22 fruits for weight loss mentioned in this post.

Why? Because these weight loss fruits can supercharge your fat burn for a leaner and slimmer physique.

We live in the day and age of convenient home deliveries and cheap fast foods. This has resulted in many Indians becoming overweight.

But the good news is that a good diet and exercise plan can help get your weight loss back on track.

The best time to eat fruits is in the morning on an empty stomach.

A nutritionist can better help you in creating a diet plan that is specifically for you. However, talking to one of our Ayurvedic consultants can also give you an Ayurvedic solution to improve your weight management.

If you are looking for an Ayurvedic weight loss solution, get Dr. Vaidya's Weight Reduction Pack.

In this post, we will discuss the top 22 fruits that can help boost your fat loss.

1. Apple:

Apple - Fruits For Weight Loss

One of the most common fruits in Indian households as well as a very popular weight loss fruit.

Apples are rich in fibers and low in calories, making them ideal for weight loss.

They also contain phytosterol, beta-carotene, pectin, and flavonoids, helping to promote fat burn.

2. Mango:

This tasty seasonal fruit is perfect for your weight management.

Mangos are packed with antioxidants, iron, magnesium, and fiber. These nutrients ensure that your appetite is under control, thereby becoming one of the many fruits for weight loss.

3. Amla:

This fruit is packed with Vitamin C that helps promote immunity, energy levels, and weight loss.

Amla boosts digestion and metabolism while promoting effective fat burn.

You can eat Amla or drink Amla juice for its weight loss benefits.

4. Plum:

This weight loss fruit is rich in Vitamin C and A, antioxidants, and protein.

Plums (and other stone fruits) help promote weight loss while also being beneficial to heart, skin, bone, and eye health.

5. Guava:

This fruit is a low-calorie snack with only 37 calories in a single fruit

Guavas also contain 260 mg of protein in a 100-gram serving of the fruit.

The key components in the weight loss fruit are antioxidants, lycopene, and vitamin C.  These also help in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels while promoting fat burn.

6. Raspberry:


Packed with plenty of fiber, Raspberries help people with their weight loss.

Red raspberries contain Raspberry ketones which help increase body fat burn and metabolism while reducing appetite.

7. Apricots:

This fruit is great for weight management due to its high fiber content and digestive benefits.

Apricots, whether fresh or dry, can help promote weight loss due to their ability to promote digestive health while increasing satiety.

Along with weight loss, this fruit promotes metabolism, eye and skin health while preventing constipation.

8. Pears:

Large concentrations of Vitamin C and fiber are the reasons Pears are considered one of the best fruits for weight loss in India.

The increase in fiber intake helps you stay full for longer while Vitamin C helps promote fat burn.

9. Peach:

This fruit is perfect for you if you are searching for a tasty low-calorie fruit to enjoy during the day.

Like many on this list, Peaches are densely packed with fibers and vitamins that promote the feeling of fullness.

Peaches also contain potassium and antioxidants that can help you lose weight.

10. Jackfruit:

This is one of my favourite fruits and a great source of Vitamin B6, A, and antioxidants.

Jackfruit works by boosting your metabolism while its high fiber content helps keep you feeling full.

11. Banana:

Banana - ayurvedic medicines for sex stamina

This is probably the most common fruit in Indian homes due to its easy availability and low cost.

A favourite post-workout snack for bodybuilders looking to bulk up, a banana is a great source of instant energy and healthy calories.

Along with its workout benefits, it also helps manage blood pressure and protects against acid reflux.

12. Papaya:

This tasty fruit is ‘simply perfection’ when eaten with some sprinkled sugar on top.

Papaya is a well-researched digestive food that is also low in calories and fat.

It contains vitamins, minerals, iron, and calcium to provide weight loss benefits.

13. Pineapple:

If you are looking for solid fat burn results, make pineapple your go-to fruit.

Pineapples contain bromolean enzyme that can boost digestion.

Some have found that eating pineapple every day helped keep the weight off.

14. Strawberries:

Strawberries are the perfect snack that is delicious as well as healthy.

Antioxidants, Vitamin C, and other nutrients help make Strawberries a great weight loss fruit.

Along with weight loss, your skin health will also improve with this tasty fruit.

15. Grapefruit:

A popular weight loss fruit that’s shown to help overweight people lose weight in a few months without any additional exercise.

Grapefruits have a high fiber content that can help with weight reduction. Its nutrients can also boost metabolism and burn belly fat.


16. Black Grapes:

Black Grapes - Fruits For Weight Loss

Grapes are a tasty treat that you can take in your lunch box or eat as an afternoon snack.

Grapes, especially black grapes, are rich in dietary fibers and antioxidants that can help you lose weight naturally.

17. Watermelon:

This fruit has high water content and very few calories, making it a great fruit for hot summer days.

Watermelon can also help with weight management as eating or drinking its juice won’t increase your weight.

Because of its 91% water content, eating this fruit can fill your stomach quickly. It can also help promote detox which further promotes weight loss.

18. Avocado:

While somewhat expensive for the average Indian, Avocados are a great source of healthy fats.

Avocados also promote weight loss because of the high-quality fiber this fruit contains.

In addition to weight reduction, the fruit also helps improve joint and heart health as well as blood pressure.

19. Orange:

Weight loss is possible with fruits like oranges that have only 47 calories in a 100g serving.

Oranges are rich in Vitamin C and are proven to promote natural weight loss.

20. Kiwi:

While uncommon in the average Indian household, Kiwis are a great source of weight loss benefits.

Kiwi fruit has a sweet and sour taste and works by improving your satiety.

The small seeds in the fruit have insoluble fiber that can become quite filling.

That said, Kiwi also has soluble fiber that can help your feeling of fullness and promoting weight loss.

21. Pomegranate:

Pomegranates - Fruits For Weight Loss

If you eat Pomegranate regularly, you can get a stronger immune system while also experiencing natural and safe weight loss.

Take this tasty treat to school or office and munch on it as a quick and easy snack.

22. Lemon:

Lemonade has always been a weight loss juice that’s proven to burn fat.

Similarly, eating lemons or lemon-based foods can help promote weight loss.

Drinking lemon juice regularly is one of the easiest ways to lose weight.



Final Word:

Any one of these 22 fruits for weight loss can help you with weight management. Of course, coupling this with a healthy and balanced diet as well as regular exercise can enhance weight loss even further.

A quality weight loss product like Dr. Vaidya's Weight Loss Pack can promote your fat burn results.

But if you are struggling with losing weight and want a faster and more effective method of fat burn, consult our in-house doctors for an Ayurvedic solution to weight loss.  

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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