What Are The Side Effects of Excessive Masturbation | Dr. Vaidya's

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Sexual Wellness

Understanding The Side Effects Of Excessive Masturbation

Published on Nov 26, 2024


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

side effects of excessive masturbation

A topic that people are shy to talk about, but masturbation is a natural activity that many people engage in. It is, in fact, a healthy part of exploring one’s sexuality. They like say, too much of anything is not good for your body, similarly, can lead to certain physical and psychological side effects.

Side Effects Of Excessive Masturbation

Feeling Guilty

Excessive masturbation may bring feelings of guilt, often socially, culturally, or even personally. For whatever reason, no one by nature really has to feel ashamed, but people do tend to feel guilty if their habits interfere with other things in life.

Prostate Cancer

There are no clear conclusions involving masturbation and the risks of prostate cancer. On the contrary, increased frequency of ejaculation-be it from masturbation or any sexual activity-is believed to offer protection by helping flush out unhealthy substances in the prostate.

Reduced Sexual Sensitivity

Overstimulation through too much masturbation can sometimes reduce the sensitivity, and it becomes difficult to enjoy the pleasure in actual sexual intercourse. This is a temporary phenomenon that can be lessened through control over frequency and by changing habits.

Effects On Personal Life

If it interferes with everyday responsibilities, relationships, or personal goals it affects the quality of one’s life. Healthy balance should always be maintained and put in perspective.

Premature Ejaculation

For some, side effects of excessive masturbation can lead to premature ejaculation. This is because the routine may perpetuate speedy arousal and ejaculation patterns that may spill over to a relationship.

Hair Loss

There’s no evidence by science to confirm that one of the side effects of excessive masturbation is hair loss. It is caused by genetics, levels of hormones, and other factors that have no connection with masturbation.

Chronic Fatigue

While it does not have any physical side effects, frequent masturbation can be tiring when it keeps one up late at night or robs them of rest and sleep. It can also become tiring when done excessively without recovery time. Generally, it varies with rest and moderation.

Penis Shrinkage

Penis shrinking is not linked to masturbation, although over-stimulation may cause temporary swelling or pain, which might provoke anxiety. This should be temporary and should subside when the activity is stopped.

Social Shyness

Some people who experience over masturbation side effects become extremely shy in social communities due to reasons of potentially feeling guilty or ashamed about their actions. This may lead to the person having low self-confidence and self-esteem.

Low Self-Esteem

A person, if being uncomfortable about his masturbation practices, might start to beat himself for it or lose self-esteem. Talking openly with a mental health professional can help in losing such feelings.

Unfocused Mindset

One of the harmful effects of masturbation is that it can affect the degree of concentration and productivity because it acts as an obstruction between work, study, or personal activities and has to be regulated by setting personal boundaries for focus.

Low Sperm Count

There is no scientific evidence that shows masturbation side effect is that it can cause a permanent decline in sperm count. On the contrary, frequent ejaculation might temporarily result in a reduction of sperm count as this count is replenished within a day or two.

Swollen Genitals

Excessive masturbation might sometimes cause temporary swelling of the genital area because of the increased blood supply to that region. This is also harmless and resolves on its own.

Dhat Syndrome

This is a psychosomatic phenomenon prevalent in some cultures, with a fear of seminal emission. In this condition, the loss of semen is equated with the loss of energy. Education and counselling tend to alleviate the problem.

Lower Back Pain

The pain can be in the lower back and caused by muscle tension or bad posture. The better you feel about the activity and take a balanced approach, the lower the incidence of side effects.

Truth & Myths About Masturbation

Masturbation has many myths to it, and it’s very important to differentiate between a fact and a myth:
1) Myth: Masturbation leads to going blind or growing hairy palms.
Truth: There is absolutely no scientific basis for these claims. These myths happened as scare tactics with no factual basis in the first place.
2) Myth: Masturbation affects fertility.
Truth: Masturbation has no impact at all on fertility in the long term. Frequent ejaculation can sometimes lead to a temporary low sperm count, but it replenishes fast.
3) Myth: Masturbation leads to impotence. .
Truth: Casual masturbation would hardly make any changes to erectile function. But heavy masturbation can temporarily decrease sensitivity-diminished performance.

Is Masturbation Bad For Health?

Masturbation itself is not bad. It is perfectly innocuous and has many positive effects in moderation, for example, reducing stress or helping one get a good night’s sleep. However, sometimes some amount of masturbation can cause the problems discussed above. Remember, moderation is key.

Signs You Should Seek Medical Advice

If you experience any of the following, you should consider a consultation with a doctor:
- Physical Distress: You feel persistent pain, swelling, or aches that will not go away
- Disruption of the Daily Routine: You find that masturbation now interferes with work or relationship, or any other aspect of your well-being.
- Psychological Matters: Feelings of guilt, shame, or self-criticism that you find unacceptable to handle on your own
- Chronic Fatigue: You find that you have unrelenting drowsiness or tiredness which may impair energy and productivity


One should know what side effects of excessive masturbation can do to you. It’s good to make informed choices about your sexual health and overall well-being. You can also try natural remedies for erectile dysfunction, but always remember that moderation is the key.


Can masturbation cause blindness?

No, masturbation doesn’t cause any blindness. This is actually just a common myth with no scientific proof.

Can masturbation impact your workout?

Masturbation has little effect on physical performance. However, excessive masturbation causes transient fatigue, so moderation needs to be exercised.

Can I recover from the harmful effects of excessive masturbation?

Yes, most effects are reversible. There can be full recovery usually when frequency is reduced and lifestyle adjustments are implemented.

What are the potential side effects of excessive masturbation, around 3 to 4 times daily, in males?

Excessive masturbation can cause tiredness, transitory sensitivity problems, and an interference pattern in daily activity. Reducing frequency and engaging in other activities tends to reduce these effects.

Does everyone masturbate?

Masturbation is the most common sexual behavior of all humans. Habits and frequency vary intensely, depending on personal preference, beliefs, and lifestyle.

Looking for ways to reduce the masturbation urge? Check out Dr Vaidya’s Ayurvedic medicines online. They have high-quality Ayurvedic formulations to support your sexual health. Shop now!

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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