Foods That Cause Constipation: What to Avoid | Dr. Vaidya's

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Foods That Cause Constipation

Published on Oct 03, 2024


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Foods That Cause Constipation

Top 15 Foods That Cause Constipation

Have you ever suffered from constipation? Well, it is one of the most common digestive problems that everyone experiences at some point in life. However, there are many causes for constipation, and diet plays an important role. There are several foods that can cause constipation, low on fiber and high in fat. Below are the top 15 constipation causing foods and how they affect your body digestion. 

Processed Foods

Processed foods may be convenient, but they are packed with preservatives and unhealthy fats with low fiber content. Such a combination usually slows the digestion process due to their constipating nature. It includes packaged snack foods, instant noodles, and ready-to-eat meals. As a food that gives you constipation, they are mostly stripped of natural fiber content, which is critical in the easy digestion process and smooth bowel movements.

Red Meat

If you wonder which foods cause constipation, count red meat at the top of the list! It is high in both protein and fat but very low in fibre, hence causing constipation. Moreover, red meat is usually more slowly digested as compared to other foods. As a result, it spends more time inside the digestive system, which further slows down the movement of waste through the intestines, leading to less frequent bowel movements.

Dairy Products (Milk, Cheese, Ice Cream)

Foods which are high in fats and low in fibres include dairy products such as milk, cheese, and ice cream. Normally, these are foods that cause constipation foods due to their high concentration of fat and low concentration of fibre. In some people, the consumption of dairy causes bloating and stomach discomfort, making the situation worse.

Fried Or Fast Foods

Fried and fast foods are usually a source of high fat and low fiber. That is why foods like fries, burgers, and fried chicken can be hard for your digestive system to process, causing constipation. These constipation causing foods take a long time to digest because of their high fat content, while stools have a hard time passing through the intestines.

Unripe Bananas

While bananas at their ripping stage are good for the stomach, unripe bananas contain starch that becomes hard for the body to digest and could lead one to constipation. The starch in bananas turns to sugar as they ripen, so avoid unripe bananas, if you’re prone to constipation.

White Bread

White bread is a food that gives you constipation as it contains less fiber and more starch. This leads to constipation because the digestive system cannot easily pass stool through the intestines since it lacks fiber that contributes to a smooth process. 

Refined Grains (Pasta, Rice)

Pasta and white rice remove their fiber contents during the process, making them foods that can cause constipation. In the absence of fiber, these are harder to digest, leading to constipation. Instead, cook using brown rice and whole wheat pasta, which is much more beneficial in healthy digestion.


Chocolates, especially those with a higher percentage of fats, are foods that cause constipation in some people. High-fat percentages in chocolate slow down the action of digestion. This means that this will not be easily passed through the digestive tract. Aside from this, some people experienced their condition being worsened once they consumed chocolates.


Alcohol causes dehydration, which is often a primary reason for constipation. This way, alcohol can cause there to be less fluid within your intestines, which then creates hard stools that are rather difficult to pass. In addition, alcohol slows down the digestion process, thus worsening constipation.

Gluten-containing foods (Wheat, Barley, Rye)

Gluten is the protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. And if you’re a person who is suffering from gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, the consumption of constipation-causing foods is a bad idea. Gluten triggers an inflammatory response within their intestines resulting in discomfort and constipation.


Eggs are a good source of protein but very low in fiber, causing constipation when taken in high amounts without other fiber-rich food sources. Digestion and bowel movements may also be slowed down if eggs are taken in isolation with no vegetables and whole grains included.


Persimmons are fruits which cause constipation, especially if taken in excess amounts. It contains tannins which slow down the movement of food in the intestines. If you like persimmons, take them in controlled quantities to avoid digestive problems.

Caffeine (Coffee, Tea, Soda)

Caffeine works as a diuretic to increase the rate of urination, contributing to dehydration. As one of the foods that can cause constipation, coffee induces motion for some people, but excessive amounts of caffeine lead to constipation.


Chips and other salted foods are full of fat and low in fiber. Such foods cause constipation because they decrease the speed of digestion in the gut and contain far too little fibre to ensure that stools move easily. Instead of eating chips, try fibre rich snacks such as nuts or fruits.

Frozen Meals

Although frozen dinners and meals are convenient, they also contain lots of preservatives, salt, and saturated fats that deprive the body of so much needed fiber. The former slows digestion while causing constipation. If you have to consume frozen meals, then you should at least have them with vegetables or whole grains to help increase your fiber levels.


Constipation can be painful and inconvenient, but knowing what contributes to this problem helps prevent it. If you eat processed foods, red meat, and dairy products, it will slow down your digestive system. Instead, switch to a healthy lifestyle like a diet rich in fiber, stay hydrated and exercise regularly to prevent constipation. Try and see for yourself!


What types of foods are most likely to cause constipation?

Processed food, unripe bananas, eggs, frozen meals and dairy products are constipation causing foods.

How can certain foods contribute to digestive problems like constipation?

Foods with high levels of sugar and fat or low fiber content slow down digestion and bowel movement becomes harder to pass, leading to constipation. 

Are there dietary habits that increase the risk of constipation?

Yes, constipation is caused by eating a low-fiber diet, dehydration and excessive consumption of processed or fried foods. 

How does low fiber intake affect bowel movements?

Low fiber foods add bulk to the stools and allow easier passage through the alimentary canal. More fibre intake in the diet increases bowel movement, while less consumption of fibre leads to constipation, making the stools become hard and dry that becomes challenging to pass.

Facing difficulties in passing stool? Check Ayurvedic solutions at Dr. Vaidya’s like Piles Care Juice, Constipation Relief Tablets and Constipation Care Effervescent Tablets. These natural blends contain ayurvedic herbs for constipation such as Ajwain and Haritaki. It also supports healthy digestive health with regular bowel movements. Say bye-bye to constipation and hello to a healthier and happier you!

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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