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Pain Relief

Top 5 Arthritis Treatments in Ayurveda

Published on Jan 05, 2019


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Arthritis treatment in Ayurveda

Allopathy and Ayurved have always been compared with each other and people have mixed opinions on the usage of these medicines. Although allopathy is preferred widely around the world, there are still many people who trust Ayurved for curing serious ailments. The word Ayurved literally means the science of life as Ayur stand for life and Veda stands for science.  Ayurved focuses on the actual cause rather than focusing on curing the symptoms that cause the occurrence of a disease. Be it be a common cold or a throbbing Arthritis pain, you can get effective relief through ayurvedic medicines.

We all know people suffering from chronic joint pain. Even after the use of allopathic medicines, they seem to get no relief. That’s where one should switch to natural treatment for arthritis. Ayurvedic medicine for arthritis are more effective and safe as compared to allopathy. To cure the chronic, recurring inflammation in the joints, ayurvedic treatments focuses on stabilising the vata disturbance that leads to pain. 

Here are some Arthitis Treatments in Ayurveda

home remedies for arthritis

Regular Messages for Arthritis Pain Relief 

Regular massages are actually very beneficial to fight joint pain. Massaging the affected area with ayurvedic pain relief oil and herbs like almond, sesame, lavender, ginger, and basil help a lot in providing relief. This ayurvedic treatment allows relief from short-long term joint pain. It helps to relax the joints and even help in improving sleep. Massage creates a warm moderate pressure on the joints, which also helps reduce inflammation.

Arthritis pain relief

Hot & Cold Method as a Home Remedy for Arthritis

The hot-cold method is another effective ayurvedic treatment for arthritis. It helps in relaxing the pain and is one of the most economical and simple ayurvedic arthritis treatment procedure. Heat provided to the affected parts with the help of a warm bath, hot towel, etc. can help improve circulation and flexibility. It helps in easing the movement of the joints that pain. Applying something cold to the area helps decrease the pain by numbing the nerve ends. This is one of the safest yet effective natural arthritis treatment for relief from joint pain.

arthritis treatment in Ayurveda

These Herbal Ingredients are Great Ayurvedic Medicines for Arthitis

Common household products like turmeric, chilli peppers are considered as good ayurvedic medicine for arthritis and knee pain. Yes, natural products and herbs have healing properties that cure arthritis effectively. Turmeric has a chemical called curcumin that helps in blocking the main cause of inflammation. It also reduces pain signals in the body and prevents cartilage damage. As for natural element like chilli peppers, they have an effective chemical called capsaicin which has a powerful component called substance P. Substance P is a neuropeptide linked with inflammatory processes. It helps in natural treatment for arthritis by relieving the pain caused in arthritis.


Home remedies for arthritis

Yoga is a Great Home Remedy for Arthritis

To balance the vata dosha that causes pain, Yoga is a very effective natural solution. Yoga helps in relieving stress and anxiety that act as hurdles in balancing the vata. Breathing exercises and meditation can calm us and also reduce pain by improving mobility of the joints. Sun Salutations, Child’s pose, cow pose, supine twisting are some yoga positions that you can try to get relief from joint pain. Sleep also plays an important role as it is linked with inflammation. Medication and yoga also help in getting better sleep.


Ayurvedic treatment

Special Arthritis Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurved has a special ayurvedic treatment for knee pain. Unique panchkarma treatments like Basti treatment, Janu Basti, Podikizi, Abhyangam, and Swedanam performed by Ayurved practitioners helps in providing relief from the pain effectively. These treatments are much more inexpensive than any other treatment available in the market.

Ayurvedic medicines for arthritis and treatments are a better way of treating arthritis as they are free of side effects. Many a time use of allopathy medicines have some side effects that are actually quite grave. These wide effects though will not occur if we use Ayurvedic treatments. The purest herbs and oils with no chemicals are used and hence cause no side effects.

Dr.Vaidya’s has a range of ayurvedic products for knee pain. Its ayurvedic medicines for arthritis like Chyawan Tabs, Pain Relief Capsules, Pain Relif Muscle and Joint pain balm and Pain Relief Oil make it the perfect pack of powerful medicines that will remove joint and arthritic pain from its root cause.

Having 1 capsule of Chyawan tabs daily after breakfast; 1 pill of pain relief three times a day after meals; and applying Pain Relief Oil on the affected area twice daily and applying Pain relief balm on the affected area at night will help us perform our daily chores with no feeling of joint pain.  Order this revolutionary yet natural Arthritis Pack online right now and experience a joint-pain free future!

Dr. Vaidya’s  has more than 150 years of knowledge, and research on Ayurvedic Health Products. We strictly follow the principles of Ayurvedic philosophy and have helped thousands of customers who are looking for traditional Ayurvedic medicines for ailments and treatments.

Get assured discount on a few of our selected Ayurvedic products and medicines. Call us on – +91 2248931761 or submit an enquiry today at

Call +912248931761 or live chat with our Experts for more information regarding our Ayurvedic products. Get daily Ayurvedic tips on WhatsApp – Join our Group Now on Whatsapp Connect with us for a Free Consultation with our Ayurvedic doctor.

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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