By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Learn About The Functions Of Liver
Yes, you heard it right! The powerhouse organ in the human body is the liver, which performs critical functions for your body to keep running like nutrient processing and detoxification of the blood. An individual’s well-being depends on its working, so it’s important to understand the different functions of a liver to create appreciation and prompt better care. Let’s explore the main 10 functions of the liver and how to maintain a healthy liver for a healthier life!
Functions Of The Liver
The liver plays various roles through which homeostasis is ensured in the human body. Here are some of the main liver functions in human body:
- Detoxification
The liver performs one of the most significant jobs: detoxification. This is the process of removing toxins from the blood by breaking them down into less harmful substances like alcohol and drugs that the body can expel. This detoxifying action prevents the accumulation of harmful toxins in the body and causes damage.
- Metabolism Of Carbohydrates, Proteins, And Fats
Body metabolic activities rely largely on the functions of the liver. The liver metabolizes body's excess glucose into glycogen that breaks down to form glucose anytime energy is needed in the body. Further, it metabolizes fats and proteins so that there is a steady supply of nutrients and energy to the body.
- Bile Production
Bile is a digestive fluid that the liver produces and stores in the gallbladder. One of the 10 functions of the liver is to help break down fats in the intestines, thus releasing their respective fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K, for uptake. The absence of bile would seriously impair digestion and absorption of nutrients.
- Storage Of Vitamins And Minerals
The liver contains various vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, D, E, B12, iron, and copper. These are delivered to various parts of the body at necessary concentrations and at steady states, which in turn ensures adequate systemic function. For example, ferritin or iron is stored in the liver, which plays a key role in the production of red blood cells.
- Regulation Of Blood Sugar Level
The main liver function in the human body is to maintain blood sugar levels for the conversion of glycogen to glucose and its backflow into the blood, when the blood sugar levels become low. Conversely, during times of high blood sugar levels within the body, the liver converts surplus glucose into glycogen that the body may conserve for preventing hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia.
- Protein And Cholesterol Biosynthesis
The liver also manufactures blood proteins that assist clotting, immune action and balance fluid, as well as cholesterol. Actually, it is even in this case that cholesterol is synthesized, although this is somehow paradoxical because here a chemically reactive substance produced by the liver tends to be generally harmful. However, it’s necessary to make hormones and bile, as well as help support the structure of the cell.
- Immunological Function
Wonder what are the functions of the liver? Well, it hosts numerous immunocytes, among them being Kupffer cells, which help in the detection and elimination of pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. This makes the liver an organ of vital immunological importance to the human body.
- Removal Of Waste Products
The liver breaks down and removes other wastes in the form of byproducts of red blood cells, including bilirubin. The liver processes and excretes bilirubin in the form of bile. If it could not metabolize bilirubin, the outcome would be jaundice, a disease which causes yellowing of the skin and the eyes.
H2 - Tips For Maintaining A Healthy Liver
Since a healthy liver is seen as a sign of full health, so here’s how you can make sure your liver remains good:
- Limit Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol is one of the most potent injurious agents to the liver. Overconsumption will cause inflammation of the liver, leading to fatty liver disease, and may result in cirrhosis if more severe. Thus, if you do choose to drink, limit your intake to avoid such serious damage.
- Balanced Diet
A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein will keep the liver at its best function. Consuming processed food, trans fats, and sugars may result in having a fatty liver. So, always include those foods that are full of fibre, contributing to effective digestion, and making it hard for extra fat to accumulate.
- Stay Hydrated
The high water content is to enable the liver to detoxify and cleanse all the poison in the body. Hydration is effective for the metabolism of all functions in the liver and the body generally. So, drink 7-8 glasses of water every day to give your liver the love it deserves.
- Regular Exercise
Engage in regular exercise to improve the physical condition of the liver to correct them through healthy well-being. Obese persons who have much fat in the liver are more prone to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Therefore, one has to do regular exercise in order not to have much fat in the liver.
- Reduce Toxicity
Exposure to cleaning agents, pesticides, and pollutants can hurt the liver. Use as many natural or non-toxic products as you can, and at no time let yourself inhale or come into contact with harmful chemicals.
- Avoid Drugs
Some medicines, such as drugs for over-the-counter pain medications, for instance, acetaminophen, cause damage to the liver if taken in excess. Consult your doctor on your medication, and heed the labels that accompany medicine so as not to overdose by mistake.
- Vaccination
Hepatitis A and B are viruses that cause damage to the liver. If you are exposed to them, ask your doctor to vaccinate you so that you do not become a victim of their damage to your liver.
- Liver Health Boosting Herbs
Ayurveda has been using herbs such as milk thistle, turmeric, and dandelion root to boost liver power. These herbs could be of help in ridding the body of toxins and could also enhance the self-regeneration of the cells of the liver.
The liver is responsible for detoxifying and metabolizing food, for the storage of nutrients, and for contributing to immunity. Maintain an active lifestyle to prevent harmful substances from reaching your liver, and by incorporating herbs like ginger and garlic to enhance liver health. Once you learn to take care of your liver, you will experience what an invaluable organ, the liver is. Take care of the liver to achieve overall well-being. Wait no longer and start today!
Can the liver store nutrients?
Yes, the liver plays a reservoir role for vitamins like A, D, E, and B12, as well as minerals such as iron and copper. These nutrients are released into the bloodstream if other portions of the body require them.
How does the liver contribute to digestion?
The liver secretes bile, which accumulates in the gallbladder and is released to the small intestine during digestion. The action of the bile is to break down fats, enable fat-soluble vitamins and other nutrients to be absorbed.
How does the liver support overall body detoxification?
The liver removes harmful substances from the blood, breaking harmful substances into less virulent forms which may be expelled from the body. This function helps in avoiding allowing toxins to build up in the body.
How does liver function affect overall health?
The liver is responsible for various vital functions, such as metabolism, storage of nutrients, immune function, and detoxification. A weakened liver functioning may cause health problems, and some side effects like frequent malaise, difficulties in digestion, and an enhanced predisposition to infections more frequently occurring.
Keep your liver health in check by engaging in a balanced diet for fatty liver, incorporating physical exercise in your routine and following an active lifestyle. You can also include Dr Vaidya’s 17-ingredient-infused Liver Care Tablets for daily liver detox. Start caring of yourself and you’ll see the magic unfold!

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)
Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.