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Immunity & Wellness

How To Make Kadha At Home

Published on Aug 13, 2024


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

How to Make Kadha

Want to enhance your immunity level naturally and relieve some of the common ailments? Making kadha at home might be the thing you need. Being a tested formula with several health benefits, this traditional herbal beverage is prepared using a few herbs and spices. Whether fighting off a bug or looking ahead toward keeping your immune system in good shape, kadha arrives to rescue the day as an easy and efficient solution!

What Is Kadha?

Kadha ingredients

Have you ever wondered what really makes kadha special? Kadha is a strong herbal concoction that Ayurveda uses against many health problems. Conventionally, it is prepared by boiling a spice-herb blend with other natural ingredients in water. The drink is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory, which help in boosting immunity and keeping one fit. Kadha has been consumed for generations in India and other parts of Asia, and its consumption continues unabated due to the natural curative action involved.

Kadha Ingredients


Ginger is one of the powerful Kadha ingredients. With anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, ginger relieves a sore throat, eases nausea, and can also help in digestion. For using ginger in kadha, peel and slice fresh ginger root. Its hard-hitting, spicy flavour enhances the taste of the drink and gives a kick to its therapeutic effects.


Another star ingredient is turmeric. Containing the bright yellow pigment, curcumin, which has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, turmeric helps raise the immune system, deflates inflammation, and increases general well-being. How to make kadha for cough and cold at home? Add a pinch of turmeric to your kadha for that lovely colour and many health benefits.


Cloves are a strong anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory Kadha ingredient. They relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and help in digestion. Cloves warm up and sweeten the flavour of the kadha, thus increasing its taste and recuperative properties.

Black Peppercorns

Black peppercorns have an active principle that enhances the kadha and gives better absorption of other ingredients in the brew. The benefits of kadha with this spice are that they are digestive, metabolism-enhancing, and anti-inflammatory. The bioavailability of the active principles in the black peppercorns is best assured when it is added to your kadha only after being crushed or ground.


In kadha, herbs like tulsi or mint are added to pacify and heal. Tulsi would improve immunity, whereas mint can aid digestion and also be refreshing. Of course, these herbs enhance the taste and, in turn, the therapeutic effect of your kadha.


Jaggery & Honey

For taste, some amount of jaggery and honey is added to the kadha. Jaggery is a natural sweetener but with added minerals like iron and magnesium. Honey has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. So, both offer much healthier options than refined sugars.


Lemongrass is going to infuse the kadha with a citrusy flavour and will most likely proffer benefits associated with digestion and anti-inflammation. This herb reduces bloating, aids digestion, and imparts a nice aroma to the drink. Fresh lemongrass stalks are to be used for good flavour and benefits.


This is a very warm and aromatic spice, with benefits of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in the regulation of blood sugar, improves digestion and also adds taste to the kadha. Even a small tick or a piece of grounded cinnamon will add many folds to the taste and benefits of your herbal drink.

Benefits Of Kadha

Kadha, beyond being a warm, comforting drink, contains a lot of health benefits which make one feel better and stay healthy. Here is why you should reach out for that kadha and have it be a part of your routine:

  • Immunity Boosting-This spicy and herbal blend of kadha works magic on the immunity system by strengthening it in order to raise the body's bar against infection attacks.
  • Reduces inflammation- Ingredients like turmeric and ginger are anti-inflammatory and thus help in lessening inflammation, which brings about relief from signs of disorders like arthritis.
  • Aids Digestion- The ginger and cinnamon content in the kadha helps in digestion improvement and stomach problems are soothed.
  • Soothes Sore Throat- With the warmth in kadha and the anti-inflammatory ingredients, the sore throat and throat cough seem to surely be appeased.
  • Overall Well-Being-One acquires all the necessary nutrients and antioxidants to promote the system for better health and overall well-being with regular consumption of Kadha.


What is the best time to drink kadha?

The best time to have Kadha would be on an empty stomach early in the morning or before bed. It gives your day a boost by boosting your immunity in the morning; while having it before bed can make you relax and support the healing process at night.

Which kadha is best for sore throat?

Mix ginger, turmeric, cloves, and honey to create a kadha to fight off a sore throat. They soothe the throat, reduce inflammation, and relieve discomfort.

Can kadha for cold work for a sore throat?

Yes, the kadha designed for the symptoms of a cold also works very well against a sore throat. Ingredients such as ginger, turmeric, and honey are at your rescue in both scenarios of a cold and issues with the throat. You may alter the recipe to include more soothing ingredients for optimum relief.

What is kadha drink made of?

Kadha is an infusion prepared from a mixture of herbs, spices, and other extracts of plants. Common ingredients are ginger, turmeric, cloves, black peppercorns, herbs, jaggery or honey, lemongrass, and cinnamon. Obviously, the recipe may vary with individual choice and health needs.

How to make Kadha at home?

Add some ginger, turmeric, and cloves to create that herbal drink that shall help in boosting immunity and reducing inflammation. Otherwise, get your hands on Dr Vaidya's Ayurvedic Remedies for Dry Cough or Kadha Slip to kick-start a better you!


Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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