Get Rid of Dry Cough: Ayurvedic Medicines to Treat Dry Cough

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Immunity & Wellness

Ayurvedic Medicine For Dry Cough

Published on Oct 03, 2018


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Ayurvedic Medicine For Dry Cough

A cough is one of the most common problems that people come across. A little infection and entry of harmful bodies in the body led to people suffering from a cough. Coughs are the thick layer that gets collected in the throat area and acts as a protective reflex to remove foreign bodies, mucus or irritants. It also sometimes acts as a primary respiratory reflex for inflammation. A dry cough can be of different types and each one of them is equally irritable. Although it is not very fatal when a dry cough does not go away even after many days, it can be a cause for significant discomfort, even disrupting sleep. It might also cause mild infection or exposure to airborne allergens as well that may harm your immune system gravely. Natural methods in such cases are the best option and are the most effective dry cough medicine available. While allopathic dry cough medicines make you feel drowsy and sleepy, natural and ayurvedic dry cough medicines make you feel fresh and also provide instant relief. Here is a list of certain dry cough medicines that you can take up to get rid of that stringent dry cough.

Natural Treatment to Get rid of a Dry Cough

ginger for cold & cough

Ginger: When it comes to cold and cough, ginger is always a good option. Famously called the ‘universal medicine’, ginger decreases Vata and Kapha and helps in increasing Pitta. It is an amazing option for getting rid of a dry cough as it helps in extracting a variety of respiratory disorders. This Ayurvedic medicine for cough not only just reduce phlegm but also relieves inflammation. You can eat it raw or boil it with water to form a concentrated ginger tea for its effective use.


peppermint for dry cough

Peppermint: Even this herb is a universal medicine and helps cure so many different types of diseases including a dry cough. Peppermint is people’s trusted choice because of its healing properties that soothe the throat and give relief from the dry cough. This Ayurvedic medicine for dry cough has menthol that acts as a decongestant and hence helps to break down the mucus. One can drink peppermint tea or take a steam bath while inhaling peppermint. To make a steam bath, add 3 or 4 drops of peppermint oil to water and cover your face from a towel around your head. Take deep breaths directly above the water and get quick relief.

Tulsi for dry cough & building immunity

Tulsi: Also knows as basil, this herb is vastly used by people for its medicinal use. According to Ayurved, Tulsi increases ojas and prana that help the body in building immunity and energy and help fight the germs that enter the body. A Tulsi tea is an ideal dry cough medicine but can be chewed as well. Take 4-5 leaves of Tulsi and chew them thoroughly to keep your body away from cough. Even a steam bath would be a good option.


Pineapple for dry cough

Pineapple: Well, who would have thought that pineapple could act as a medicine for dry cough, but it is true. Bromelain is an enzyme that is found in the stems and the fruit itself and is a very good anecdote to dry cough. It not only can help quash the dry coughs but also loosen the mucus in your throat and give you ultimate relief. That’s not it, bromelain can also help relieve sinusitis and allergy-based issues easily. This Ayurvedic medicine for dry cough can be taken both are solid and liquid form and it will help you equally. And what’s better than a sweet tasting remedy for cough!

Turmeric - Best medicine for dry cough

Turmeric: Turmeric or Haldi has been used in old-fashioned medicine by people for ages and it is known as one of the best medicine for dry cough due to its healing properties. In Ayurved, it is believed that the vata, pitta and kapha not only balance our dosha but also has a positive effect on rasa and rakta dhatu which is the body’s circulatory system. One can use turmeric in a combination with milk or ghee to treat a dry cough or a sore throat.

Ayurvedic Medicine to Get Rid of a Dry Cough

Kadha Sips: Dr. Vaidya’s amazing Ayurvedic medicine for cough and cold, Kadha Sips is a mix of all the necessary herbs and minerals that will make sure that your dry cough goes away quickly. With no possible side effects and pure ingredients makes sure that your throat pain goes away and you talk fluently and non-stop without experiencing any pain. Just take one sachet of the Ayurvedic kadha and mix it with warm water or milk to make a tasty, suger-free drink that helps with getting rid of your cough.

Dr. Vaidya’s  has more than 150 years of knowledge, and research on Ayurvedic Health Products. We strictly follow the principles of Ayurvedic philosophy and have helped thousands of customers who are looking for traditional Ayurvedic medicines for ailments and treatments. 

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Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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