Ayurvedic Medicine for Cold & Cough: 5 Ayurvedic Ways to Treat Cold

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Immunity & Wellness

Ayurvedic Medicine for Cough and Cold

Published on Sep 21, 2018


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Ayurvedic Medicine for Cough and Cold

Cold and cough can be very annoying and it always adds to our stress and causes hindrance to our work. A slight change in weather or the pollution in the air can cause cold and congestion and many times cold medicines do not work as well. A common cold is a respiratory tract infection that may be caused because of the entrance of certain viruses in the body. Getting a quick relief becomes really important for a person and these natural medicines are the best to get rid of cold instantly. These natural are safe and have no possible side effects. They are equally effective and easily available to you.

Natural Home Remedies for Treating Cold

saltwater for cold

Saltwater: Saltwater is an epitome to cold. Gargling with lukewarm salt water may help you and give you an instant relief. It’s a natural medicine that may decrease the severity of cold symptoms as well. Gargling will ease the sore throat pain and the nasal congestion as it reduces and loosens mucus, which contains bacteria and allergens, which is the main cause of the cold. Just mix a teaspoon of salt in a full glass of lukewarm water. Swish it around your mouth and throat. Then spit it out.

ginger tea for cold

Ginger: We all familiar with the numerous health benefits that ginger and its roots have. Its curative properties can heal the common cold as well and that too very effectively. If you chop an inch of raw ginger root and boil it with water then it can be an amazing anecdote to your cold problems, cough or a sore throat. Ginger tea has been used for several years to cure a cold and is one of the healthiest ways to do it. Drink the mixture two times a day and get relief instantly.

Vitamin C: Food items like oranges, cauliflower, lemons, broccoli, strawberries, cabbage, peaches, kiwi, tomatoes, and parsley are rich in Vitamin C and can help you with curing the cold and congestion. Vitamin C is known as one of the most effective natural home remedies for cold as it increases the production of white blood cells and also helps in preventing the multiplication of viruses. It also reduces mucus and inflammation in the nasal passageways and hence is an ultimate cold medicine.  Though there is an abundance of choices of food rich in Vitamin C you can take vitamin C in a pill form also.

Natural Honey for cold

Natural Honey: Honey also has been used as a cold medicine for ages now and is known for its variety of antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Taking honey with tea mixed with lemon can ease sore throat pain quickly and effectively. It is an effective cough suppressant and raw honey can be operational in marginalizing the lifespan of a cold. When you consume honey, it soothes and coats the throat passage and also helps in getting a better sleep at night.

Cinnamon: This Ayurvedic products is helpful in easing the pain of a dry or a sore throat and cure a cold in the most natural way. Just boil one teaspoon of cinnamon powder with a glass of water and drink the mixture. You can also add a little pepper powder and raw honey for more powerful effect.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Cold

Kadha Sips: This Ayurvedic medicine for cold by Dr. Vaidya’s is the perfect combination of natural herbs like Taj, Elaichi, and pepper is a perfect solution to the stringent cold that you have. Taj helps in curing ailments like treat blurred vision, bloodshot eyes, high blood pressure, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, flatulence and kidney disorders. Elaichi helps in curing congestion of lungs and other pulmonary diseases. And pepper builds a person’s immunity and hence is a key ingredient of this Ayurvedic medicine for a cold. Just take one tbsp. of this formulation three times a day with honey and experience the change. Get your pack of the Ayurvedic medicine for cold, Herbokold, now to get rid of cold without the side effects.

Dr. Vaidya’s  has more than 150 years of knowledge, and research on Ayurvedic Health Products. We strictly follow the principles of Ayurvedic philosophy and have helped thousands of customers who are looking for traditional Ayurvedic medicines for ailments and treatments.

Get assured discount on a few of our selected Ayurvedic products and medicines. Call us on – +91 2248931761 or submit an enquiry today at care@drvaidyas.com

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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