Top 10 Health Benefits of Giloy: The Ayurvedic Root of Immortality

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Immunity & Wellness

10 Incredible Benefits of Giloy: The Ayurvedic Root of Immortality

Published on Aug 03, 2020


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

10 Incredible Benefits of Giloy: The Ayurvedic Root of Immortality

The ancient origins of Ayurved are well known to all of us. The discipline dates back to well over 2,000 years ago. Not surprisingly, it is the world’s richest repository of knowledge on medicinal plants and herbs. Ayurved gives us information on hundreds of herbs and their healing properties. Despite, the vast number of herbs in Ayurvedic medicine, giloy remains one of the most popular. This rasayana herb has been so widely used and goes under a variety of names including guduchi and amrita. While giloy won’t help turn back the clock, a closer look at the herb’s health benefits makes clear why it was ascribed with names that allude to anti-aging effects. 

The Health Benefits of Giloy

Natural Immune Booster

Giloy is often prescribed in Ayurved to boost immunity in individuals who suffer from frequent infections. This practice is supported with clinical evidence that shows the herb’s immuomodulatory properties. Bioactive compounds in the herbs have been found to boost phagocytic activity, stimulate and activate immune effector cells, enhancing the immune response. With all of these effects, giloy is regarded as a natural immunomodulator that can support healthy immune function. 

Relieves Allergies

Giloy is often listed as an ingredient in some of the best Ayurvedic medicines for allergies. This traditional use of giloy is also backed by modern medicine and studies. These findings suggest that supplementation with the herb can reduce allergy symptoms, but they also indicate that such benefits are accrued over time. In most trials, patients saw benefits with 8 to 12 weeks of supplementation. The efficacy of giloy for allergies is particularly notable when dealing with allergies that cause respiratory symptoms like congestion, sneezing, nasal discharge, and so on. 

Helps Fight Infections

In addition to better helping your body, resist, cope with, and overcome infections by Imnunoherb Immunity Boosting Capsule, giloy can also fight infections directly. We know from research that giloy extracts exhibit strong anti-microbial activity, which means that the herb can provide an added layer of protection against a variety of disease-causing pathogens. The herb has demonstrated anti-bacterial activity against specific bacterial strains such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, Salmonella typhimurium, and so on. 

Protects Against Diabetes

Giloy is one of the most highly valued herbs in Ayurvedic medicine for its potential as a natural diabetes treatment. This Ayurvedic belief is borne out by overwhelming evidence. Many of the anti-diabetic benefits are indirect, as giloy has a variety of therapeutic effects that can improve other health parameters that affect diabetes. However, the herb also exerts a more direct influence in diabetes management. It is regarded as a natural anti-hyperglycemic agent that can help control blood sugar levels. Studies have found that giloy supplementation may even relieve neuropathy and gastropathy by improving glucose metabolism and tolerance. 

Detoxifies the Body

Giloy is commonly used in purification and detoxification therapies in Ayurved, especially when managing conditions like kamla or jaundice. This makes perfect sense again, as studies have found that the herb exhibits potent antihepatotoxic activity. It has been found to normalize liver function, protecting against liver damage that is caused by exposure to toxins. The herb’s detoxifying effects can also be linked to high antioxidant content and the ability to scavenge free radicals.

Anti-inflammatory and Anti-Arthritic

Giloy is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help provide relief from a wide range of conditions linked to the inflammatory response. This would include almost all chronic conditions that are associated with chronic low grade inflammation, such as heart disease and diabetes, as well as inflammatory disorders like irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and arthritis. Studies indicate that the benefits of giloy may extend even further for arthritic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers found that giloy can induce a marked increase in joint cartilage thickness among other anti-osteoporotic effects.


Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of giloy can offer considerable protection against heart disease as both chronic inflammation and free radical damage are known to cause damage to blood vessels, increasing the risk of coronary artery disease. Giloy also offers more direct protection through its adaptogenic properties that protect against physical stress in particular, as demonstrated in studies. Researchers found that the herb could suppress excessive activation of the sympathetic nervous to keep stress in control. At the same time it also encouraged an improvement in physical performance. Giloy also benefits heart health by regulating lipid levels in the body. 

Protects Against Free Radical Damage

Ayurved has always placed great importance on detox and purification rituals to free the body of toxins that build up over time. Giloy has traditionally been used for this purpose, as already noted. We now know that much of this toxicity and its ill effect can be traced to free radicals in the body. Giloy’s antioxidant properties have been proven to be effective in scavenging free radicals and protecting against oxidative damage, which has been linked to a wide range of health conditions. Studies have found that giloy supplementation can boost antioxidant and detoxification enzyme levels in the body.

Boosts Mental Health

Although giloy isn’t widely used for its mental health benefits, it is classified as a medha rasayana in Ayurved. This traditional classification is actually well founded, as researchers have found that extracts from the herb have neuroprotective potential and can enhance dopamine levels, improve locomotor activity, and reduce oxidative stress. There is also evidence showing that it can help in the management of anxiety and depressive disorders. 

Supports Gastrointestinal Health

Its effects as a digestive stimulant may be secondary, but this does not change the fact that giloy can greatly benefit gastrointestinal health. It is particularly helpful at controlling acidity levels, providing relief from conditions like hyperacidity, acid reflux, heartburn, and GERD. There is also some evidence suggesting that remedies containing the herb may enhance protection against peptic ulcers and gastric mucosal injury by controlling pH levels. 


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Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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