By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Every now and then, we decide to hit the gym and work on getting those dream muscles that we see on our social media idols. But once the initial motivation and steam runs out, we realize, that we couldn’t do good on that promise.
Have you ever felt the same way? A sense of disappointment and a blip second of determination as you realize that yet another year passed without you fulfilling your resolution of hitting the gym?
But, with the pandemic and long working hours being good enough excuses to skip gym, you might have wondered how to build muscle at home without having to go to the gym?
So, here is a detailed guide to help you view the human muscular system through the lens of Ayurvedic teachings and learn how to build muscles at home. This guide brings to you some simple bodyweight workouts, dietary renovations boosted with ayurvedic muscle gainers, and yoga to build muscle and increase flexibility.
We will also provide you with knowledge on essential ayurvedic supplements for body building that could facilitate your muscle-building endeavours without causing any unwanted side effects.
In this article:
First up in this guide on how to gain muscles at home naturally is the incorporation of ayurvedic teachings in your workout sessions.
Chapter 1: Role of Ayurveda in Muscle Building
Before we delve into Ayurveda and how to build muscles at home, let us first understand why we should build muscles in the first place.
Benefits of Muscle Building

Building muscles has a wide range of health benefits, right from an improved appearance and confidence to keeping dangerous health conditions at bay. Have a look at some major benefits of muscle building:
1. Increased Metabolism Rate
Home exercises to build muscles utilize the energy stored in the fat cells of our body. Thus, when we work out, our muscles will consume more energy and naturally boost our rate of metabolism.
An increased metabolic rate also ensures a higher rate of fat burn which helps you achieve a toned physique.
2. Manage Blood Sugar Levels
Regular exercises can help in improving insulin sensitivity to help better manage blood sugar levels.
Did you know that pedalling regularly for at least half an hour can help in stabilizing blood sugar and make your cells respond better to insulin?
Moreover, building muscles increases the consumption of energy which is essentially glucose or in simpler terms sugar, and thus, prevents the onset of health conditions like diabetes.
3. Strengthening Joints and Ligaments
People often wonder how to build muscle at home because they, just like many others, believe the myth that going to the gym and weight training can weaken their joints and ligaments.
On the contrary, weight training can help you strengthen muscles that will support your bones and joints better, providing a firmer hold.
Moreover, bodyweight workouts and other body building exercises at home are often associated with holistic strengthening of the core and individual muscle groups that can improve your overall stability and prevent casual accidents.
4. Ensures Mental Harmony
Most home workout routines are based on bodyweight training and floor workout that can improve your core strength and also requires a lot of concentration and focus on your posture and form.
Thus, when you focus on how to build muscles at home, you are automatically ensuring not only physical growth but also a balance between your body and mind.
Different Doshas in Ayurveda

Now that we have figured out the importance of building muscles, let us see how Ayurveda can contribute to this cause.
Irrespective of the location, be it body building at home or gym, it is a time-consuming process and its success weighs heavily on your consistency.
Having said that, there will be lazy mornings when you won’t feel like getting out of bed and working out and that is one place where Ayurveda for body building comes into play.
Ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha and Guarana work as great rejuvenators that can keep you sharp and wide awake during your workout circuits. The Vedic knowledge of yoga when exercised regularly promotes consistency and sustained physical and intellectual development.
Ayurvedic teachings often mention the term Vata Dosha in relation to the human musculoskeletal system. It is this Vata, present in our joints and muscle tissues, that induces Gati (or movement) and provides us with the will to do something.
According to its definition, Vata is responsible for all motor, mental and sensory responses in the human body.
Apart from Vata, the human anatomy also comprises Pitta and Kapha which combined are called Doshas.
This brings us to the most important aspect of Ayurveda for body building - Doshas and Exercises that suit different Doshas.
Doshas are natural energies that reside in our bodies and facilitate day-to-day activities. While Vata induces movement and the will to work, Pitta embodies the transformation of muscles which is crucial for body building at home.
Kapha on the other hand symbolizes peace and stability which resonates with the rest essential for recuperation of the torn muscles after your workout sessions.
The human anatomy can also be classified into different Doshas based on their physical and emotional characteristics. These classifications can help us determine what exercise will best suit you based on what Dosha you fall under.
Types of Exercises that Suit your Dosha
While performing muscle gain exercises at home, we must target the nourishment of all these Doshas holistically for us to successfully build muscles. Let us now learn how to build muscle at home by nourishing all our Doshas through specific exercises:

1. Muscle Gain Exercise at Home for Vata Dosha
People under the Vata Dosha type exhibit signs of high physical activity but tend to have low stamina. Their salient characteristics include either too long or short limbs and an oval face with dry skin.
They often experience sleeplessness or dreams that are vivid and might involve movements.
In people with more Vata, the exercise routines revolve around building strength and stability. This can be achieved through consistent routines such as yoga to build muscle steadily, walking at a brisk pace, swimming, and cycling for strength building and endurance training.
Meditation and regulated breathing exercises can also help in moderating excessive Vata and thereby bringing a sense of harmony within the body.
2. Home Exercises to Build Muscles: Pitta Dosha
People that fall under Pitta Dosha have a medium build and show an affinity towards developing muscles easily. They tend to eat more and evidently gain as well as lose weight quickly. They are competitive and low on tolerance, but, nevertheless, enjoy a peaceful sleep without any interruptions.
Pitta resonates with stability and strength. While cycling, swimming and yoga are beneficial, if you have this type of Dosha, you should ensure that you don’t subject your body to overexertion.
Other target-oriented team activities like trekking, and team sports are beneficial for people with Pitta Dosha.
Strength-based exercises like weight lifting and bodyweight workout that also requires proper focus and concentration are some good practices for this Dosha.
3. Body Building at Home: Kapha Dosha
Kapha Dosha resonates with a larger framed body structure with heavy bones and strong muscles. They can gain weight easily but take a lot of effort to shed it.
People under this type of Dosha can be very passionate, caring, and forgiving in nature.
Kapha aligns with a carefree nature that is inclined towards resting and avoiding high-intensity activities. If you feel heavy and drowsy or lack the initiative for intense activities, you belong to the Kapha type.
So, if your body (Kapha type) induces a sense of lethargy, then you might be wondering how to build muscle at home - a place essentially related to security and peace and is void of any external motivation for intensive activities.
The solution lies in habit and mentality. While high-intensity workouts immediately after waking up are a good way to curb the drowsiness of sleep, once started, you (Kapha) will most probably continue this energetic routine throughout the day.
Intensive exercises to start your day could range anywhere from cycling, running, swimming, or certain yoga to build muscles as well.
Now that you understand the basics about different dosha and why you need to focus on how to build muscle at home, let us learn some bodybuilding exercises that can be easily performed at home.
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Chapter 2: Body Building Exercises at Home
Body building exercises at home can be classified into two types. The first is the bodyweight workout that requires nothing but the weight of your body to activate muscle groups.
The other is weight training which uses dumbbells or other forms of weights to isolate each muscle and work on it separately.
Bodyweight Exercises
Bodyweight workout as the name suggests involves leveraging the weight of your body to activate muscle groups and comprises two basic categories, namely pull and push. When learning how to build muscle at home, these bodyweight exercises can be a great asset for you as they require no investment.
Pull Exercises:
Pull exercises mostly involve a contraction of the muscles when a weight (in this case body weight) is brought closer to our body and relaxation when the weight moves away.
The major muscle groups that are activated during pull exercises involve the biceps, hamstrings, forearms and abdominal muscles.
Here are some basic pull exercises that will help you build muscles right at your home:
1. Pull-ups

Pull-ups are of two kinds, where you either curl your biceps inwards like you do when curling dumbbells or you pull yourself up while maintaining a grip similar to the hammer curl.
How to perform pull-ups?
- Stand below a steady horizontal bar with your arms on your sides.
- Extend your arms upwards and get a firm grip on the bar.
- Ensure that your fingers are not slipping to prevent injuries.
- With your feet above the ground, squeeze your back inwards while you pull your body up.
- While you might be tempted to use your biceps, you should try and focus on your back muscles as you slowly pull upwards.
- Hold the position for a couple of seconds and then come down slowly.
2. Single-arm Rows

Single arm rows are beneficial in strengthening your biceps, backs and core muscles. When you hold your position in a suspended manner, you tend to activate all these muscles and thus, even a low-intensity circuit could bring you great results.
How to perform single-arm rows?
- Take a towel and wrap it around a pole.
- Stand close to the pole and tilt backwards while your entire body weight is pulled by the towel in one of your hands. Now pull yourself all the way up, hold the position and then go back down.
- Repeat this 10 times and then do the same with the alternate hand. Perform 3-4 sets for each hand.
Push Exercises:
Push exercises activate your delts, pectoral muscles, triceps, serratus Anterior and abdominal muscles. In this exercise, you push the weight away from your body and your muscles are extended when in tension and contracted when bearing your body weight. If you are seriously wondering how to build muscle at home, do not skip these exercises from your routine:
1. Push-ups

Push-ups are the most holistic exercises possible. Not only do they activate a wide range of muscles, but also show great results if done consistently.
How to perform pull-ups?
- Lie down on your belly with your toes and palms holding up your entire body weight.
- Ensure that your palms are at shoulder level and not above in order to maximize muscle activation without injuring your shoulders.
- Press down your body and touch your chest to the floor.
- Now, slowly push yourself back up and repeat this 10 -12 times.
- Perform each set of 10-12 repetitions at least 4 times.
You can take 1 min breaks in between sets to allow muscle recuperation and freshness before the next set. This will help prevent the early onset of fatigue and help you get the maximum range of motion from this exercise.
2. Closed-grip Push-ups

The closed-grip push-up is very similar to a normal push-up and the only difference lies in the positioning of your arms.
How to perform closed-grip push-ups?
- Your palms should be placed closer to each other, putting most of the body weight on your triceps and anterior chest muscles.
- You can perform 12 repetitions in each set and a total of 3-4 sets based on your body capacity.
- Don’t forget to take a break in between sets to avoid fatigue.
3. Archer Push-ups

Archer push-ups are a great way of targeting not only your chest and triceps but to some extent your back and abdominal muscles as well.
How to perform Archer push ups?
- Get down in the push-up position with your arms wider than shoulder length.
- Move your torso laterally and press your body down on any one side while letting the opposing arm stretch out.
- While stretching the arm out, ensure that you twist your wrists such that it adjusts to your body while performing the pushup.
- Now push your torso up using one arm (stress on triceps, back and pectoral muscles) and move laterally to the opposite side while stretching out the other hand.
- Perform 10-12 repetitions and about 3-4 sets with appropriate breaks to avoid fatigue.
4. Elevated Dips

Elevated dips are efficient in activating your pectoral muscles and also increase your core and arm strength.
How to perform elevated dips?
- You would require a parallel bar or two high stools to perform this exercise.
- Ellevate your body with only the palms of your hands gripping the lateral bars.
- Bend your legs and interlink them so that they do not touch the ground while performing the dip.
- Now, let your body dip in between the parallel bars while your arms contract.
- Notice that you will feel a stretch in your pectoral muscles when you do this. Push back to the initial position (slowly).
- Perform 12 such repetitions and 3-4 sets altogether.
Dumbbell Workouts at Home
Weight training goes a long way in realizing fat reduction goals and toning our bodies. While the focus required while performing these might not be as intense as that for bodyweight workouts, maintaining the perfect form is paramount.
If you are wondering how to build muscle at home using just a single set of dumbbells, you should know that a set of dumbbells is all that it takes to target almost every muscle group in your body individually.
Wondering how you could do that? Here are 7 dumbbell exercises that will cover all the major muscle groups in your body:
1. Chest Press

Chest presses are the ideal chest workout that can target your pectoral muscles as well as the inner chest muscles perfectly. You can either perform it on an inclined bench to activate your upper chest or on a horizontal one to activate your lower chest.
How to perform chest press?
- Lie down on a bench while forming a slight arch in your lower back and keep your feet firmly on the ground. Bring the dumbbells upwards (aligned to your shoulders).
- Now, slowly bring the dumbbells down while you feel the stretch in your pectoral muscles.
- Push them back up, as slowly as you can, to allow maximum tension to your muscle tissues.
- Repeat this up to 10-15 times based on the weight of the dumbbells and your body’s capacity of lifting that weight. Repeat this set 3-4 times and take some rest in between sets.
2. Flies

Flies again, activate your pectoral muscles, upper chest and inner chest. However, you can alter your grip to an underhanded one to target your lower chest as well.
How to perform flies?
- Hold the same position as you did for the chest presses. Now bring the dumbbells down laterally by moving your arms away from each other.
- Ensure that the stress from the weights is concentrated on your pectorals and avoid stress on your shoulders.
- Now push your arms back up bringing them closer to each other above your face, and squeeze your inner chest while doing this.
3. Bicep Curls

Bicep curls are a great way to target your short head muscles. But a correct posture is necessary to actually target your short head. Improper posture or swinging your elbows to get momentum will reduce the efficiency of this exercise.
How to perform bicep curls?
- Stand straight with your arms on your sides and grab the dumbbells firmly. Ensure that you keep your elbows steady and lift only your forearm while curling your biceps.
- Curl them all the way up to your shoulders and twist your little finger outwards (slightly) to feel the contraction in the short head of your biceps.
- You can either do this alternately for each hand or curl both hands simultaneously, but ensure that you don’t swing your arms to get momentum.
4. Hammer Curls

Hammer curls are the ideal exercise if you want longer and bigger biceps as quickly as possible. They target both your short head as well as your long head muscles.
How to perform hammer curls?
- Quite similar to bicep curls, the only difference in the posture of a hammer curl is that the handle of the Dumbbell is aligned vertically while curling and this targets the long head of your biceps.
- Perform 12-15 repetitions in each set and do a total of about 4 sets for maximum gains.
5. Bent Rows

Your back is the largest group of muscles clustered together in your body. Bent rows help in targeting these muscles and might also warm up your triceps in the process.
How to perform bent rows?
- Stand straight with your knees touching and bend over slightly. Keep your back straight and lift your face forward. Lift the dumbbells on each side of your torso while flexing your back muscles to bear the weight.
- Now slowly let the dumbbells down and feel your back stretch throughout the motion.
- You can perform 10-12 repetitions of this exercise in each set and do a total of 4 sets.
6. Lateral Raises

Lateral raises target your shoulder muscles, deltoids, triceps and also your wings or serratus anterior.
How to perform lateral raises?
- Stand straight with the dumbbells on each side of your torso.
- Raise your hands parallel to the ground while letting your shoulders bear all the weight.
- To maintain the right form, you can also imagine yourself lifting your elbows parallel to the ground.
- Ensure to keep your back straight and avoid using hefty dumbells to start this workout.
- Remember that lifting heavy is not our goal here, the important part is maintaining the correct posture and avoiding injuries.
Chapter 3: How Can Yoga Help Build Muscles At Home?
The secret to every success story, whether your goal is to build muscle mass or to find an ideal Ayurvedic diet for muscle gain, is consistency. The Ayurvedic lifestyle, or Vihaar, is a culmination of discipline, consistency, and balance between mental and physical abilities. Because you are newly inspired, the first few weeks of starting an exercise circuit are easy. The largest obstacle, though, is continuing to live this way consistently, and yoga makes sure you can overcome it. A part of Vihaar, yoga encourages self-control, renewal, wellness, and mental cleanliness. Although most of us typically choose weightlifting as our main route to bodybuilding, yoga is also a highly effective natural means of growing muscle.
Are you wondering which yoga poses to do to increase muscle at home? Then read on.
Yoga Poses to Build Muscle
1. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

Also called Vrikshasana, the tree pose helps in relaxing the tendons, ligaments and muscle tissues in your feet. It also provides stability in your motor functions and activates your core strength.
How to perform Vrikshasana?
- It requires you to stand straight on one leg, while the other leg is folded and meets this one at the knee.
- Join your hands such that your palms touch and hold this posture. You can also raise your hands above your head while your palms are still joined.
2. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Also called Bhujangasana, this pose stretches your torso while stressing your arms and strengthening your glutes and back muscles.
How to perform Bhujasana?
- It involves lying down in the prone position with your toes stretched out and your hands on each side of your torso.
- Now place the palms right under your shoulder level and push your body up while arching your back.
- Hold this pose for some time and then revert to a neutral position before repeating these steps.
3. Warrior Pose (Virabhadra asana)

Also called the Virabhadra asana, this is a collection of various lunge poses. It relaxes your thighs, groin, and back and strengthens your core while adding stability to your posture.
How to perform Virabhadra Asana?
- Stand in a lunge position and join your hands above your head while stretching your back straight.
- Now bring your arms parallel to the ground on each side of your torso and hold this pose.
- Finally, join your hands above your head and bend forward while raising your latter leg in the air.
- Your joined hands and raised legs should altogether form a straight line parallel to the ground, solely resting on one leg.
Yoga Poses to Improve Flexibility
1. Dhanurasana

Dhanurasana helps in stretching your core abdominal muscles and adds strength to your arms, thighs, back and shoulders.
How to perform Dhanurasana?
- Lie down on your belly with your hands by your side.
- Bend your knees such that you hold your feet with your hands stretched behind you.
- Arch your back and stretch your head up.
- Hold this pose for 30-40 seconds and then slowly go back to a neutral position.
2. Janu Sirsasana

This pose helps in strengthening your calf muscles and hamstrings while improving the overall flexibility of your back region.
How to perform Janu Sirasana?
- Sight up straight and stretch your right leg forward.
- Fold your left leg such that the sole of your feet touches the inner thigh of your right leg.
- Now bend downwards and touch the toe of your outstretched leg and hold this position for 30 seconds.
- Slowly come back to a neutral posture and then repeat the aforementioned steps with your left leg.
Now that you have learnt how to build muscle at home through yoga, let us work on the most important aspect of any bodybuilding venture - Rest and Recuperation.
Yoga Poses to Relax Body
1. Sukhasana

Sukhasana is visually an easy pose, but maintaining it while ensuring a complete relaxation of all your muscles makes it the most challenging yoga pose.
How to perform Sukhasana?
- Sit upright with your legs outstretched and slowly lift your right leg and cross the shin in front of your left one.
- While sitting in this cross-legged manner, place your palms on your respective knees.
- Another version of Sukhasana involves interlacing your fingers and stretching them over your head to relax your shoulder and lower back while alleviating knee pain.
2. Savasana

Savasana or the corpse pose aims at relaxing your entire body and is used to enforce Yoga Nidra.
How to perform Savasana?
- Lie on your back and rest your arms along the sides with your palm facing upwards.
- Close your eyes and feel your muscles relaxing.
- You must ensure every muscle group is in a relaxed position to maximize gains.
Now that we know all about how to build muscles at home through different physical exercises, it is time we face another challenge. You must have heard plenty of times, “Muscles are not built at the gym, but rather in your kitchen!”
Ashwagandha is known to have great benefits for muscle growth and strength gain.
It also increases the energy level required for your regular exercises.
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Let us now learn about bodybuilding nutrients, supplements and ayurvedic measures to support our physical endeavours.
Chapter 4: Body-Building Nutrients That You Need
No matter how many hours you spend working out physically, your intake of food, or ‘Aahar’, determines whether you gain muscle. Aahar is regarded as one of the three pillars of Ayurveda in case you didn't know. Three basic categories make up Aahar: foods that are tamasic, rajasic, and sattvic. Rajasic cuisine includes hearty dishes including beef, poultry, eggs, and fish that are cooked in thick gravies that are flavoured with garlic, onions, and other spices. Foods high in rajasic elements boost metabolism and provide energy. While it's a fantastic source of protein and vital elements like iron and amino acids, our vegetarian friends might not have this option. Sattvic diet, on the other hand, consists of light foods that support equilibrium and well-being. Vegetables, whole grains, fresh fruits, juices, and sprouts are a few examples of Sattvic foods that are high in proteins and nutrients and are best suited for vegetarians.
Below is an efficient vegetarian diet for muscle gain that is effective in both weight loss and can also be tweaked a little for skinny people looking to gain some mass.
Vegetarian Diet for Muscle Gain

1. Protein sources
Protein is the primary component responsible for muscle growth in the human body. Consuming adequate amounts of protein is a great way of retaining muscle mass and ensuring faster recuperation of worn-out muscles post-workouts.
Protein is one of the most crucial body building nutrients and the best sources for vegetarians are soy, paneer, peanuts, fruits and vegetables.
Ayurvedic protein is a form of whey protein that is concocted using plant ingredients and ayurvedic herbs that not only have no known side effects but will also supplement the daily protein requirements for your body.
2. Rice Alternatives
While rice is a great source of essential carbohydrates, if you are looking for a calorie deficit, you can replace it with Quinoa, a higher source of protein that tastes similar to boiled brown rice.
3. Iron and Vitamins for Body Building
Veg diet for muscle gain often lack adequate iron content which is generally provided by red meat and other non-vegetarian sources. However, green leafy vegetables like spinach can help supplement your iron requirements.
Vitamins for body building can be easily supplemented through ayurvedic products that not only build muscles naturally but also work as immunity boosters.
4. Nuts for Calories
Dry fruits and fresh fruits are great sources of good calories that can provide adequate energy required to support your workout routines.
Flaxseeds, walnuts, almonds, and cashew are some great sources of energy that you should consider binging on as healthy snacks during the day.
Foods to Avoid for Muscle Gain
Having talked about a good diet for muscle gain, there are some food components that you should avoid as much as possible for realizing your muscle-building ambitions.
These foods fall under the category of Tamasic and tend to induce lethargy and drowsiness in people. Despite consuming healthy bodybuilding nutrients in your diet, if you also load it with Tamasic food, all your efforts could go in vain.
Some examples of Tamasic food include cakes, pastries, greasy meat, poultry, mushrooms and fermented products like bread and vinegar.
Here are some components that you should avoid in your diet:
1. Sugar
Sugar is one food component you need to cut back on while training to build muscles. When your body contains too much sugar, it stops working as a source of energy and starts becoming a hindrance to muscle growth.
When you consume sugar after your workout sessions, the body secretes insulin in response, which carries this sugar into your muscles thereby commanding your body to stop spending energy and instead, store it in the form of fat.
2. Junk/Fast Food
Junk/fast food has always been a heavy source of trans fat, bad calories and grease that tends to increase body fat percentage.
Moreover, when you consume your vitamins for body building along with heavily greased (fats like oil) food, you could end up negating all their benefits and end up storing fat in your body.
3. Carbonated Drinks
Carbonated drinks are rich in sugar content and readily contribute harmful calories to the body. Some additional flavonoids and preservatives present in carbonated drinks can also lead to fat retention, diabetes and other cardiovascular ailments.
Chapter 5: Post-workout Tips in Ayurveda
While it is true that intense workout sessions are a great way of getting faster results, you need to keep in mind that the body has a threshold capacity.
Overexerting your muscles without giving them proper rest and healing time can sometimes lead to bloating (due to swelling in worn-out muscles) which is contrary to our muscle-building goals.
Let us go through some essential points that can ensure proper recovery of your muscles post-workout and help you get positive results:
1. Hydration: Keeping Cramps at Bay

Drinking at least 1 Litre of water during workout sessions is a healthy way of staying hydrated and preventing injuries. Dehydrated muscles are a contributing factor to muscle fatigue which eventually results in injuries.
While you might not feel thirsty at times during your workouts, your body still needs water. That’s because physical exertion warms up your muscle and your body releases water in the form of sweat to cool it down.
Thus, if you don’t recover this lost water, you might end up getting dehydrated which often results in fatigue, cramps, and injuries.
2. Rest: Sleep is the First Step to Recovery

Sleep cycles induce growth hormones and promote protein synthesis to recover your worn-out muscle tissues. Thus, it is advised to get at least 7-8 hours of sound sleep especially if your target is to gain strong muscles.
Fun fact: It is similar to how a newborn baby sleeps for the major part of its first few months to grow and develop faster.
3. Protein to Recover Worn-out Muscles

Protein is the growth component of the human body. Consuming adequate protein in your diet is essential for growing new muscles as well as recovering the worn-out ones.
A good way of supplementing protein is by consuming ayurvedic protein shakes immediately after your workout sessions for a speedy recovery.
You can also binge on protein-rich snacks like vegetable salads with soy and paneer chunks, peanuts as a crunchy snack or even peanut butter on toast.
4. Stretching for Relaxation

Warming up before any workout session and then cooling off after the workout is two crucial components that most people skip out.
Warming up involves conditioning your muscles to an incoming intensive muscle usage thereby preventing injuries caused by sudden intensive weight lifting or muscle exertion.
Similarly, just like an overheated mechanical part can exhaust and destruct, it is essential that the components that run your body also cool down properly.
You must have watched people drinking shakes while waking out of the gym. You might have also heard discussions on whether supplements work for building muscles.
This section is dedicated to informing you about some ayurvedic supplements for body building that have negligible side effects and will help maximize your gains.
Ayurvedic Supplements for Bodybuilding
Wondering how to bulk up at home without experiencing harmful side effects? Ayurvedic muscle gainers and immunity boosters are a great way of getting that bulk while simultaneously improving your immune system and energy reserves for your workout sessions.

Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Eleuthero, Safed Musli and Gokhru are some effective ayurvedic herbs for muscle growth.
While Ashwagandha is a potent rejuvenator that can also help in speedy muscle recovery and improved cardiovascular functions, Shatavari promotes natural muscle growth and Eleuthero improves oxygen replenishment in fatigued muscle tissues.
Ayurvedic components like Safed Musli can help provide adequate fibre content to curb hunger and also ensure natural muscle growth.
Having said that, Herbobuild benefits can’t be ignored when it comes to building muscles through natural supplements.
Herbobuild Benefits for Muscle Building
Herbobuild DS is an ayurvedic muscle gainer that not only promotes muscle growth but also ensures faster recuperation of muscle tissues and alleviates mental stress and anxiety.
Benefits of Herbobuild DS:
- Herbobuild DS can help induce nitric oxide release that ensures the circulation of blood supply to the muscle tissues and improves endurance.
- It comprises Ashwagandha, Gokshura and Methi that help in pain relief and have anti-inflammatory properties as well.
- While a delay in results is one of the most mentally taxing aspects of bodybuilding, Herbobuild provides relief from stress and anxiety and improves energy levels.
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“How can I build muscle at home?” is a question many people ponder upon, especially with the onslaught of the COVID pandemic. Apart from that, the long working hours make it difficult for us to go to the gym. However, before starting your workout regime, it is essential that you first understand what your body type, mental stature and inclination are. When you follow the ideal Ayurvedic diet for muscle gain and Ayurveda’s various teachings of Doshas and understand what type you belong to, you can choose the right exercise circuit and respective diet and nutrient supplements that will help you overcome your weaknesses and bolster your strengths further. This guide takes you through every minute detail related to how Ayurveda is connected to health and life, muscle gain exercises at home for beginners, the Sattvic diet which is one of the best diet plans for muscle gain, food supplements that bolster muscle growth and also an Ayurvedic approach for natural bodybuilding.
FAQs on How to Build Muscle at Home
1. Can you build muscle at home?
You are not the only one wondering how to build muscle at home, and the answer to your question is an absolute yes. With the right set of bodyweight workouts, dumbbell lifts and the right diet, you can gain muscles without visiting the gym.
Moreover, numerous ayurvedic muscle gainers can help supplement your nutrient requirements with negligible side effects and help you bulk up at home.
3. What should I eat for muscle gain?
A protein-rich diet that includes an adequate quantity of lean meat, poultry, seafood, whole grains, pulses, fruits and vegetables is the ideal food option for muscle growth.
However, if you are a vegetarian, you can replace meat, poultry and seafood with paneer, tofu, quinoa and dry fruits.
You can also supplement the body building nutrients through ayurvedic muscle gainers and protein shakes.
4. What exercises build muscle?
Weight training exercises are a great way of reducing fat deposits and increasing muscle size. In addition to bodyweight workouts, you can also opt for yoga to build muscles in a sustainable fashion.
5. Should a beginner do push-ups every day?
Wondering how to bulk up at home? Doing push-ups daily is an effective way of gaining sustainable muscle, improving endurance and targeting the entire body at the same time. However, regulate the number of pushups and the number of sets you perform in a day to avoid muscle fatigue that could hamper your workout routines.
6. Can an Ayurvedic diet for muscle gain help increase muscle mass naturally?
Yes. In Ayurveda, a balanced diet includes nutrient-rich foods that support natural muscle mass growth. Incorporating protein-rich foods such as lentils, beans, nuts, and dairy, with adequate hydration and herbs such as Ashwagandha can help increase muscle mass naturally.
7. Can an Ayurvedic diet for muscle gain help with recovery after workouts?
Yes, following an Ayurvedic diet can help with your post-workout recovery. Including nutrient-rich foods such as turmeric, ginger, and green leafy vegetables, along with consumption of natural healthy fats such as ghee and coconut oil, can support muscle repair and recovery, while also reducing inflammation. Getting a good night’s rest, staying well hydrated, and consuming herbal supplements such as Shatavari or Triphala can also help in muscle mass recovery.
8. What are some common mistakes to avoid in an Ayurvedic diet for muscle gain?
A few common mistakes to avoid while following an Ayurvedic diet are consuming too much protein without taking other macronutrients, ignoring your body’s needs (doshas), consuming an unhealthy number of processed foods, staying dehydrated and a lack of exercise and rest in your day to day.

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)
Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.