By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

A stomach ulcer is an open sore that develops inside the stomach lining. It is caused by acidity and creates a lot of pain. Alter your diet and add these home remedies for stomach ulcers in your routine. Ayurveda ingredients like ginger and honey soothe the stomach lining and work against infections, too. Use these ingredients for natural treatment for stomach ulcers.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is one of the greatest home remedies for stomach ulcers, reducing inflammation and providing fast healing. For the same purpose, gel from the aloe vera plant is used. So, drink a glass of aloe vera juice and see a change for yourself!
Probiotics are a natural treatment for stomach ulcers that are helpful in maintaining the health of the gut and aid in restoring acid in the stomach. Consume more probiotic-rich foods like yoghurts, kefirs, and vegetables.
Honey is a natural ulcer remedy for the stomach due to its antibacterial properties. With a high content of antioxidants, it will assure healing and also reduce inflammation in the stomach. Take a tablespoon of honey regularly, as it may help soothe this stomach lining and prevent ulcers.
These are powerhouse antioxidants and natural ulcer remedies for the stomach. Drink cranberry juice or throw a bowl of this fruit onto your meal to help heal stomach ulcers while promoting overall digestive health.
Colourful Fruits
Berries, cherries, and tomatoes are heavy in antioxidants and flavonoids, making them a good home remedy to cure stomach ulcers. These coloured fruits help protect the stomach lining by depressing stomach inflammation and halting the growth of Helicobacter pylori. Add a plate of colourful fruits to your diet in order to help stomach ulcers.
Plantain Bananas
Other home remedies for stomach ulcers include plantain bananas which help protect the stomach lining by killing excessive acidity and restoration of mucus production that protects the stomach lining from stomach acids. Have some ripe plantains to reduce ulcer pains and avoid constipation.
Another excellent home remedy for stomach relief is turmeric. It contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant elements that make it very effective in this case. This herb contains an active compound called curcumin, which largely reduces the inflammation in the stomach lining. Mix turmeric into your diet either as a supplement, in tea, or as a spice in food.
Garlic is another remedies for ulcers, enriched with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties in fighting stomach ulcers. Chew raw garlic daily since it prevents the growth of Helicobacter pylori by removing the ulcers through non-allowance of their growths.
Flavonoids found in fruits, vegetables, and teas is a natural cure for stomach ulcer that can shield the stomach lining from ulcers. That's because these flavonoids reduce the amount of gastric acid produced whenever you're digesting your food. Aim for eating daily apples, berries, onions, and kale.
Regular intake of tea reduces the problem of stomach ulcers by providing a protective layer in the stomach lining. Herbal tea with fennel, chamomile and licorice provide direct relief from ulcer symptoms and are soothing to the stomach.
When Should You Consult a Doctor?
If you have severe or continuous stomach pain, consult a doctor. With signs of immediate concern, be on the lookout for vomiting with blood, black or bloody stools, and unexplained weight loss. Early diagnosis and treatment can further avoid complications, so it is essential to remember to check your health.
What drink can get rid of stomach ulcers?
Take aloe vera juice and green tea regularly for the healing of your stomach ulcers. Aloe vera will help reduce the inflammation in your stomach and green tea is rich with antioxidants.
What foods soothe an ulcer?
Have bananas, honey, yoghurt, and oatmeals in your diet and get relief from stomach ulcers. Have these foods as they are rich with antibacterial properties, which in turn form a protective layer in the stomach lining.
What is the fastest way to cure stomach ulcers?
Make a few lifestyle modifications with medical treatment to cure stomach ulcers. and lower levels of stomach acid. Avoid alcohol and spicy food, but instead have flavonoid-containing foodstuffs with probiotics for faster healing.
Dr. Vaidya’s products boast the healing powers of Ayurveda, which effectively helps stomach ulcers. Add to the cast and bring home some Ayurvedic medicine like Giloy Capsules and Constipation Care Effervescent Tablets, which protect and heal the lining of your stomach. Log on to our website and take the first steps toward a healthier tummy!
References on Home remedies for Stomach Ulcers:
- Gholap, Prashant A et al. “Potential of Moringa oleifera root and Citrus sinensis fruit rind extracts in the treatment of ulcerative colitis in mice.” Pharmaceutical biology vol. 50,10 (2012): 1297-302. doi:10.3109/13880209.2012.674142
- Bandyopadhyay, Uday et al. “Clinical studies on the effect of Neem (Azadirachta indica) bark extract on gastric secretion and gastroduodenal ulcer.” Life sciences vol. 75,24 (2004): 2867-78. doi:10.1016/j.lfs.2004.04.050
- Han, Young-Min et al. “Dietary, non-microbial intervention to prevent Helicobacter pylori-associated gastric diseases.” Annals of translational medicine vol. 3,9 (2015): 122. doi:10.3978/j.issn.2305-5839.2015.03.50
- El-Ashmawy, Nahla E et al. “Gastroprotective effect of garlic in indomethacin induced gastric ulcer in rats.” Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.) vol. 32,7-8 (2016): 849-54. doi:10.1016/j.nut.2016.01.010
- Prucksunand, C et al. “Phase II clinical trial on effect of the long turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn) on healing of peptic ulcer.” The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health vol. 32,1 (2001): 208-15. PMID: 11485087
- Birdane, Fatih Mehmet et al. “Beneficial effects of Foeniculum vulgare on ethanol-induced acute gastric mucosal injury in rats.” World journal of gastroenterology vol. 13,4 (2007): 607-11. doi:10.3748/wjg.v13.i4.607
- Nikkhah Bodagh, Mehrnaz et al. “Ginger in gastrointestinal disorders: A systematic review of clinical trials.” Food science & nutrition vol. 7,1 96-108. 5 Nov. 2018, doi:10.1002/fsn3.807
- Rahnama, Marjan et al. “The healing effect of licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) on Helicobacter pylori infected peptic ulcers.” Journal of research in medical sciences : the official journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences vol. 18,6 (2013): 532-3. PMID: 24250708
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- Boltin, Doron. “Probiotics in Helicobacter pylori-induced peptic ulcer disease.” Best practice & research. Clinical gastroenterology vol. 30,1 (2016): 99-109. doi:10.1016/j.bpg.2015.12.003
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- Eteraf-Oskouei, Tahereh, and Moslem Najafi. “Traditional and modern uses of natural honey in human diseases: a review.” Iranian journal of basic medical sciences vol. 16,6 (2013): 731-42. PMCID: PMC3758027

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)
Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.