How Does Diabetes Affect a Man Sexually: Key Insights | Dr. Vaidya's

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How Does Diabetes Affect a Man Sexually

Published on Nov 18, 2022


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

How Does Diabetes Affect a Man Sexually

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects more than 77 million Indians in India. While it comes with its list of complications including poor stamina, heart problems, and more, diabetes infamously affects your sexual life as well. It can be a frustrating experience that can even affect your relationship. Several men complain about low libido and inability to perform after being diagnosed with diabetes which ends up harming their sexual life. In this blog, we discuss in detail how does diabetes affect a man sexually and how you can leverage Ayurveda to reduce its symptoms and bring your sex life back on track.

How Does Diabetes Affect a Man Sexually

Diabetes causes multiple sexual health issues that can affect your performance and interest in sexual activities. While erectile dysfunction and diabetes famously go hand-in-hand, there are several other sexual complications you should know that affect men with diabetes:

  • Loss of libido
  • Lack of energy
  • Hormonal changes
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Relationship issues
  • Numbness or pain in the genitals
  • Difficulty to feel Sexual Stimulation

Top Queries around Diabetes and Poor Sex Life

If you are struggling with diabetes, there are multiple questions that must arise in your mind every day. Erectile dysfunction and diabetes are commonly associated with each other but diabetes can cause many other questions to arise in your mind and your significant other's that you may not have the answers to. Here, we have answered some of these questions like ‘does ejaculating lower blood sugar levels’ and many more that may come to your mind and how you can make the best out of this situation.

Is Diabetes Transferable from Husband to Wife?

Diabetes is not a communicable disease and it is non-contagious, so it cannot be transferred directly from husband to wife. However, according to research done by GSVM Medical College, without around 85 couples, it was found that 85% of the couples suffered from diabetes, but not due to any genetic factor. 

According to the research by GSVM Medical College, couples suffer from similar diseases due to the same living and eating habits. In the second stage of the study, one of the partners was targeted to follow a strict diet and regular exercise for a few months. Later, it was found that diabetes symptoms were managed properly in both partners. So, the right answer to whether diabetes is transferable from husband to wife is that diabetes cannot be transferred directly but through a common lifestyle.

Does Ejaculating Lower Blood Sugar? 

No, masturbation or ejaculation of any kind does not lower or increase blood sugar. It can temporarily increase blood glucose levels but not long enough to worry about it. As per research by, it can, in fact, protect against diseases like diabetes. It can cut the risk of Type 2 Diabetes and help with tension release but it does not lower your blood sugar.

Do Diabetics Have a Hard Time Having Sex?

There are several sexual side effects of diabetes and it has a great impact on your sexual life. It can reduce your libido, especially in the case of poorly managed diabetes. After a period of time, diabetes can cause chronic issues like erectile dysfunction due to poor blood flow to the reproductive system that causes difficulty in performance. 

Prevent Diabetes from Affecting your Sex Life

As we just learned there are multiple ways how diabetes affects a man sexually, it is important to fight these complications for a healthy sex life. Ayurveda suggests a treatment for diabetes that can help reduce its effect on your sex life by following a strict sattvic lifestyle. Here are some of the ways you can reduce the sexual side effects of diabetes using Ayurveda:

  • A vegetarian diet and freshly cooked meals ensure that you do not build high blood pressure or bad cholesterol. Consume sattvic food like beans, vegetables, fruits, and nuts that can decrease the symptoms of diabetes. 
  • Perform yogasanas such as Pranayama, Setubandhasana, Balasana, Vajrasana, and Sarvangasana to help oxygenate your blood and improve circulation. These yogasanas can help as a treatment for erectile dysfunction in diabetes as they allow proper blood flow to the body and help stabilize your blood sugar level.
  • Ayurveda suggests multiple home remedies for diabetes that include herbs like amla, dalchini, aloe vera, and methi which can help reduce the symptoms of diabetes and improve blood flow to the body.

Consume Herbo Turbo for Diabetics

We at Dr. Vaidya’s understand how diabetes affects a man sexually. While the disease comes with its shortcomings, it not just stops at you but impacts your relationship as well. 

Hence, we created the first-ever stamina and power booster for diabetics, Herbo Turbo for DiabeticsThe 100% ayurvedic and naturally formulated product helps:

  • Boost testosterone and manage healthy sugar levels
  • Improve stamina, power, and sexual drive
  • Boost energy and reduce fatigue
  • Help manage diabetes-related complications
  • Supports with treatment for erectile dysfunction in diabetes

You can consume 1 capsule, twice a day with milk after meals to improve your sex life with diabetes. For best results, consume the medicine for at least 3 months. 

Now that we know the answer to ‘how does diabetes affect a man sexually’, we must work towards its solution by adopting a good-quality lifestyle that can help reduce its symptoms and bring your sex life back on track. You can also consume Herbo Turbo for Diabetics to reduce diabetes symptoms and build stamina to boost your sex life.

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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