By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Pitta dosha is one of the three prime energies under Ayurveda that corresponds to the fire and water elements. Pitta dosha controls digestion and metabolic activities in the body by bringing about the transformation of food elements in the body. It gives an intellectual person, sharp memory, high digestion, and strong focus. But when it is excessive, then a dosha causes irritation, inflammation, heartburn, and different types of skin problems. Simply, if we understand how to reduce pitta in the body and learn simple pitta home remedies, we can harmonize them naturally and prevent common problems related to this fiery dosha.
What is Pitta Dosha?

In Ayurveda, Pitta is considered the energy of transformation and metabolism. Characteristics of Pitta include being hot, sharp, oily, light, and intense. It mainly manages digestion, nutrient absorption, and maintaining body temperature. When balanced, Pitta instills a good appetite, clarity, and courage. But an excess of Pitta shows as impatient, angry, acidic, and sensitive skin, high body heat.
What is Pitta Body Type?
A Pitta body type has a medium build, good muscular definition, and warm or slightly greasy skin. Pitta types generally have bright, keen eyes, clear concentration, and robust appetites. Mental makeup is of ambitious, goal-oriented, and challenging-loving people. However, they are also known for irritability, impatience, and problems such as acid reflux or inflammation when Pitta is agitated.
If you are unsure of your dosha body type, take our simple dosha test to find out!
Home Remedies For Pitta
Tend To Your Diet
Diet plays a huge role in the balance of Pitta. Cool and hydrating foods should dominate your diet, not those that provoke heat or worsen Pitta. Foods with bitter, sweet, and astringent taste properties are generally good for Pitta types.
Choose A Middle Path
Pitta people are overactive, so they put pressure on themselves, which makes their Pitta more dominant. A correct balance of work and leisure time has to be chosen. Situations of competition should be avoided and sufficient time for rest should be taken as stress and ambitions make the Pitta active.
Enjoy The Good Things
Practice self-care and indulge in things that are soothing and cool, like a walk in nature, cool showers or any creative activity. Pitta types require soothing time in the natural, peaceful environment.
The Pitta mind cools down through meditation. Mindfulness or guided meditation for 10-15 minutes a day reduces the stress, irritation, and anxiety of the Pitta mind and maintains the cool, calm state of mind.
Practice Some Yoga Asanas & Pranayama
Yogic practices with Pranayama reduce excess Pitta. Preferred asanas are Child's Pose, Cobra Pose, and Forward Bends. Pranayama such as Sheetali or cooling breath will be useful.
Cooling Foods
Cooling foods like cucumber and melons, and such green leaves can be used in reducing the intensity of Pitta because they naturally reduce heat and hydrate.
Aloe Vera Juice
Aloe vera juice has cooling properties and decreases Pitta levels, thereby acting as an ideal treatment for excess Pitta. A small glass of aloe vera juice consumed in the morning calms the digestive tract.
Mint Tea
Mint tea is an effective tool for cooling the body, thus an excellent way of reducing Pitta. Drinking a glass of mint tea between meals makes you feel fresh and cools down the body temperature.
Coconut Water
Coconut water is hydrating, cooling, and full of electrolytes for perfect Pitta-balance administration. It brings down the body temperature, refreshes, and has no excess acidity.
Fennel Seeds
Fennel seeds are proven good for "cooling" the digestion. Chew on fennel seeds after you eat to help reduce acidity and bloating - two problems most of us face with Pitta.
A three-fruit Ayurvedic formula, Triphala, digests, detoxifies, and balances Pitta. Your digestion will remain good if you take Triphala powder or tablets before bed time.
Foods To Include
Foods that have cooling and soothing properties ought to be included to balance Pitta.
- Fruits Melons, grapes, apples, and pears are sweet and watery
- Vegetables: Green leafy ones, cucumbers, and broccoli
- Grains: Barley, rice, and oats
- Milk and yoghurt (especially if cooled and thinned)
- Natural sweetening agents like maple syrup and raw sugar
Foods To Avoid
Some food articles are Pitta aggravators, which needs to be reduced:
- Greasy and hot foods: Chilies, garlic, and hot spices
- Sour food substances: Fermented food items, vinegar, and citrus fruits
- Salty food substances: Excessive consumption of salty products
- Greasy and fried food: Oily and deep-fried products
- Alcohol and caffeine: Both a stimulant for Pitta and also increases the heat in the body
Hydration Tips
- Pittas must drink hydrating fluids but avoid extremely hot liquids or even caffeine.
- Drink water cool or room temperature throughout the day.
- Add a few drops of rose water or one slice of cucumber to your water for added cooling.
- Avoid iced drinks, as this can just shake up the digestion-this is Pitta.
- Herbal teas, like mint or chamomile, are so refreshing and hydrating.
How To Reduce Pitta Immediately
- Apply cooling oil: Massage Coconut oil or sandalwood oil to cool down body heat.
- Cold shower: Taking a quick cool shower can cool down.
- Deep breathing: A few minutes of Sheetali Pranayama can offer immediate relief.
- Cool down in a cool place: Anticipate the sun glare; do not consume hot, bright-lighted or high- energy activity and lie down in a quiet, shaded area.
Factors That Cause High Pitta Levels
Some way of life and diet factor increasing the Pitta levels are:
- Hot climate: This is when weather becomes hot and warm summer heat increases Pitta.
- Spicy or sour food: Regular consumption of spicy or sour food elevates Pitta.
- Too much work pressure: Overwhelming stress, strict deadlines, or higher intensity of feed Pitta.
- Inconsistent eating time: Eating late at night or not eating at all throws off digestion and yes does create Pitta.
- Over exertion: Exercise that is too intense and carried out in a hot environment increases the levels of Pitta.
Balancing Pitta Dosha involves cooling and grounding practices harmonized with your natural state of body. From simple dietary correction to mindfulness and addition of cooling foods, you find balance inside yourself and possibly reduce some common symptoms like elevated Pitta. Simple changes can reap prolonged results regarding health and comfort.
What is the fastest way to cure pitta?
Balance Pitta quickly by cooling the body with hydration, aloe vera juice, mint tea, and Sheetali Pranayama (cooling breath). Avoid spicy foods and acids, and practice quieting activities such as meditation.
Which herb reduce Pitta?
Herbs such as fennel, coriander and amalaki or Indian gooseberry reduce Pitta. Aloe vera and Triphala also successfully balance Pitta.
Does water reduce Pitta?
Yes, water, especially cool or room-temperature water, helps to decrease Pitta by hydrating and cooling the system of the body. Steer clear from very hot or ice-cold water as that can also hamper digestion.
What is the fastest way to cure pitta?
The fastest home remedies for Pitta are consuming cooling foods and drinks, avoiding heat, and practicing calming activities like yoga and meditation.
What should I drink to reduce Pitta?
Drink cooling beverages like coconut water, mint tea, and aloe vera juice to reduce Pitta Dosha symptoms.
What not to eat in Pitta dosha?
For Pitta Dosha treatment, avoid spicy, sour, and salty foods, as well as caffeinated beverages and alcohol.
How to reduce pitta headache immediately?
When asked about how to reduce Pitta immediately, apply a cool compress to the forehead, drink cold milk, and rest in a dark, cool room,
How can I get instant relief from Pitta?
Instant relief can be achieved through home remedies for Pitta, such as consuming cooling foods and drinks, applying a cool compress, and avoiding heat and stress.
How do you flush pitta from your body?
Flush Pitta Dosha symptoms by staying hydrated with water and herbal teas as well as eating easily digestible foods like fruits and vegetables.
What foods should Pitta avoid?
For Pitta Dosha treatment, one should avoid spicy, sour, salty, and processed foods to maintain balance.
What are the best home remedies for pitta headache?
The best home remedies for Pitta include applying a cool compress, massaging with coconut oil, and drinking cooling herbal teas.
Is Ashwagandha good for Pitta?
Ashwagandha can increase Pitta, so it should be used in moderation or avoided by those with elevated Pitta.
Does hot water increase Pitta?
Yes, hot water can increase Pitta by raising body heat.
Do ayurvedic medicine for pitta dosha work?
Yes, Ayurvedic medicines made from natural herbs are effective in balancing Pitta Dosha symptoms.
Explore Dr Vaidya’s range of Pitta-balancing herbal teas, cooling oils, and Ayurvedic supplements for balance and wellness. The products are designed to help you manage Pitta dosha effectively. By incorporating these remedies into your daily routine, you can achieve a more balanced lifestyle. Begin now!

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)
Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.