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Your child’s Immunity Score is B which can be improved!

Dr. Rani Iyer talks about what it means for your child to have an Immunity Score of B.

Your child may have a weak immune system. Your child’s low immunity can make them lazy, physically weak, and easily tired and even increase the chances of seasonal or chronic illnesses. Here are some of the common traits of a weak immune system:

  • They mostly follow a healthy diet
  • They may have a weak digestive system
  • They may not drink enough water
  • They frequently fall ill
  • They have a poor sleep cycle or are extremely light sleepers
  • They are fairly low in energy
  • In complex cases, children may have blood disorders like anemia, bronchitis and infections

There are chances that your child has only some of these symptoms. Scroll down to read in detail about how you can improve their health at home. You can also book a FREE Ayurvedic Doctor Consultation to understand in detail your child’s immunity and help you develop your child's immunity with safe & effective Ayurvedic medicines.

Click Here For A FREE Online Ayurvedic Consultation

If your child has B immunity, it is important that you actively focus on improving your child’s immunity. This will help them concentrate better in school, play energetically and fight illnesses. Dr. Vaidya’s has a range of products that help boost your child’s immunity naturally, including Ayurvedic MyPrash Chyawanprash , Chyawan Toffees , and Chyawan Toffees

Now, let us learn in detail about some of the key factors of immunity and natural ways to boost the immune system of your children:

1. How to improve respiratory health in kids?

Keeping your child's respiratory health in check is vital to ensure their overall well-being. Fortunately, there are some simple strategies you can use to maintain your children’s healthy breathing and lungs. Here, we answer some of the most commonly asked questions for improving your child’s respiratory health:

1) How to reduce the risk of your child catching a cold?

The primary way to reduce the risk of your child catching a cold is to teach them good hygiene habits.

Dr. Rani Iyer talks about how to reduce the risk of your child catching a cold with Ayurveda.

Along with Dr. Rani Iyer’s tips, here are a few more to help reduce the risk of your child catching a cold:

  • Encourage them to wash their hands with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Remind them to avoid touching their eyes, nose or mouth, which are the main entry points for cold and flu viruses.
  • Make sure they also cover their mouths when sneezing or coughing and that they frequently clean items like toys and tables in your home.

Read in detail on how to prevent cold with the help of ayurveda.

2) How to reduce the risk of your child getting a cough?

It is important to remember that some viruses, including the common cold and flu, can cause coughing in children.

Dr. Rani Iyer talks about how to reduce the risk of your child getting a cough with Ayurveda.

To reduce the risk of your child getting a cough, you must follow these common home remedies:

  • Make sure they get adequate sleep and drink plenty of fluids.
  • Consider investing in an air purifier for your bedroom or living room as it can help reduce airborne particles in the air.
  • You can buy high-quality masks for your child to wear when outdoors as it helps to reduce their risk of picking up germs from others.
  • Add cough remediating remedies that include consuming ginger, amla, honey and lemon, and salt water gargle.

Read about Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Dry Cough

3) What does it mean if your child feels throat pain without any cough or cold symptoms? And how to combat this issue?

Dr. Rani Iyer talks about what it means if your child has throat pain without any cough or cold symptoms and how to combat this with Ayurveda.

If your child is experiencing throat pain without any cold or cough symptoms, it’s important to have them evaluated by a doctor. Throat pain in the absence of any cold or flu symptoms could be indicative of a more serious respiratory issue such as allergies, asthma, sinusitis, or even pediatric pneumonia.

To help prevent and lower the risks of your child developing these more serious conditions, make sure to keep their bedroom free from dust and pollen, monitor their activity levels for signs of fatigue, and ensure that they are always up to date with their vaccine schedule. There is a high possibility that your child has low immunity, so you should consult your pediatrician at the earliest.

2. How to improve digestive health in kids?

Kids need to have good digestive and gut health to stay healthy and strong. To help keep your children's tummies happy and healthy, try these simple tips for improving their digestive health.

1) How to bring relief to a child experiencing constipation?

Dr. Rani Iyer talks about helping bring relief to your child experiencing constipation with Ayurveda.

If your child is experiencing constipation, it’s important to make dietary changes to help alleviate their symptoms and bring relief.

  • Increase their fibre intake with whole grains and vegetables like broccoli and up their water consumption.
  • Introduce probiotics like yogurt to their diet as they can also be beneficial to restore the natural balance in the gut.
  • Include prunes or their juices as they are a natural remedy for constipation Read More about Ayurvedic Remedies for Constipation
2) How to treat a child’s loose motions at home?

Dr. Rani Iyer talks about helping to treat a child’s loose motions at home with Ayurveda.

If your child has loose motions, encourage them to hydrate properly and remain active. Provide them with oral rehydration solutions like electrolytes, plain water or clear broths to keep their body hydrated. Your child should avoid giving sugary drinks as it can worsen the condition.

3) What are the most common causes of stomach pain in children? And how to treat or soothe the pain?

Dr. Rani Iyer talks about the common causes of stomach pain in children and how to treat the pain with Ayurveda.

Stomach pain in children can be caused by a number of things, including food allergies, constipation, infection, and irritable bowel syndrome Treatments for stomach pain depend on the underlying cause; however, some home remedies like drinking plenty of fluids or relaxing techniques such as yoga may help.

Additionally, consult our ayurvedic doctors to understand the root cause of stomach pain to provide your child with relief from the discomfort.

3. How to manage a healthy weight in kids?

A balanced and nutritious diet is essential for healthy weight in children. Instead of restricting their meals, parents should work on creating habits that promote physical activity and include nutrient-rich foods like fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains in their diets. Growing children can be underweight or overweight, depending on their diet; let us learn how you can manage a healthy weight in kids:

1) What to do if your child is overweight/obese for his or her age?

Dr. Rani Iyer talks about what to do if your child is overweight with Ayurveda.

If your child is overweight or obese, it's important to take the extra steps to ensure their digestive health is taken care of.

  • Ayurveda suggests making small dietary changes and reducing tamasic foods such as reducing sugary drinks and cutting down on fried and processed foods.nce in the gut.
  • You can increase sattvic foods to your child’s diet by increasing fibre intake with whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables. They can help you lose weight naturally.
  • Additionally, adding more physical activity into their daily routine will help improve their digestive health by aiding digestion and helping them maintain a healthy weight.

Read in Detail: Quick Tips to Lose Weight Naturally

2) How to help your child gain healthy weight?

Dr. Rani Iyer talks about helping your child gain healthy weight with Ayurveda.

To manage healthy weight in kids, ensure their diet is balanced with a variety of nutritious food. This can include whole grains, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables that provide essential vitamins, minerals and fibre, which help maintain digestive health. For kids over the age of 10, including Weight Plus by Dr. Vaidya’s in their diet routine can help improve appetite and digestion, potentially helping to promote a sustained weight gain of up to 1.2 kg/ month. In addition to mindful eating habits, regular physical activity can contribute to a child’s optimal gut health. Aim for at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity daily – such as walking or running, swimming or biking - to keep your child’s digestion working properly.

Read about How to Gain Weight naturally with Ayurveda

4.How to improve eating habits in kids?

Eating habits are a key part of children's overall health and development. Let us learn more about how to improve eating habits in kids:

1) How to get kids interested in healthy foods?

Dr. Rani Iyer talks about getting kids interested in healthy foods.

There are many ways you can introduce healthy foods to your children. Instead of relying on shortcuts like processed snacks and sugary drinks, parents can develop healthy eating habits in their kids by making positive changes to the way they shop, cook, serve food, and dine together as a family.

  • Start by involving children in the meal-planning process.
  • Ask them what kinds of food they like, and help them make healthy choices.
  • Make mealtimes fun by creating interesting shapes and textures with their food.
  • Put together a variety of different fruits or vegetables to make a colourful salad, or create mini pizzas using whole wheat dough topped with healthy ingredients like spinach, mushrooms and olives.
  • Finally, be an example for your children by eating the same healthy foods as them.
2) How to help boost your child’s appetite?

Dr. Rani Iyer talks about helping boost your child’s appetite with Ayurveda.

If your child is just being fussy, you can try healthy snacks such as fruits, cheese and nuts, as well as whole grain crackers during the day. Also, make sure your child is well-hydrated by providing them with plenty of fluids throughout the day and before meals. Finally, try setting up an enjoyable environment at meal times, such as playing soothing music or inviting friends over for dinner.

However, low appetite is one of the most common symptoms of low immunity. If your child feels tired and is still not interested in eating food, you should consult your pediatrician to understand your child’s condition at length.

Bonus Tip On Strengthening Immunity In Kids

Dr. Rani Iyer provides a bonus immunity-boosting tip for parents.

Along with these tips, you can also include MyPrash Chyawanprash For Daily Health n your child’s daily routine. MyPrash for Daily Health helps boost long-term immunity, fight seasonal allergies, improve your child’s energy level and promote their overall well-being.

But, if your child has a sweet tooth or doesn’t like the taste of chyawanprash, you can try Chyawan Toffees and Chyawan GummiesThese easy-to-consume toffees and gummies are a great alternative to chyawanprash that your child can enjoy like any other candy, all the while enjoying the health benefits of a chyawanprash.

You can buy all the mentioned products from Dr. Vaidya’s Online Ayurvedic Store

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