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Weight Management

Shilajit For Weight Loss

Published on Aug 20, 2024


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Feel the difference with the purest form of Shilajit for weight loss, sourced directly from 16,000 feet in the Himalayas. This resin is popular in Ayurveda due to the health benefits associated with weight management. With Fulvic acid and 80+ trace elements, Shilajit will get you to your weight loss target. Now, let’s see how to use Shilajit for weight loss in order to be able to lead an active and healthier lifestyle.

Understanding Weight Loss

Have you ever woken up desiring to lose weight? This feeling is normal, but how do we achieve it? Well, for weight loss, you need to improve muscle mass, decrease body fat and maintain overall health. Focus on calorie deficit, also make sure your body is receiving the right nutrients for you to be healthy. A balanced approach will require you to eat healthy food, practice regular exercise and take natural supplements like Shilajit for weight loss.

First, ensure that one is upon a calorie-deficit diet where essentially a person consumes fewer calories than the body requires to maintain an ideal weight. For example, exchange potato chips for makhana or roasted chana. Second, add regular exercise to your routine to burn extra calories, tone your body and increase stamina. Third, take natural supplements after meals, such as Shilajit for weight loss since they aid the body in metabolism. Get ready to be surprised with the benefits of Shilajit for weight loss!

How Can Shilajit Aid in Weight Loss?

Here are some ways Shilajit can help in losing excess weight.

Increases Metabolism

Shilajit for weight loss is known to increase metabolic rates by helping the body burn more calories. Having or possessing a faster metabolism, the advantage will be observed in burning fat faster and energy usage. The fulvic acid in Shilajit enables the transportation of minerals and other nutrients into the cells for enhanced energy production and proper functioning. This basically means that the metabolic rate, at which the body burns more calories while resting or when one is involved in various physical activities, increases.

Helps in Fighting Cravings

Shilajit helps keep blood sugar levels balanced in the body and reduces the cravings caused by stress. Thus, it can help to avoid overeating and maintain healthier eating habits. Shilajit also helps avoid peaks and troughs that normally lead to eating binges on sugary or high-carb foods. In addition, its adaptogenic effects make the body more capable of adapting to stress, which is the normal trigger for both emotional eating and cravings.

Boosts Energy Levels

Fulvic acid in Shilajit aids the efficient absorption of nutrients, which accounts for the increase in energy levels. Having more energy will obviously help one work out better and burn more calories. Shilajit enhances the mitochondria function of cells, making it better to produce energy within the cells.

Lowers Body Fat

Shilajit benefits for weight loss by increasing the metabolic rate with the breakdown of stored fat. This not only helps in reducing body fat but also prevents further accumulation. Active compounds in Shilajit promote lipolysis, a process that breaks down fats into free fatty acids. Later, these are used as a source of energy. Hence, stored body fat is decreased while the formation of new fat is prevented.

Builds Muscle Mass

Shilajit supports muscle recovery and growth, which is very important in a toned physique. This can help raise the metabolic rate of resting, thereby allowing the burn of more calories even while resting. Amino acids and minerals in Shilajit aid in the repair of muscles and their growth; hence, it becomes an excellent supplement for people who do strength training or resistance exercises. With a greater amount of muscle mass comes the potential to achieve a higher basal metabolic rate, which burns more calories throughout the day.

How to Include Shilajit in a Weight Loss Regimen?

Shilajit Resin

If you want to know how to take Shilajit for weight loss, the simple way is to consume a Shilajit resin by just dissolving it in warm water or milk. Take once or twice a day, starting with a pea-sized amount and gradually increasing as per tolerance or benefits observed. This way, Shilajit for weight loss will provide maximized health benefits in your fitness journey.

Shilajit Powder

Shilajit powder is easy to use, mix it into a smoothie or juice or warm beverage. Take 300–500 mg daily and have it consistently for better results. This method is the best Shilajit for weight loss, easy-to-take and convenient form. Add it to your daily routine to get the best results.

Shilajit Capsule

Include India’s first-ever Shilajit Softgel Gold Capsules to support your weight management. Take one to two capsules per day are recommended. These capsules are perfect for those who want a no-fuss option while guaranteeing the intake of the strong, medicinal properties that Shilajit offers. Each capsule contains a standardised dose of Shilajit, which can easily be added to your daily regime and is perfect for those with active lifestyles.

Conclusion: Is Shilajit Right for Your Weight Loss Journey?

Shilajit helps boost metabolism, crush unhealthy cravings and increase all-day energy levels. One would think that this is just what is needed to kickstart a weight loss regime and Shilajit works well when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Talk to a medical professional before you start taking any new supplements, especially if you’re on medication or have any ailment. Shilajit for weight loss provides a holistic approach and works well to burn stubborn fat through sustainable means. Include it to your routine now!


How should I take Shilajit for weight loss?

Take Shilajit in the form of resin, powder or capsule. Follow the recommended dosage and consult a doctor if you have a prevailing disease or are on medication.

Can Shilajit be combined with other supplements for weight loss?

Yes, you can include Shilajit for weight loss with other supplements, but it’s advisable to talk to a medical professional before starting the course.

Are there any side effects of using Shilajit for weight loss?

No, Shilajit for weight loss is free from known side effects. In a few cases, it may cause indigestion or allergy, so follow the recommended dosage or consult a doctor before its use.

Is Shilajit safe for everyone to use for weight loss?

Yes, everyone from pregnant ladies to those who have any sort of chronic health condition or are on some form of medication can use Shilajit for weight loss. However, it is advisable to consult with a doctor before using the same.

How long does it take to see weight loss results with Shilajit?

Results vary depending on the individual’s health, diet, and amount of physical activity. However, take the recommended dosage for 3 months and you will see results. Feel the power of Ayurveda with Dr Vaidya’s Shilajit Resin Softgel Gold Capsules, designed for weight management and overall well-being. These capsules are so convenient to get the dosage of pure Himalayan Shilajit for weight loss. It also helps burn extra calories and stubborn unwanted fat, making you feel fantastic and fit. So, start your fitness journey and achieve your weight loss goals in a healthy way!

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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