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Home Remedies For Hyperacidity

Published on Sep 02, 2024


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Home Remedies For Hyperacidity

Ever felt that burning sensation in your chest? Well, then you might be having hyperacidity. It keeps you in a restless state, but home remedies may prevent it. Let's dive in!

What Are The Symptoms & Causes Of Hyperacidity?

Common symptoms include:

  1. Heartburn: A burning sensation felt in the chest, which a patient generally experiences after eating.
  2. Regurgitation: Sour, acidic taste or fluid backing up into the mouth.
  3. Indigestion and feeling nauseous
  4. Sour Mouth: An unpleasant sour taste of acid in the mouth.

There are several causes to explain why some people are very acidic in nature:

  1. Diet: Eating spicy, fatty, or acidic foods triggers acid reflux.
  2. Lifestyle: Smokers, heavy drinkers, and individuals who consume large-sized meals are likely to be acidic.
  3. Stress: Excess stress will, rather than anything else, affect digestion and the increase of acid production.
  4. Obesity: increase in weight will add to the extra pressure from the stomach, which then pushes up the acids into the esophagus, eventually spilling into the mouth.
  5. Pregnancy: both the pressure from the expanding uterus as well as hormonal changes might increase acid reflux.

Home Remedies for Hyperacidity

Fennel Seeds

Not only this, but the digestion properties of fennel seeds are also very famous that help in reducing hyperacidity. You can consume one teaspoon of fennel seed right after every meal in order to soothe the tract and reduce as much acid as possible that might exit your stomach. Remedies for hyperacidity include the use of fennel seed tea for added relief.


Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, which soothe the stomach and prevent acid reflux. Make ginger tea by boiling fresh ginger slices in water or add ginger to your food.

Basil Leaves

Basil leaves relieve hyperacidity by calming the stomach and other digestive organs. A few basil leaves chewed or taken with some tea can give a person good relief from acidity and may improve digestion. As a home treatment for hyperacidity, basil has some anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, helping further in the normal digestive functions of the body.

Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV probably has the least scientific explanation for its balancing out of stomach acid levels. Mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of ACV in a glass of water and sip throughout the day or drink it a few minutes before meals. Be sure to get raw, unfiltered ACV.


Buttermilk will act as a natural coolant to the stomach. It will also help in neutralizing excess acid which may be formed in the stomach. A glass of cold buttermilk is going to bring instant relief from hyperacidity. Since it is a probiotic drink, it also helps to relieve digestion and provide for healthy gut development, thus attaining the status of a home cure for hyperacidity.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera is a herb known to have a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect when consumed. This could be one of the homemade juices for drinking. It would help in over-acidity by reducing irritations in the stomach and the esophagus. A small amount of its juice before every meal can help in controlling hyperacidity.


Bananas are low in acid and can help coat the stomach’s inner walls, reducing irritation from too much acid. Eating one ripe or raw banana serves as a home treatment for hyperacidity and with time, symptoms of heartburn and ulcers tend to decrease.

Cold Milk

Neutralizing extra acid in the stomach, which could cause hyperacidity, cold milk soothes anybody suffering from the disease. It is tasted and found to be an instantaneous reliever. One can drink a glass of cold milk to ameliorate the burning sensations and discomfort occurring from acid reflux.

Cumin Seeds

Cumin seeds are also considered in the process of digestion and can prove to be helpful in preventing acidity. You can chew one teaspoon of cumin seeds either during the meals or after consuming your food; the otherwise brew of cumin seeds tea after having your meals. Besides, cumin seeds play a specific role in the process of digestion and can be quite helpful in preventing bloating and gas formation.


Cloves help reduce hyperacidity by chewing 2-3 pieces of cloves since cloves contain both anti-inflammatory and anti-acidic capabilities. Another way of using cloves as one of the home remedies for hyperacidity is to drink clove tea every day by boiling water and adding cloves.

Other Lifestyle Recommendations to Prevent Hyperacidity

Some other recommendations from preventing and coping with hyperacidity are as follows:

  1. Eating in small quantities: Eating in small proportions with intervals instead of three heavy meals. Overeating has a tendency to put more pressure on the digestive system.
  2. Avoiding Trigger Foods: Look out for spicy and fatty foods that trigger the acid backflow into the throat.
  3. Enough hydration: Drink plenty of water so that it easily goes down your food pipe and aids digestion by diluting and neutralizing enough of the stomach acid.
  4. Avoid having dinner late: Have dinner at later times of the day and not at bedtime as much as possible.
  5. Manage Stress: Use stress management techniques, including those involving meditation, yoga, and deep breathing, to relieve stress, since the brain and the gut interact much more than we can.
Acidity relief: ayurvedic medicine for acidity


While hyperacidity is really very disturbing, it can easily be kept under control by small home remedies and lifestyle changes. Adopt these natural remedies into your daily routine, and adopt small, conscious alterations in the way you eat, think, and live for optimal digestive health.


What is the cause of hyperacidity?

Hyperacidity occurs due to various reasons. Some of the common ones are change in dietary and lifestyle habits of a person, stress, obesity, and some medical conditions. The common triggers for this include spicy, fatty, acidic foods, while on the other hand, smoking and alcohol can aggravate things further.

What are the don’ts for hyperacidity?

Cut out those foods and drinks that appear to leave you feeling acidic or gassy, like spicy and fatty foods, citrus juices, caffeine, and alcohol. Also, stay away from heavy meals and lying down soon after lunch or dinner.

Which foods trigger hyperacidity?

Most of the foods that provoke hyperacidity are fundamentally spicy, fried, and fatty foods—the same ones as citrus fruits, tomatoes, chocolate, caffeinated beverages, and alcohol.

How can hyperacidity be cured?

Although the right home remedies and changes in lifestyle may provide relief from hyperacidity, actually you can switch over to some of the natural treatments like fennel seeds, ginger, buttermilk.

Struggling with hyperacidity? Check out Dr Vaidya’s digestive care medicines to help with the condition. Get your hands on Acidity Relief Capsules and Acidity Care Effervescent for fast and long-lasting relief. Include foods to eat in acidity like whole grains, carrots, and leafy greens to your meals and begin your journey to better health with our Ayurveda regimens!

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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