By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

A stronger immune system can help protect you from getting sick. But what if you or a family member are prone to falling ill? How to improve immunity power in such cases?
Well, in this blog, we will explore the different ways to improve immunity power. But before jumping to the ways to strengthen your immune system, let’s better understand the basics of immunity and how it affects our health.
What is Immunity?

Immunity is the body’s ability to protect itself from infectious disease-causing pathogens like bacteria and viruses. Being immune to a disease means that you can be exposed to it without getting infected.
There are several natural immunity types that protect you from the harmful pathogens your body is exposed to on a daily basis.
Types of immunity
- Innate immune system is the innate protection you are born with. This includes physical barriers like the skin and general immune responses like inflammation.
- Passive immune system is the immunity that your body gains by borrowing antibodies. This includes, how a baby gets antibodies through the placenta or from the mother’s breast milk.
- Adaptive immune system is when your body develops antibodies for a specific antigen when you are exposed to it. This includes, when you are exposed to an infection or when you get a vaccine.
What Does your Immune System Actually Do?
The immune system is a combination of different organs, proteins, and cells that work together in the body to:
- Protect you from outside invaders like viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites, toxins, etc
- Recognize and neutralize harmful substances in the environment trying to enter the body.
- Combat cancer cells and other disease-causing changes in the body.
Why is your Immune System Important?

Your immune system is one of those things that you don’t notice when it is working well. But if for any reason, it stops working or you have an immune deficiency, you’re bound to fall ill. If you are falling ill very frequently, your immunity might be at risk here. Hence, it becomes important to know how to improve your immunity power to reduce the chances of frequently falling ill.
Since the immune system is responsible for protecting your body from harmful pathogens, it needs to be working well. As it is made up of several organs, cells and proteins, they all need to be in good shape to make sure your immune system is performing as it should.
What is a Weak Immune System?
Having a weak immune system means your body is not able to effectively fight off pathogens, as compared to others who have a stronger immune system.
- A weak immune system can be caused by malnutrition, certain genetic disorders, and some diseases.
- A few treatments and medications like radiation therapy, anticancer drugs, and steroids can temporarily weaken your immune system to cause immune deficiency.
- Organ or stem cell transplants also temporarily result in a compromised immune system.
How to Improve Immunity Power Naturally?
Yes, it is possible to improve your immune power naturally. While there is no magic pill that can make your immune system bulletproof, there are ways through which you can gradually learn how to improve your immunity power. You can aid your immune system to be stronger and better equipped to fight off pathogens.
Here’s a list of 6 ways you can improve your natural immunity:
1. Quality sleep revitalizes your immunity

Your body needs sleep to recover, recharge, and revitalize itself. Without sufficient rest, your body and mind become sluggish and you get sick more often. This is because sleep is very important for a healthy immune system. When you are sleeping, your body creates infection-fighting molecules that bolster your immunity.
So, give your body the rest it needs to recharge your immune system.
2. Stay hydrated for a healthier immune system

You must stay hydrated to work optimally. Lymph is a fluid in the circulatory system that carries infection-fighting immune cells throughout the body and is largely made up of water. Being dehydrated can slow the lymph down and disrupt your innate immune system.
So, be sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, especially during the summer.
3. Exercising regularly supports your immunity

There is a reason exercising is always recommended by doctors when it comes to maintaining good health. Along with getting physically fit and naturally destressing, exercise is one of the best answers for how to improve immunity power.
Exercising and physical activities boost blood circulation. This allows infection-fighting molecules to circulate quickly throughout the body, improving your immune function. It doesn’t take spending hours at the gym to get this benefit. Only 30 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise at home can stimulate your natural immunity.
So, stay active with regular exercise to keep your body and immunity in fighting shape.
4. Manage your stress for a sound immune system

Stress can have a significant impact on your immune system. Being in chronic stress can put your body in a state of ‘stress response.’ This is where your body prepares to handle stressful situations that you may encounter. However, this also causes your immune system to be suppressed.
The only way to deal with this is to destress and relax your mind. Exercising, mediation and deep breathing are tried and tested ways to reduce stress levels.
So, learn yoga or meditation, so that you can better manage your stress for a stronger immune system.
5. Eat healthily for a stronger immune system

The type and quality of food you eat regularly can have an impact on your immune system. Eating plenty of veggies, fruits, whole grains, legumes, healthy fats, and lean proteins can strengthen your immune system. These foods contain plenty of fibres, carbohydrates, healthy fats, and vitamins that support a healthier you!
In addition, probiotics like those found in yoghurt not only support healthy gut bacteria levels but also promote stronger immune power.
So, stick to a healthy diet if you want to naturally support and strengthen your immune system.
6. Ayurvedic medicines and supplements to boost the immune system

The market is awash with supplements, drinks, and other products that claim to supercharge your immunity within days. However, the reality is that most of those supplements to boost the immune system have no credible proof.
We recommend picking an immunity booster that is time-tested with a solid track record like Giloy, Ashwagandha, or Chyawanprash. Ayurvedic formulations that have been around for a long time are great as we know that they work. You can choose Ayurvedic medicines for immunity or pick herbal supplements, as long as you support them with the right diet and lifestyle choice for a stronger immune system.
So, while there are supplements and Ayurvedic medicines that can boost your immune system, be sure to do your research first.
7. Chyawanprash boosts immune power for the whole family

If you are looking for something for the whole family, consider traditionally prepared Chyawanprash. This tasty and nutritious mixture contains Ayurvedic ingredients like Amla that protects from frequent illnesses, Haritaki that improves digestion, Pippali that boosts immunity, and Gokshur that boosts energy levels.
Chyawanprash also stimulates your natural immunity to fight seasonal infections, as well as protect the body from harmful pathogens. While classic Chyawanprash is available, diabetics should consider sugar-free Chyawanprash. In fact, there is also a new Chyawanprash for new mothers, that has just been introduced. This Chyawnprash for post-delivery care is specially formulated to help speed up post-delivery recovery and promote milk production.
So, if you want a simple and easy way to strengthen your family’s immunity, buy Chyawanprash.
Actionable Steps on How to Improve Immunity Power?
The threat of the pandemic has made everyone aware of the importance of our immune system. It is also why there are so many immunity-boosting claims being made by every other product that’s released, which can make it confusing on what to buy.
As an expert in Ayurved with over 150 years of Ayurvedic heritage, we believe your first step for a stronger immunity should be getting enough sleep and staying hydrated.
Why these two?
Well, it's because these two are the easiest steps you can take to see results quickly. In addition, following the right immunity-boosting diet while taking Ayurvedic medicine for immunity should also be considered.

We recommend Chyawanprash as the perfect natural immunity booster for the whole family. Chyawanprash has been around for thousands of years and has helped millions with a weak immune system.
These days, you can also get specially-formulated Chyawanprash products like MyPrash for Diabetes Care with sugar-regulating herbs and MyPrash for Post-Pregnancy Care with herbs that promote recovery for new mothers.
Regardless of which way you want to go, make sure you get started with improving your immunity power immediately!

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)
Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.