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Immunity & Wellness

Ayurveda vs COVID-19

Published on Mar 24, 2020


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Ayurveda vs COVID-19

The world finds itself in an increasingly difficult situation today due the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. According to the World Health Organisation, novel coronavirus (nCov) has to be symptomatically managed for severe acute respiratory infection if and when a strain of MERS-CoV (coronavirus) infection is suspected. 

The Ministry of Ayurved, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa and Homoeopathy (Ayush) has issued an advisory recommending possible ayurvedic treatments. Even for the additionally vulnerable, and those with a severe respiratory infection (SARI), Ayurved can play a key role if a nCoV infection is suspected. Ayurved plays a major role in symptomatic management and preventive care.

The greatness of Ayurvedic medicines and kitchen remedies in that they buttress your immune system to help the body fight against viral attack. Ayurved is also the safest, most efficient and natural way of self-healing. It can be put to good use by anyone of any background, and using ingredients stocked on your kitchen shelf. 

Here are a few Ayurvedic remedies that are recommended by Dr Surya Bhagwati, an authority on Ayurved with more than 25 years of experience.

1. Giloy (roughly the size of a bhindi) + Tulsi ([basil], 6 leaves) + Ginger (1/2 tsp.) + Kali Mirch ([black pepper], 4-6 peppercorns)

- Crush them all together.

- Grind them and make herbal tea out of it, mixing it with honey and drinking it. Giloy is a plant commonly available and can be grown in plantations or at home. It can control cough, fever and support immunity. Ginger and black pepper act like natural anti-biotics, anti-viral and also break the phlegm and congestion and clear off the lungs. 

2. A High-Quality Immunity Booster

- Use Ayurvedic supplement rich in herbs like amla which is a great source of Vitamin C

- E.g Dr. Vaidya’s Chyawan Tabs (Chyawanprash tablets) for adults and Chakaash (Chyawanprash Toffees for kids) 

- It is an ideal remedy to increase lung capacity and immunity power and help prevent respiratory distress. 

3. Licorice infusion, Guduchi Arishtam, Trikatu Churna (Pippali, Kaali Mirch, Shunthi) and real Saindhava Lavan salt

- Take 5 grams of Trikatu Churna and add 3-5 leaves of tulsi, grind them well and mix with 1 litre of water.

- Boil them together till it reduces to half of its volume.

- Drink the tonic in small portions throughout the day, as an excellent remedy for lung decongestion. 

4. Nasal Oils

- To keep the nasal passage clear, we can use the Nasya treatment which means using oil as nasal drops.

- 4-6 drops of mustard oil can be used for nasal decongestion and prevention of bacteria and viruses from entering through nasopharynges. 

- You can also make a homemade recipe combining 50 mL of sesame oil with half tsp. of turmeric (haldi) and gently heat them together and dissolve.

- Put the mixture in small bottles and use as nasal drops.

- 4 drops twice a day in each nostril on an empty stomach would be a good remedy for nasal decongestion, preventing allergies and dealing with a runny nose. 

5. Cloves (2 pieces) + 1 elaichi (green cardamom) + 1 tikki of karpoor + 1 flower of javitri

- Wrap them all together in a small piece of cloth and keep it in your pocket.

- Its smell will ward off bacteria and pathogens and ensure that the environment around you is pathogen-free.

Using some of the protocols (for drying up mucous) disrupts bacterial and viral capsids. They act like liver protectors and lung cleaners; in that they clean out mucous from capillaries and alveoli of lung fibre. It is crucial to make this part of your preventative at such times.

6. ADVANCED: Several Ras Aushadhis

- Agasthya Haritaki Rasayan, Tribhuvan Kirti Ras (for fever and body aches) can also be used for coughs, colds, a running nose and bronchodilation. 

- Laxmi Vilas Ras is another option for increasing immunity and running nose. Vasa Valeha paste can also be used for asthmatic patients.

- Chitrak Haritaki Avaleh can also be used for prevention and treatment in acute emergency conditions. 

While one must be careful when using Ras Aushadhis (take advice from a qualified and experienced Ayurvedic physician), kitchen remedies can be safely used by the common citizen. 


The beauty of Ayurved is that is permits you to self-manage your health through both a preventative and curative approach, and through natural and inexpensive means. Please feel free to re-use and share this as you see fit, for the benefit of others. 

We wish you the best during these challenging times. Stay safe!

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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