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Benefits of Kegel Exercises for Men

Published on Aug 26, 2023

Benefits of Kegel Exercises for Men

What Are the Benefits of Kegel Exercises for Men

Our pelvic muscles are some of the most important muscles in our body. They are located between the tailbone and the pubic bone within the pelvis. They support important organs such as the bowel and bladder, consequently having a significant impact on our basic and daily activities. Moreover, the pelvic floor plays an important role in sexual functions for men and women. 

Pelvic floor strengthening and kegel exercises are often associated with women, especially during pregnancy. However, there are several benefits of kegel exercises for men. Kegel exercises can benefit males sexually by helping erections and other dysfunctions. Moreover, they strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, helping you last longer and increase your stamina. Let’s look at the various benefits of kegel exercises for men! 

Benefits of Kegels for Men: Sexual Dysfunction

One of the many benefits of kegel exercises for men is its ability to help with sexual dysfunctions such as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. When kegel exercises are done properly, they can activate the bulbocavernosus muscle. This muscle plays a role in blood flow, further helping with erections. Pelvic floor muscles can be activated through many exercises. One of the most common kegel exercises for erectile dysfunction and pelvic floor strengthening exercises is the bridge position. This exercise can be performed by men or women to strengthen their pelvic floor.

  • Lay on your back. Your hands should rest by your sides. Bend your knees and ensure your feet are placed on the floor. Exhale and squeeze your pelvic floor muscles for a few seconds, and inhale and let go. 

However, while strengthening pelvic floor muscles may improve your sexual well-being, you can also incorporate ayurvedic practices and remedies. Ayurvedic herbs such as shilajit and ashwagandha are natural remedies to sexual dysfunctions. Shilajit resin is a natural and pure substance sourced from the Himalayas that can help you last longer in bed and improve your sexual wellness. It helps improve stamina and strength, further helping you last longer. However, some people may not enjoy the taste of pure shilajit resin; Dr. Vaidya’s ayurvedic experts have developed a shilajit resin soft gel capsule, which makes the consumption of shilajit hassle-free!

Benefits of Kegels for Men: Pelvic Floor Health

Benefits of kegel exercises for men are not only related to sexual performance. While kegel exercises for men to last longer in bed are effective, there are other benefits of kegels. Pelvic muscles help some of the most important organs and functions in our body; consequently, strong pelvic muscles contribute to overall health and well-being. 

Kegel exercises can be used to aid problems related to pelvic floor dysfunction, such as the inability to relax and coordinate your pelvic muscles to have a bowel movement. Such problems can lead to incontinence or straining during bowel movements, which can eventually lead to fissures or piles. While there are several home remedies for haemorrhoids and fissures, including dietary and lifestyle changes, these may not be effective if the root cause of these problems is a weak pelvic floor. Consequently, the above-mentioned examples of kegel exercises can be beneficial to individuals suffering from bowel-related problems as well.

Individuals suffering from frequent urination or incontinence may also reap the benefits of pelvic floor exercises. Kegel exercises to improve sexually target the same muscles involved in urination. Consequently, strengthening these muscles can help with frequent urination and leakage. 

Ayurvedic Treatment for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

While there are several benefits of kegel exercises for men, and incorporating them into your routine can be beneficial, considering a holistic approach is vital. Ayurveda attempts to treat illnesses by adopting a holistic approach. This includes making changes in dietary and other lifestyle factors. Kegel exercises for premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction may be effective in strengthening pelvic floor muscles and aiding these problems, but they may not provide long-term relief. Ayurveda lays emphasis on finding the root cause of the problem and dealing with it effectively. For instance, poor mental health, stress, anxiety and depression may be causing sexual dysfunction. Regular consumption of unhealthy foods, alcohol and tobacco may also contribute to poor sexual wellness. It is integral to identify these causes and deal with them effectively.

Moreover, ayurvedic herbs and medicines can be included in your daily routine to deal with sexual dysfunction. Shilajit is an ayurvedic herb known for its benefits on sexual health. Shilajit increases strength and stamina, combats fatigue and increases power. Using shilajit along with kegel exercises for men to last longer can significantly improve your sexual wellness. 

To learn more about ayurveda, visit Dr. Vaidya’s!

FAQs on Kegel Exercises for Men

What are the benefits of kegel exercises for men?

Benefits of kegel exercises include aiding sexual function, incontinence and straining during bowel movements. Weak or tight pelvic muscles can cause sexual dysfunctions and other problems. By strengthening these muscles, symptoms of sexual dysfunctions such as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction can be reduced.

What are some examples of kegel exercises?

A bridge position where your back is on the floor, knees are bent and hands are to the side is a common kegel exercise. You need to tighten the pelvic muscles for a few seconds and then release. Another simple pelvic exercise can be done by sitting or sleeping. Simply tighten your pelvic muscles for a few seconds and release. Repeat this a few times.

What is ayurvedic treatment for pelvic floor dysfunction?

Pelvic floor dysfunction can cause problems like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation in men. Ayurvedic remedies like shilajit can be used to reduce these symptoms. Moreover, including pelvic floor strengthening exercises such as kegels and consuming healthy foods are recommended by ayurveda.

 How to strengthen pelvic floor muscles?

Pelvic floor muscles can be strengthened by incorporating kegel exercises. These exercises target the pelvic floor muscles. A simple pelvic exercise can be done by sitting or sleeping. Tighten your pelvic muscles for a few seconds and release. Repeat this a few times. 

Do Kegels increase male stamina?

Kegels may increase stamina and strength in men. Regular practice of kegel exercises may also help men perform better sexually and last longer in bed.

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