By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Maintaining blood sugar within normal range is an aspect of overall health, but it becomes vital as you grow old. Keeping a balance in glucose levels prevents diabetes, and heart disease and just makes you feel good. Let’s explore more about what is sugar level of a normal person!
What Is Blood Sugar?
Blood sugar is a type of sugar in your blood, from the foods you consume. This is mainly the source of energy in your body; without blood sugar, cells, muscles, and other organs simply cannot function right. Your body regulates the level of blood sugar by acting through insulin, a chemical produced by the pancreas. By keeping sugar level normal range, one can avoid some very serious health conditions, like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and neuropathy.
What Are Normal Blood Sugar Levels?
Don’t we all always wonder what is a normal sugar level for a person? Well, a normal blood sugar level range will vary at any given time depending on age, time of day, and food intake. The normal blood sugar levels chart also varies depending on the elements involved. Being aware of what range would be appropriate will provide a healthier opportunity to monitor and maintain your health.
Fasting Plasma Glucose
Fasting blood sugar is always taken when a person has not been able to eat for at least 8 hours. A normal amount of fasting blood sugar falls between a range of:
⮚ Children and teens under 18: 70 to 100 mg/dL
⮚ Adults (18 to 65 years): 70 to 100 mg/dL
⮚ Seniors (65+ years): 80 to 120 mg/dL
Increased values may be associated with insulin resistance and diabetes.
After Meal / 2-Hour Plasma Glucose
The measurement is taken after two hours of having food. It is a normal phenomenon for the blood glucose level to rise after eating and also lessen in two hours.
⮚ Children and Teenagers (less than 18 years): less than 140 mg/dL⮚ Adults (18 to 65 years): Less than 140 mg/dL
⮚ Seniors (65+ years): Less than 160 mg/dL
A1C is a test that reflects your average blood glucose over the past 2 to 3 months. The A1C is the primary blood test to help detect prediabetes and diagnose diabetes.
⮚ Kids and teens (below 18 years): Below 5.7%
⮚ Adults (18 to 65 years): Below 5.7%
⮚ Seniors (above 65 years): Below 6.5%
Ideally, it should be below 5.7% but is somewhat higher in most aged individuals.
How Is Blood Sugar Usually Tested?
Generally, blood sugar can be measured by several techniques: the most common techniques known are as follows:
- Finger-prick test: A small drop of blood is applied to a test strip. Upon insertion into a device called a glucose meter, the latter gives the level of a person’s blood glucose.
- Continuous glucose monitor: This system can be attached to the skin and measures blood glucose throughout the day.
- A1C test: It’s a lab test that provides a picture of your blood sugar over several months. Regular screening is highly important to keep tabs on your health, particularly in case of a family medical history of diabetes and also due to some other risk factors.
Fasting vs. Non-Fasting Blood Sugar Levels
Your levels of blood sugar when fasting are usually lower, for the measurements are usually taken when the body has not been in the process of digestion. Such a test also provides a better indication of how well the body controls glucose without influences from foods consumed. On the other hand, non-fasting blood sugar is taken following eating; it is usually referred to as postprandial glucose. These may be different based on the kinds of food taken in, the quantity one has eaten, and how the body acts on insulin. In this regard, you might have a full view of your health by monitoring both your blood sugar levels on an empty stomach and after eating.
Factors That Can Affect Blood Sugar Levels
Why Your Blood Sugar Level May Be High?
- Diet high in refined sugars and carbs: Such foods tend to cause a rapid increase in blood glucose.
- Lack of exercise: Physical activity makes cells absorb the glucose from the bloodstream.
- Stress: The surge in stress hormones can precipitate a release of glucose into the blood.
- Sickness or infection: Your body may dump excess glucose into the blood as a natural response to illness.
- Drugs: Certain drugs, such as steroids, maybe the culprit drugs responsible for making your blood sugar go up.
Why Your Blood Sugar Level May Be Low?
- Not eating: If you do not eat, then the amount of blood sugar in your system can become too low.
- Over-exercise without energy replacement: It’s possible that long, intensive exercise can make the level of blood sugar fall.
- Alcohol intake: In some, alcohol interferes with glucose production which sometimes leads to an extreme drop in blood sugar.
Some medications include insulin and diabetes medications, which at times tend to lower the blood sugar a bit too much.
Preventing diabetes, along with regular checkups, a healthy diet, and an active lifestyle can go a long way in maintaining sugar level normal range. One should reduce alcohol intake, and excessive intake of carbs, avoid stressful situations and get quality sleep to keep diabetes at bay.
What is the ideal blood sugar level by age?
Generally speaking, there is little change in blood sugar levels due to age, but for most adults and children, it goes between 70 to 100 mg/dL, and for seniors, approximately 80 to 120 mg/dL.
What is the best way to maintain blood sugar levels?
The blood sugar level should be kept in order with a proper diet, regular exercise, and avoiding stressors. More consumption of whole foods, fruits rich in fiber, and vegetables will reduce the consumption of processed sugars.
What is the acceptable A1C level by age?
Normal A1C level usually ranges below 5.7 % in adults as well as in the young generation. This can go up to 6.5 % in the older ones.
What are the symptoms of high blood sugar levels?
The general symptoms include frequent urination, excessive thirst, fatigue, and slow healing of wounds.
Should I worry about blood sugar if I don’t have diabetes?
Even if you have no diabetes, you need to be aware of the rate of your blood sugar. Continuous blood sugar spikes can develop into insulin resistance and prediabetes amongst all other health complications.
Struggling with how to control blood sugar levels naturally? Check out the exclusive range of Dr Vaidya’s Ayurvedic products like Diabex juice, Diabex capsules and MyPrash for diabetes care that are specifically formulated for natural blood sugar management. Crafted using Amla, Gokshur, Gudmar and Jamun, these sugar-free solutions should be a part of your wellness routine. Get yours today!

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)
Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.