Coronavirus Safety Precautions : How To Shop Safely During COVID 19

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Daily Wellness

Shopping for Essentials? Take these Precautions

Published on Apr 09, 2020


By Dr. Surya Bhagwati
Chief In- House Doctor
BAMS, DHA, DHHCM, DHBTC | 30+ Years of Experience

Shopping for Essentials? Take these Precautions

Safety precaution Tips during Corona Crisis: With global lockdowns and all of us being home, we must be very vigilant when we do step out for those essentials that we need. While it is most advisable to stay home completely, one may need essentials like to everyday groceries and medicines for basic sustenance.

The first choice is of course to go out, and use online stores if available (although this may also have its own supply chain issues). Many societies are also organizing deliveries to flats, or having a vendor come into the society. While these solutions can be used by some, there are certain cases where one has to go out.

corona virus crisis, it is important to take safety precaution . So, what should be do to protect ourselves and others when shopping for essentials?

Make sure you must follow these safety precautions to beat the corona virus before take that step out the door.

  • Carry your own shopping bags.
  • Wear, as far as possible, the same clothes you always do when you go out. As far as possible, wear long trousers/dresses/joggers etc and also wear long sleeved tops.
  • Most important, wear your mask, as soon as you step out. Doesn’t have to be the fancy ones, a simple cloth one made at home will do, as long as it covers your mouth and nose. Most importantly, make sure the mask is new or clean (has been washed). 
  • Take gloves, to handle the items you are buying and in case you touch anyone or anything.
  • Wear footwear which is comfortable and if possible washable.
  • Try not to carry a purse, either a wallet or loosed money/cards in your pocket are the best.
  • Pocket sanitizers to use 2-3 times during visit.
  • Wash your hands before you go out when you go out and come back home.
  • Try your best not to touch your face with your hands or with gloves while out.

Once you reach your shop/supermarket of choice. You will probably have to wait in line to get in. As far as possible try to keep it to one of you going in, though if you are 2 persons, do not wait in the same circle/box if drawn on the pavement, take one box each . Please make sure you are at least 5-7 feet away from the person in front and from the person behind. Maintaining this social distancing is necessary, If the shop is not having an organized line up system, think about going to another shop or maintain the distancing yourself regardless of whether the shop is maintaining it. 

If  possible, and if available, pre order and pickup, or order at the door and request them to give you the items. If this is not possible, go inside and get what you leave as soon as possible. Try your best not to browse and cause crowding. Remember, this is essentials and even this small safety precaution from your end can save everyone around you corona virus (COVID 19). . 

Once back home, change your clothes and ensure that you keep footwear outside. Wash your hands with soap and if possible take a shower to ensure maximum cleanliness so as to not risk others in the home. For items in plastic, tetra packs or carton packaging , wipe them down using normal cleaning detergent in a cloth/sponge. For vegetables, wash them with water, as you can with eggs. Medicine packets/bottles strips should also be wiped down and sanitized.

At this point, all we can say is stay patient, stay safe and stay immunized .

Dr. Surya Bhagwati
BAMS (Ayurveda), DHA (Hospital Admin), DHHCM (Health Management), DHBTC (Herbal Beauty and Cosmetology)

Dr. Surya Bhagwati is an established, well-known Ayurvedic expert with over 30 years of experience in treating and consulting in the field of Ayurveda. She is known for the timely, efficient, and patient-centred delivery of quality health care. The patients under her care receive a unique holistic treatment comprising not only medicinal treatment but also spiritual empowerment.

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